Test you car's air cleaner filter for radiactivity.

This service is free.

Vehicle air filters are being tested for contamination at no charge. The following information must be provided:

1. Primary region (city/state) where the vehicle was typically driven when the air filter was used
2. Make/model of the vehicle
3. Estimated number of miles the vehicle was driven using the air filter provided for testing

Go to http://airfiltertesting.blogspot.com for the links to an online map and Excel spreadsheet used to track vehicle air filter locations and readings. Results can also be provided to the sender via email and/or phone call upon request at no charge. This project will help track any deterioration in air quality in terms of radioactive fallout in the continental U.S. over time and relative location.

Vehicle air filters will be accepted from locations within the continental United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) via standard mail only. Used vehicle air filters can be shipped to the following address:

5425 39TH ST NW
Washington, D.C.

Updated results will be posted as soon as possible, typically the same day a sample is received. If you have any questions concerning this project, send an email to airfiltertesting@gmail.com or call 202-905-0530.
