safety shut off valve on the leaking methane well in Porter Ranch was REMOVED
in 1979 and NOT replaced. As of now, 2.3 percent of the state's
entire carbon footprint is coming from one hole in the ground above
Porter Ranch12/26/2015 -
- -
Porter Ranch Methane Leak now being compared
to the BP Gulf blowout in 2010. It just has not ignited.....yet.
Local hearings
revealed the area sits on an 85 billion cubit feet natural storage
cavity which supplies all of Southern California.
Governor Jerry
Brown's sister sits on the board of directors of SoCal Gas.
The epicenter of the
1994 Northridge earthquake was 6 miles away
MoonBeam Jerry Brown goes
to Paris to blame my 24 year old Honda that failed
smog by 1 part per million for causing global climate change, while
his own state nears blowing up from a gas well leak.
Class action lawsuit
filed by residents who had to evacuate with no government assistance. 12/12/2015
you get your $100,000
Christmas bonus this year? If not, I guess you work for the
wrong company. Not every oil company
is struggling. 12/12/2015 Oil
and rare earth minerals have seen recent price manipulation, now all
mineral mining faces huge
layoffs. 12/8/2015 EVTV
Facility Suffers Lithium Ion fire. In
a classic case of do as as I say, not as I do, host Jack Ricard admits
in his November 9, 2015 episode to using the factory setting of top
balanced cells to charge a large battery pack. Jack has preached
for some time that all lithium ion battery packs need to have the
individual cells bottom balanced before use. One faulty cell took out
the whole pack, and almost burned down the facility. The pack being
tested was from a Renault design electric car no longer made.
Jack acquired the pack in a liquidation sale. Anyone else with units of
same design are warned to watch his past shows and learn how to bottom
balance cells in a pack prior to implementation. 11/21/2015 Tesla
all Model S cars to check potentially faulty seat belt latch.
11/21/2015 Freemasonic
insanity loves to bring "order from chaos," chaos they created
themselves. Banker initiated
refugee influx in Europe, convincing the US to test its most dangerous
weapons (column 2) and bankrupting nations with high energy costs just
to make food is attempting to bring the world to its knees. Even Hollywood propaganda
attempts to blame Arabs for their own Zionist Banker crimes. Remember
Mossad fingerprints are all over 9/11. And Mossad does anything the
Zionist banks in London tell them to. 11/10/2015 We
wish Mr. Keshe and his organization well in their efforts working with
a new definition of plasma. But some points of
reality must be stressed.
Friday's discovery of major errors in the first blue print released is
the same problem that has destroyed other inventors in the past, that
of rushing a product to market prior to all necessary testing,
proofreading and total quality control of the entire process. Early
failure is NOT a sign of fraud, it's just a fact of life proving no one
should spend their last dime on any new technology. Let lessons be
learned with discretionary money, not food money.
Even if one totally understood the technique, the time required to both
make and then slowly introduce to your house wiring means you won't be
able to use that nifty free energy to heat your home until next spring.
So don't spend your last food money on it.
The first model of anything most often ends up in collector garages,
not still in use. The hype I remember for the introduction of the Apple
Mackintosh only became reality about 20 years later. Keshe's research
continues throughout the world, as was proven in his series of videos
posted in the far right column.
Since Mr. Keshe admitted serious time is necessary to activate his
designs, skeptics have no room to complain about the cake until it
comes out of the oven in 3 to six months. His definition of
plasma may work, but it does NOT have "plug and play" feature yet. 11/3/2015 The
St Louis radioactive waste site started with a fire and now
springs a major leak. Down flow pours into
the Mississippi River. 10/28/2015 Radioactive
waste fire
erupts 90 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada. Update. Recent
heavy rains also caused $20 million in damages to a nearby Death Valley
landmark, Scotty's
Castle. 10/25/2015 Underground
fire near St. Louis nears a cold war era nuclear waste dump. The fire has
been burning since 2010, but now approaches a potential radioactive
catastrophe. 10/17/2015 Handy
switch, but illegal. VW
and Audi must recall a half million cars with defeat switch. The switch allowed
emission controls to only work during official tests, then get bypassed
for normal driving. Amazing how "diesel" could appear so clean, when it
had to? 9/19/2015 The
biggest example of the Cold War getting outrageously out of hand was
Russia's development of the Tsar
It was tested in 1961. Even Russians admitted after one test,
that it was too large to ever use in conflict, as its use would have
ramifications on the entire planet, not just the target. Russia put a
replica on display to commemorate its 70 year history with nuclear
weapons. And we can thank spies like the Rosenbergs
and other Talmud and Cabala followers for giving it to them. 9/6/2015
pollution is deadly enough, but now natural hot springs are heating up
to a deadly level. Man and 2 dogs die in Idaho
Hot Springs. 8/27/2015 Strong
evidence now shows the Tianjin harbor explosion was a planted
nuke. Before/after
satellite photos reveal point of explosion was open area used for
shipping containers, not the warehouse formerly claimed. Image credit
Jim Stone.
Click image to
8/27/2015 The
mystery explosion
in Tianjin Harbor China affected enough Chinese businesses
to possibly have political motives, along with controversy of the Yuan
devaluation. Was it a smuggled
nuke into one of thousands of shipping containers? Or was it an accident
caused by poor storage and handling of ammonium
nitrate like the 1947
Texas City disater? 8/15/2015 Bureaucrats
at EPA use mine waste disater as excuse to start another multi-million
dollar superfund.
- - -
Released toxins measured: Lead
- 3,500 times safe limit
Arsenic - 823 times safe limit
Cadmium - 33 times safe limit 8/15/2015
- - -
screw up releases
stored toxic waste at Colorado gold mine site. Wasted flows
toward Colorado river and Lake Mead. 8/13/2015
The Result
of International Sanctions
against Iran Keeps Fukushima Radiation flowing into the sea and
atmosphere, but imprisons those trying to stop it
--- Successful efforts to stop
Fukushima radiation STOPPED by TEPCO and Obama.
between Japanese Prime Minster Shinzo Abe, TEPCO and US President Obama
$360 million dollars from people of Japan and keeps the radiation
flowing from Fukushima. At the tail end of an ongoing technical conference, (listen
at the 3:20:27
point), Mehran Keshe received a phone call from a technician
who had
introduced the Keshe Technology to TEPCO. A report (3:04:50
point in same video) in Wolrd-Nuclear-News
on May 27, 2015 proved the technology worked and had
begun eliminating one of the several isotopes involved in the
calamity. But TEPCO refused to pay the Keshe Foundation for use
of the
technology, and went a step further to cause the family of the man who
introduced the 2 held in prison in the US on charges of dealing with an
Iranian Physicist (Keshe) to work with a form of nuclear energy.
man must now return to the US to face charges or his family will be
held hostage by Obama. This is what Israel's demand for
sanctions has produced. 8 minute Audio
of Mehran Keshe explaining incident. 7/29/2015 Electronic hacking of
a car's control system has become an acknowledged
problem. Chrysler issues a major recall
to address the problem. 7/25/2015 Caterpillar Tractor reports the WORLD has
been in an economic
depression for at least 2 years. 7/25/2015 Several nuclear
contractors caught shipping radioactive
waste in unlabeled containers. Whistle blower names names and cites
incidents. Brought to public attention in 2014, yet unresolved.7/21/2015 NRC reopens
extension review of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Reactor on California's
coast. The application asks for operation through the year 2045.7/12/2015 The Windscale Nuclear
fire in Britain was only one of many cover-ups in the nuclear power and
weapon history. BBC many years later, was able to make this documentary of the event.
It involved dragging common citizens from movie theaters to go into a
highly radioactive area to battle ignited reactor rods.
Fukushima continued the practice of using homeless and other less
fortunate people to be placed into dangerous and deadly locations to
handle the problems caused by an industry that never should have
started. 7/3/2015 Undeclared batteries
in baggage ignite,
fortunately before the flight took off. 6/27/2015 Man named Rod hit by lightening twice.
6/27/2015 BP executive set
free of charges for 2010 blow out in the Gulf of Mexico. 6/9/2015
Autonomous driving
vehicles are a bad idea. This demonstration
at a Volvo dealership in the Dominican Republic shows just what can go
wrong. Also realize Nevada and
other states are now allowing driverless big rigs
on public roads. Google's claim of extreme safety is a blatant
- - -
If robots replaced truck drivers, look how much of the American economy
relies on those jobs. Map of most common job per state. Click to
5/28/2015 100 Smart Meters explode
off walls in Capitola California. 5/21/2015 Most any type of
mineral mining has related dust breathing risk. Lack of adequate safety
procedures in Chinese Gold mines is illustrated
in this short documentary. 5/18/2015 Fire near
Chernobyl threatens to spread nuclear contamination again.
4/29/2015 The Nepal/Everest
Earthquake Occurred the Exact same minute
CERN increased power. Death toll climbing to over
4,000. 4/27/2015 Why do governments buy
big, expensive, heavy bombers? A measurable amount of
radioactive Cesium waste from Fukushima was
delivered to the roof of the Japanese Prime Minister's office using a
toy drone available at many hobby stores. Nuclear power was NEVER a
good idea for just this reason. It is no longer controlled by
educated scientists, and government controlled military, but has fallen
into the hands of literally anyone, moron or king. Making productive
use of the material continues to be outrageously expensive, but
nefarious use of the garbage is extremely cheap. Particles of Plutonium
from Fukushima have been measured in Anaheim California. Plutonium is
the most deadly substance known to man, and is known to have been
produced at Fukushima, thus now availailable to anyone with a Geiger
Counter, broom and dust pan.
- - - Fukushima radiation continues
to destroy sealife in the Pacific Ocean. 4/23/2015
Tesla Motors is not
the only manufacturer claiming perpetual
ownership of a vehicle. John Deere tractors and
General Motors now continue the claim. All an effort to stop anyone
from fixing their own vehicle. 4/22/2015 The early days of nuclear research
was plagued with both ignorance and outrageous arrogance. Plutonium
was injected into innocent individuals just to see what it did. The
results were always fatal. 4/12/2015 Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution now
small amounts of cesium-134 and cesium-137 in a sample of seawater
taken in February from a dock on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
The Pacific Ocean is being poisoned from Fukushima, and major media is
ignoring this "now proven" scientific fact. 4/7/2015 Not your normal Easter
message from Kevin
Blanch, ex-Mormon suffering Leukemia since Fukushima.
Warning: unexpected obscenities, but listen to overall message for
blatant truth. 4/5/2015 36 Years of Lies
Since 3 Mile Island, and they continue. 3/29/2015
Six Flags to cut down 18,000 trees to install
solar. But they promise to replant 25,000 trees
within next 7 years. Lloyds of London will not insure for
RF/EMF health related problems, i.e., Smart Meter caused. 3/20/2015
From the "Secret Space Program" Conference
in San Mateo California, 2014, the full
series of speakers. Beginning with Mark McCandlish speaking on
known technologies even in 1990. 3/20/2015 Catherine Austin Fitts
explains secret black budgets. Trillions of dollars
disappearing where? Banker bailouts that also disappear. The American
economy surviving on drugs and wars. Video. 1 hour 22 minutes
lecture given at Secret Space Program conference in San Mateo
California, 2014, now posted on YouTube free.
- - - Dr. Joseph P. Ferral
speaking at same conference. "Bullion, Brains, and Bonds"
Part One1
hr 22 mins
Part Two
1 hr 7 mins - - -
Dr. Ferral: Banker Suppression
of Technology down through history. 1 hr 28 mins
If it can't bring down a tree, how can it bring down reinforced steel? 2/24/2015
Siemens Wind Turbines Failing
in only 2 years of operation. 2/14/2015 Another fatal
fire blamed on smart meters.
- - -
Over 100,000 smart meters being
removed in Canada. 2/5/2015 Even Bloomberg
now reports AirAsia pilots intentionally killed power to all
electronics just before it dropped from the sky. This
confirms something drastic had taken over control of the aircraft.
Which in turn confirms involvement of a little known device called a BHUAP. Control of which
traces to an organization named Serco, often referred to as the
octopus. 1/29/2015 Plunging oil prices
create food
shortage in Venezuela. 1/25/2015 Brazil facing drought
crisis just as severe and California's, or worse. 1/25/2015 Elon Musk having a bad
year, already. Wife files for Divorce.
SpaceX has hard
landing, damages major equipment.
Plummeting gas prices reduce demand for electric cars.
But in late 2014 he was able to raise a billion dollars on Wall Street
in 2 weeks.
1/14/2015 Oil price is down, so
Rolls Royce sales hit new
- - - #1
Rolls Royce dealer in the world.
Abu Dhabi of course.
- - -
But capital for new exploration dries
up. Kind of funny to see the oil fat cats face the same
rejection from bankers that all the alternative energy researchers have
faced for many years. 1/8/2015 Conventional energy
stocks take
a dive on trading. 1/5/2015 Market rigging
makes activity by small investors futile. Insider knowledge
controls stocks, currencies and commodities alike.1/1/2015
May 16,
2006 mafia
style hit as reported by Sterling Allan at
Rasmussen comments on investing
in new energy technologies
California Air Resources Board is a joke
when you look at all the methane leaks around California. Whether
infrastructure pipelines or the present Porter
Ranch Aliso ruptured well, penalizing gas and diesel vehicles with
limits beyond any other state just generates more tax revenue for
politicians to waste. 12/30/2015 Oak Ridge restarts production
of Plutonium-238, allegedly for spacecraft use? 12/29/2015
Planning on attending the Consumer
Electronics Show in Las Vegas? Expect delays.
The fear mongers have intimidated management into enforcing new bag rules. Shucks, half the
fun of CES was collecting promotional items in your carry around bag. 12/29/2015
The Hadron Collider, CERN caught doing creepy stuff in
the clouds overhead. But intense magnetic energy was already
known to affect moisture and clouds, so ignore the science fiction
Who's responsible? The never ending
question of who is behind world chaos?
One note Samba commentators want to blame
single groups, but never understand the orchestrated dance involving
all players. Confusing distractions are the tools of political
2 talk shows addressed this issue interviewing 1. Kameran Faily
Parts 123*
2. Michael Tsarian
Part 12* * the 2 best if limited for time. As with many political analysts, we do not agree with all their
theology, or peripheral beliefs. Some are bizarre and offensive.
Whether right or wrong, a wise person wants to know why others act as
they do in order to defend one's own position. We post these
observations of man's actions only because they are pretty
accurate. CF ed 12/21/2015 The US Government knew
within days of the severity of Fukushima. This formerly
classified government document proves every bureaucrat in the DC
Beltway thinks their only job description is to hide crimes from the
public. And that fallacy extends to every government agency around the
planet. Click below to enlarge
12/12/2015 US Government is unable to control its
own abuses.
BLM torches ranch
for land grab.
San Bernardino shootings: facts don't match headlines Vid 1Vid 2 When media gets confused, they just take
government's word for it and do not do serious investigation
themselves. 12/8/2015
US Politicians found ways to spend
$154 billion on their version of green energy. But
not a dollar for REAL clean energy. The Gary Vesperman lists
of proposed clean energy technologies never got a dime of R&D money
to bring any of them out of the closet of history.. 12/5/2015
Monsanto to be charged with crimes
against humanity at the Hague. 12/5/2015
Why did Putin even show up at the bogus
climate conference in Paris France?
He has been on record pointing out how phony the claims are. Was he threatened
with more shoot downs of Russian planes both civilian and military
during the ISIS issue? 12/1/2015 Mike Rivero assembles in 45 minutes what
everyone should have been taught to explain EVERY war in the last 400
years. Audio is from his radio show, but
relevant graphics have been added. Full length FREE on You Tube,
thanks to ads from the UFO channel. 11/28/2015 Lockheed/Boeing fail
to meet legislation deadline, which leaves Elon Musk's Space X as
sole competitor. 11/21/2015
The US launches 2 Trident II D5 missiles in
full view of major coastal cities. November 7 near Los Angeles
November 9 near San Francisco
At nearly $31 million each, they were not intended for either tactical
use or public fireworks. This is clearly saber rattling and not
safe toys to play with for political purposes. The
D5 was only for apocalyptic all out nuclear war to destroy multiple
cities with large populations, not just a bad guy or 2. We can only
pray nothing malfunctions in any future tests. 11/10/2015 The History
of Nuclear Technology illustrates our present generation has no
monopoly on arrogance, corruption and stupidity. 10/29/2015
Keshe delivers
working Magrav plasma power units to several ambassadors and
delegations in Rome on October 16, 2015. More than 16 countries
were represented. In the presentation, he warned all present that full
blueprints and instructions will be made available to the general
public in 10 days, Monday October 26, 2015.
Manufactured units start shipping immediately from Philippines and
Italy. Retail customers are urged to purchase from Keshe
Foundation to continue both R&D and deliver free units
to 3rd world countries. 3 months of average American summer
airconditioning utility bill would pay for a unit and then give 2 free
units to 3rd world for basic survival.
Food and water production were mentioned, but not demonstrated.
Likewise, levitation was mentioned but not demonstrated.
Food and levitated transportation may still be down the road, but
electric hand tools from both US 110 VAC and European 220 VAC were
plugged into the same power strip and ran without difficulty. The
unit is presently not stand alone, but piggybacks a grid connection.
The consumption from the grid reduces to near zero after 3 months of
This is not conventional electronics by any means. The term we all must
now learn is Magrav. Magnetic and Gravitational energies working
It should be noted both Israel and Iran were invited, but neither
showed up at the presentation to receive free units. Iran gave no
excuse. Israel made a threat to give them Syria before any peace will
be discussed. This comment alone should reveal who the aggressor
is in the Middle East. A representative from Palestine did show
up and was given a free unit, and blueprint to make more. As
public blueprints become available to download, links will be posted
here at CommuteFaster.
Those of us over 60 remember a certain episode of Twilight Zone, "to Serve Man,"
and have to ask the same question. 10/16/2015 NASA reacts to allegations of never going
to the moon, by releasing a massive data dump of archived footage of
each Apollo mission. So yes, the US went there, but was
everything they found fully released to the public? One lengthy
video from the Apollo 17 mission. 10/15/2015 China has had an operational
telescope on the moon since 2013. 10/15/2015 German Police Raid
VW Headquarters, confiscating computers and hard drives to
determine when VW began using the test defeat software. Here
comes the political showmanship and finger pointing. Yet not a
dollar goes to true clean energy R&D by honest inventors. We could
have had a worldwide electric car system a hundred years ago, but big
oil, politicians and bankers stopped it. This whole scandal is about
EPA bureaucrats justifying their jobs and collecting fines just
to finance more wars and banker bonuses, NOT clean energy.10/9/2015 Major public
revolt against Smart Meters in the Dominican Republic. 10/5/2015
Regulations have stopped the coal industry,
but regulations are also stopping clean energy or making it
unnecessarily expensive.
Vegas Casinos disallowed
from buying solar power from nearby solar farms. 10/5/2015
Was the Volkswagen emission scandal a
political retribution? It appears to have been totally
ignored by both EPA professionals, and VW executives about as
long as the Hillary Clinton email scandal, and planned parenthood
selling baby parts. Why now?
Other clean energy web sites scramble to delete old awards
Ironically, 3 big names responsible for the 2008 financial
collapse that cost hundreds of thousands of people their homes, have all contracted cancer.
High times and il-gotten gain don't last forever. 10/1/2015 LA Police chases to get
ludicrous. LAPD begins using Tesla S P85D model in
their fleet, along with a BMW i3. 9/19/2015 The NRC, Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
claims updating data on cancer risk from US nuclear power plants would
cost more than they can afford, so they white washed the question by refusing
to do anything. 9/14/2015 Sarah Palin proposes complete
shut down of the Department of Energy.
And she would like the job to do it.
Her record stands that when dealing with oil, she made the oil
companies SHARE their outrageous profits with locals. Alaska is
the only place in the world that PAYS a dividend to its citizens.
Comedian John Stewart painted her as a ditz, only because he was on the
take himself from massive corporate greed.
She has a lot to learn about other energy alternatives, but oil is here
now and it needs to be brought under civilized control, not a tool of
political payoffs as it is now. 9/6/2015 Renegade geek, John McAfee introduces a new
encryption technique. Probably safer than most encryptions
for a while. 8/27/2015 Censored from Western Media for nearly a
year, Iranian experts remove
94% of uranium radiation from contaminated water. The nano
technology used is that of Mehran Keshe, featured here in column 3. A
technology offered to the US, but rejected by the Obama administration.
8/27/2015 Judge restarts
uranium mine near the Grand Canyon. Obama closes coal
plants, but gives free reign to nuclear. 8/16/2015 As the US finally makes a peace and nuclear
inspection agreement with Iran, crying baby Israel wants
to kill scientists and drop bombs.
The biggest obstacle to world peace is coming from Israel and their
neocon-Zionist supporters.
There is too much evidence showing Mossad created ISIS.
They oddly never invade Israel or Synagogues, but they do kill both
Christians and Muslims with no remorse. 8/13/2015 Nuclear materials for both weapons and
power are regulated by government or UN agencies like the International
Atomic Energy Commission or the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
But who writes the checks, and wires money to profit from such
transactions? Goldman
Sachs. 8/5/2015 Crooked bankers love to finance both sides
of wars, and opposing political parties so that they can control
both. This image shows they also attempt
this with popular religions. Click to enlarge
Never heard of Remphan? It was a pagan deity similar to
Moloch condemned in Christian New Testament scripture. Acts 7:43Yea,
ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan,
figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond
Babylon. The
above image shows 2 major religions following this pagan theology. Yet
it is neither Christian nor related to Abraham but is actually contrary
to both. 7/25/2015 Governor Brown of California is confronted
with the fact that its drought is totally manipulated by military
weather control technology. 7/12/2015 3 minute collection of video clips of
the parade of liars who made it into the White House. America
has lots of good people, but can only vote for the ones the corrupt
media puts before them. 7/3/2015
Protestant lady economist confronts Jesuit
Pope Francis about energy, economy, and general anti-human behavior of
the Vatican and its enormous resources. 6/28/2015 For years rumored, now
proven, the White House, Congress and Supreme Court show their real
colors, and they don't represent civilized behavior. 6/27/2015 NSA facility in Utah loses
funding due to congressional budget cuts. 6/9/2015 No political party will endorse a
legitimate candidate in the US. Only candidates with
major financial backing get "suggested" to the public.
Consider the hypothetical
" Flush the Toilet Party."
Write ins only. No corrupt money because they don't have any. Never
embellished by corrupt media, because media has no idea who YOU will
write in. Neighbor, friend, spouse. Only YOU know who has
the integrity for the job, so give them a vote. The blog linked to
lists real topics needing and offering solutions, not rabbit trails to
distract everyone with compromise answers. Return America and the
world to a productive economy, not a system run by greed and
wars. 5/21/2015 Governments continue to subsidize carbon
fuel industry with $5.3
Trillion in tax benefits. That is $10 million a
minute. 5/20/2015 Politicians continue
to push for piling nuclear waste into one spot. 5/18/2015
Children Seized
from Parents because family was living "Off-Grid." 5/10/2015
The Bradley Manning - Wikileaks documents
contained powerful information which could
have prevented the BP Oil blowout. But the present
administration is determined to hide not only its own crimes, but those
of the Bush administration also. 5/3/2015 Wars have no winners. Even those
entering battle with the pure motive of defense quickly fall to other
factors. This WWII documentary done from a
German perspective shows hidden War crimes committed by both the West
and Bolshevik Russia. 90 minutes. Watch quickly before Zionist censors
have it removed. 25,000 views the first 3 days it was posted. 5/3/2015
Obama celebrates Earth Day by burning 9,000
gallons of fuel in Air Force One to fly to Florida for a
photo-op. 4/22/2015 Uranium Mining and Commercial Real Estate
interests obtain
access to Navajo land near the Grand Canyon. 4/21/2015
Fix your Tesla yourself.
A bill in Massachusetts in 2012 slipped under the
radar. It passed a public referendum with about 85% majority. It
forces auto manufacturers to provide schematics and all necessary
information to consumers to enable them to do their own maintenance and
not have to use expensive dealerships for routine repairs. The
result now, is Tesla Motors offers this ONLY to residents of
Massachusetts. Everyone else still must use Tesla Motors to fix
ANYTHING. Discrimination? 4/12/2015 Nuclear Waste can
now be forced on local communities in UK. 4/7/2015 When energy inventors have setbacks, they
are laughed out of the industry. But when Military R&D
fails, they just send a bill to the taxpayer. 4/5/2015
California continues dangerous drought
leading to mandatory cutbacks by everyone
EXCEPT the Fracking industry. Political payoffs sure
yield their reward. 4/5/2015 To Obama, energy is just an excuse for another
game of golf. 3/29/2015 Political powers love to manipulate energy,
even with seemingly unrelated
technologies. We now see the manipulation juggling nuclear
and oil using fictitious reasons. 3/21/2015 Evidence appearing that Smart Meters were
forcibly implemented in California by fraud.
Known health risks were intentionally ignored.3/16/2015 Civilian camera
drones facing new FAA restrictions. But military
drones can still kill anyone. 3/16/2015 Tribal Chief triggers calls for his ouster
due to just discussing the storage
of nuclear waste on tribal lands. 3/15/2015 Now Russia claims to have closed the
Nuclear Loop. This reprocesses nuclear rods until they
truly are depleted to a safe level. But GE did this back in the
70's, then Jimmy Carter banned the process under false pretenses of it
causing nuclear proliferation. This act created the vast nuclear
waste problem around the world today. 3/15/2015 China's Wind
Power EXCEEDS the US Nuclear Power production. Is America
stuck in a rut or not?
- - - China's Coal Pollution begins
to drop for first time in recorded history. 3/15/2015
NRC has nothing
better to do than sit around and decide which
country should be on this week's Sh*t list, then issue fines if
left standing when the music stops.
I thought drunks in a bar, or old women
in church "sewing circles" were the only adults who gossiped like
little children?
see them working on remediation technology? Of course not, that
would require brains, intelligence and even more rare, maturity. 3/9/2015
50 years of oppressive rule by Communist
Stalinist Russia causes Lithuania to distrust them on most anything,
BUT, regarding claims of Russia attacking Ukraine, 82% believe
Putin's Russia is actually telling the truth. This
further indicates recent oil prices are being manipulated totally for
political purposes. As soon as the bankers destroy their competition,
you can expect oil to jump back to ugly highs. 2/24/2015 Evidence exposed
of California PUC illegally colluding with PGE to impose Smart Meters
with full knowledge of serious health detriments to the public.
Video Report.
2/13/2015 For over 100 years, alternative energy
R&D has been ignored. The world's economies have
been built on oil. The present manipulated drop in oil prices comes as
a mixed blessing, helping some but
hurting others. 2/5/2015 Gasoline drops to less
than a penny a gallon in Venezuela. 1/26/2015 Zayed Future Energy Prize
announced in Abu Dhabi UAE. 1/26/2015 TSA captures more of their
own agents than terrorists.
- - -
Terahertz scanners
destroy DNA.
1/25/2015 1,700 private
jets converge on Davos Switzerland to discuss Global Warming.
1/21/2015 Just as the first atomic bomb was unknown
if it would ignite the entire atmosphere on the planet, today's
scientific egomaniacs continue to play with Cern, having no clue what
they might
trigger. Nice to have access to massive Swiss Bank money
to play with. But it would be nice for them to show some
responsibility. 1/14/2015 The failed F35 project could have housed
600,000 homeless, in very nice homes. 1/14/2015 While millions of Americans survive on food
stamps, the media darling politicians pad their bank
accounts. 1/8/2015 Florida outlaws
living off the grid. 1/5/2014 California politicians won't let a recovery
even start. Cheap gas to get up to 76
cent/gallon tax hike in 2015. 1/1/2015 CDC intentionally
omits evidence of links between vaccines and autism. 1/1/2015
In 2014, Henry Kissinger said there would
be no Israel in 10 years. So next edition, 2015, publisher
Harper Collins removed it from their map of the
middle east. Oops? 1/1/2015
5 year car loans for a hydrocarbon
vehicle make no sense. Will it live that long? But a used
Tesla S at $75,000 actually makes economic sense. 12/29/2015
Even though Tesla dazzles everyone with
innovation and performance, Nissan
sells twice as many Leafs because they are more affordable. 12/21/2015
Keshe: the weirdness continues. Secret society buffs may be interested to
know the "Prince of Malta" was one of the ambassadors receiving a
European standard Magrav power unit at the Ambassador meeting on Oct.
16, 2015.
But the most
strange report yet was at the 3:05:38 point of his November 19,
2015 video. Has Klingon cloaking been discovered? 11/21/2015 We seldom report on medical topics, but
the Thursday,
Nov. 5, PM 2015 video posted my Mehran Keshe showed his energy
technology affecting stem cells in a way no other technology has done
before. It has caused the re-growth of a toe, including bone structure,
after amputation. Images start at the 2:32:30 point. Warning: the
"before" images are very graphic 11/10/2015 Seakeeper solves the age old problem of
seasickness from a rocking boat.
Gyro stabilization does the trick. 11/10/2015 Tesla Motors rolls out the Model X and sets a new
standard in SUV features and comforts. 11/2/2015
Week of Oct 26 to 30, 2015 will be
specific training on how to use the Magrav power units. Broadcast on
Keshe YouTube and LiveStream channels. This
is not normal electric power, and must be understood before
It has been observed that all live streaming classes have been riddled
with technical audio and video problems, making it difficult to follow
what is being taught. An Italian TV station is sending a full
professional crew to record this week and will eventually present a 2
hour, edited program on Satellite TV. 10/25/2015 Keshe power units have been an item of
controversy for over a year. They need much explanation.
After watching over 50 hours of his classes myself, I refuse to call
this a scam. He is on to new aspects of physics, few others will
take proper time to investigate. But while there is hope for commercial
use, the application technique is NOT anything normal, so I suspect
there will be numerous people shouting scam when they don't understand
what they just bought. If you have not watched enough training to know
what it is and what it does, you won't have a clue how to connect the
bizarre one or two wires that appear to be output. The few who take
time to study this will most certainly observe startling results. No
one is being forced to buy anything he offers. Remember Elon Musk
bought a McLaren and wrecked
it. Don't be so arrogant to think you understand everything. Everyone
is ignorant, just on different topics. Self included. These units
require much study before considering to purchase, as well as operate
properly after you do own one.
Today, October 1, 2015 this announcement
was made claiming first units ship on October 16, 2015.
manufacturing has been established in both the Philippines and Italy. 10/1/2015
The search for more efficient or less
visually objectionable wind turbines continues. This one installed
in Paris resembles a tree leaf.
Professor James McCanney suggests a large Ferris Wheel design. Size is scalable.
9/14/2015 Keshe Livestream account restored, but a Livestream
account is now required.
Free viewing continues at YouTube.
9/19/2015 It must be stressed that reporting on
Mehran Keshe is NOT an endorsement. But his technology may have been
involved in national defense issues, thus should not be ignored.
8/30/2015 Sorry to report, the
Keshe Livestream workshop site has been taken down pending a lawsuit
from an even less credible individual claiming slander. Until the
matter is settled, a few workshops are still up on YouTube, but require
a search to find them. 8/30/2015
- - - Keshe knowledge workshops continue each week.
12:01 AM Thursday, Pacific Time zone in US. 9 AM in Italy where
classes are held. Past programs are archived at same link. 8/13/2015-9/19/2015
Mehran Keshe has
made several controversial comments and claims in the last
year that we cannot
endorse. However, he is still around and making other
claims that
should not be ignored. In this 3 hour July 16, 2015 Livestream video he
takes credit for the recent Iran nuclear negotiations with the US. The video image link blow is #70 of a
series. Plasma Energy begins with #68.
Reference International Sanction of Keshe
in Column 1 on left of page. He brings in the issue of international
banking and the military industrial complex which ARE genuine issues to
any peace negotiations, regardless of which technology one favors.
The unit displayed in this video is claimed to be producing 5 times as
much energy as that used. 7/25/2015
- - -
Additional seminars posted for free access at YouTube or LiveStream.
Usual airing time for live broadcast is 8AM in Italy, 3 am EST. 7/29/2015 Mini-documentary
on Tesla Motors through 2015. 15
mins. 7/21/2015 Silly rumors proved true. Tesla
adds "Ludicrous"
mode to list of options. 0-60 mph in 2.8 seconds and another 15
miles of range.7/18/2014 Chevrolet, all electric "Bolt" to be
introduced with 200
mile range, and much cheaper than a Tesla. 6/27/2015 Electric energy from
plants. Perhaps the greenest green energy yet. 6/20/2015
Tesla Motors puts out help
wanted sign for its giga-battery factory. 5/18/2015
- - - Hi-Rez drone fly over video
of plant under construction outside Reno NV. 5/20/2015 Elon Musk explains in this 18 minute video
how his new battery and presently available wind and solar technology
could replace the entire world's energy production with renewable
energy around the clock. The
physical size of needed solar panels is astounding to see.5/8/2015
Russia still takes large
booster rockets seriously with new facility. 4/21/2015
Torsion Field Technology described.
Enormous potential, but no commercial
backing yet. Military? That's another story. 4/21/2015 Time reports who the top
5 moguls in clean energy are today. None
are really involved in super advanced stuff. All made marginal
improvments, and found the capital to market the minor improvement to
the masses. 4/18/2015 Dyson invests
in new Lithium ion design
claiming double storage capacity of present designs. Elon
Musk has commented many have shown him PowerPoints of designs, but no
one has put one in his hand. This may be the first if they
actually get the capital to do it. 3/15/20/15 Lebanon Tennessee to
build a waste to energy plant. Not
much said about technology, but appears to be similar to destructive
distillation we reported on many years ago. 3/4/2015 Forbes acknowledges that garbage trucks should
be the next target for electric vehicle application. 3/4/2015
Solar now competing
with $10/barrel oil. 3/4/2015
Kevlar membranes
may prevent corrosive cell interaction in Lithium batteries. 3/4/2015
Videos below illustrate rider response to
3.2 sec acceleration to 60 mph.
But Tesla is now rumored to be developing a firmware improvement to enable
it to do it in 2.8 sec. Is acceleration like this on a 4 door
family car even safe? 2/5/2015
- - -
Tesla adds new "insane" mode to Model S P85D. 0-60
in 3.2 sec. Full
YouTube series - hilarious. See
a bulldog cry like a kitten, and a cell phone plastered against a back
seat.1/28/2015 WalMart apparently invented ice cream
that won't
melt on hot days. 1/25/2015
Elio chooses new
engine design prior to final production. 1/21/2015
Graphene continues
as a hot buzzword in more than one energy efficiency discussion. 1/1/2015
Disclaimer: We list Keshe products
as being available, only because they really are being shipped and
delivered, but all customers must
be aware this is NOT normal technology, and NOTHING is plug and play
performance. Sporadic confirmation of performance does exist,
but nothing has been mass tested as of December 2015. Every first generation of ANYTHING has
bugs. Spend with caution. - - - -
Keshe Foundation Blue Print training videos
on how to make and use their Magrav Plasma Power units. These videos are presentations, not casual classroom
discussion as most workshops have been. Avg 2.5+ hours each.
Video # Date
85A 10-26AM-2015
Basics of initial unit
85B 10-26PM-2015
Magrav Plasma Theory* Coils
86A 10-27AM-2015
Coil nano-coating
86B 10-27PM-2015
Human Health
87A 10-28AM-2015
Assembly details
87B 10-28PM-2015
Plasma Meds & Computing 88A 10-29AM-2015
Plasma Capacitors 88B 10-29PM-2015
Quality Gans, religions 89A 10-30AM-2015
Break in period explained 89B 10-30PM-2015
Friday PM Summary
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For assistance in contacting any of the companies mentioned here,
and some that aren't,
contact the webmaster at Leroy
commutefaster (dot)
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