Faraday Future loses 2
key executives with an early budget trimming.
- - -
Faraday Future stalls
construction of its billion dollar factory in Nevada by missing a
$21 million deposit.
Chinese money can be as flaky as anyone's. 11/30/2016 It's a bit difficult to get a word in when
both sides are wrong and shouting too loud. Coal and oil are
dirty, we know that, but you don't sell your clunker until you get the
new car first. Present Green Energy groups are too
used to government subsidies and political money thrown back and
forth to make their horribly inefficient systems work. Coal could be
cleaner if Magnegas technology is
used. Oil is intentionally kept dirty just to keep consumption up. 70
mpg vehicles are not allowed inside the US. Exhausts showing too much
clean oxygen are rejected by California smog test machines.
We have hope the Trump administration will genuinely drain the swamp of
the horrible "pay-off" mentality and implement truly efficient clean
energy technologies. His present stance on oil and coal are TEMPORARY
until the new American economy re-tools and re-trains to begin
producing clean energy like the world has not yet seen. 11/16/2016
John Bedini, inventor of the 30 coil
monopole, passed
away November 5, 2016. 11/7/2016 Another Tesla explodes,
but so would any car driven at a high rate of speed directly into a
tree. Performance demands responsible driving. 11/7/2016
More political effort was spent destroying
oil and coal than to develop adequate renewables to replace them. The net result is unemployment
all over the world.
Wind and Solar cannot do it alone.
Nuclear must be stopped. It has never been clean. 10/22/2016
Health hazards of all wireless technology,
cell phones, WiFi etc., are now well documented.
But Verizon doesn't care. Technicians are now FORBIDDEN to repair
copper wires and threatened
with termination if they do. 10/5/2016 Diligent environmentalist Dana Durnford was convicted in
Canadian Courts. Dana's extensive research with video
documentation proves conclusively that Fukushima and other nuclear
negligence is causing an extinction level event on the earth. 9/26/2016 Researchers hack
a Tesla S from 12 miles away. Control taken of windshield
wipers through brakes. 9/20/2016 Major Fuel
Line Leak in Alabama threatens supply to US east coast up to
9/17/2016 Apologies
for not posting this 6 months ago. Hidden in Hillary's email scandal is
information affecting all our health.
Radiation from Fukushima was at dangerous levels in Washington DC, but never reported to
the public, until it got leaked in one of her emails. 9/12/2016
What is MIT likely to do with the $7.5
million grant
they just got from General Electric? That would nicely fund a
new startup firm in energy R&D, but for MIT, that is likely a few
months of gardening their university landscaping. GE just had 2 of
their corporate B747's repainted. That's probably why it wasn't a full
$8 million of giant corporate throw away money. 9/3/2016 A new Documentary exposes massive health
hazards from cell phone; WiFi; and the microwave pollution industry. Lo
and Behold Video Trailer.
8/28/2016 Nuclear waste issues have not gone away. Details
emerge about the New Mexico storage explosion 2 years ago. 8/24/2016
Keshe initially reported the fatal loss of
a lab assistant to a car accident. Further investigation has proven it
was no accident but an energy suppression murder by his usual attackers.
Ref: Video #121comments start at 0:06:34 7/16/2016 Update: Italian
police have changed the investigation of the death of assistant Fabio
from an auto accident to that of murder. 7/21/2016 Update:
Gordon Duff, security consultant to Keshe Foundation, reported on the
8/2/2016 Jeff Rense talk show that Fabio's girlfriend was riding with
him at the time of the "Boston Brakes" accident. She was then
beaten into a coma by someone before emergency crews arrived. She
remains in comma state. Hired thugs using fake passports are being
pursued. 8/3/2016 Only an IDIOT would trust anyone's
autopilot in traffic. One is now dead, and an art gallery owner
complains when his Tesla S rolled over and crashed while in
autopilot mode. 7/6/2016 This 91 minute disclosure video
by Mehran Keshe may blow the lid on 20+ years of both bureaucratic and
violent energy suppression and the murder of major scientists over the
same period of time. 7/2/2016 Tesla
suffers first
fatality while using auto-drive mode on May 7, 2016.
The victim Joshua
Brown, was an ex-Navy Seal. Suspicions
are now raised as to if the system was hacked?
But additional
reports show Mr. Brown had a history of speeding tickets and
disregard for the safety of self and others.
Electric drive is
great, but use of autopilot in tight traffic is insanity. It works for
airplanes because FAA regulation keeps aircraft a thousand feet apart
from each
other. That is impossible on roads separated with the width of the
painted line, or other, slower vehicles crossing traffic perpendicular
to flow as this case with Mr. Brown. This accident is proof Tesla does
not use either military grade or commercial aircraft grade guidance in
detecting obstacles either if it was fooled by the similarity of a
white truck and white overcast sky. 7/2/2016 Editor
of PESwiki; FreeEnergyNews: Sterling Allan sentenced
15 years to life for his personal crimes separate from his energy
work. All
who worked with him on a professional basis, had no clue what he was
doing in his personal life. Nor did anyone know his personal
connections went to the highest levels of criminals
inside the DC Beltway. One has to wonder, if he knew people of
power like that, why could he never solve who was behind energy
suppression stories that he publicized with no specific culprit ever
identified? 6/21/2016 Mis-aligned
mirrors at Ivanpah Solar Facility cause
fire. More
proof Google had more money and politicians in their pocket than brains
on payroll when they wrote the check for this atrocity.
5/20/2016 Hanford
Washington radiation leak now
measured in Chicago, Illinois. 5/18/2016
18 year old German female driver test crashes
a Tesla model S with 4 friends on board. She probably learned
how to drive from Angela Merkel's wreckless politics. 5/6/2016 Dangerous
Radiation leak stories are too numerous to report. Here are just
fully realize fear mongering
predictions abound all over the internet. Better to mention and laugh
later than ignore and find out there really is a wolf at the door.
Mehran Keshe observation on known seismic
4/19/2016 Armed
with typical Silicon Valley inside knowledge, an unknown
startup just sold for $350 million. Kurion. Is now exposed as
being a US money laundering company, using the technology of Iranian
born, Mehran Keshe, but to maintain US and IAEA financial control of
all nuclear power inside Japan.
This now becomes obvious why both NRC and IAEA have been silent about
Fukushima for 4 years. They HAD to get their fingers into the
financial pie of doing the cleanup first before helping anyone else.
3/24/2016 As
psychopaths in politics try to start a war with Russian, the Air Force
admits 14 handlers of nuclear weapons are cocaine
users. Which I guess is on
par with Japan letting their Yakuza mafia run their nuclear power
Please remember a chimpanzee's IQ has been measured up to 90 when you
look at worldwide
average IQ numbers now. Thank you to vaccines, Aspartame, fluoride,
chemtrails, GMO foods, Agenda 21, video games and 60 years of Zionist
controlled TV and entertainment, humanity only has an 8 to 18 point
lead on the chimps. That especially applies in government.
3/19/2016 Expended,
processed uranium waste is one problem, but the abandoned
mines it originally came from is another problem. 3/17/2016 Tempers
fly and short-sighted judgments are made in alternative energy when
people don't know all the facts. The editor of
Veterans Today wrote a very
good review of just who controversial Mehran Keshe really is. From
his report you will see why Commute Faster neither condemns nor
endorses all of Keshe's work. It is a brand new technology in
development stage, but it is showing extremely startling initial
results. All inventors love to look forward at their work's potential. Blind sighted
critics jump in and interpret forward thinking as a contract to deliver
today. WRONG. But dumping the baby with the bath water is really
stupid. Some other energy sites that should know better do that
with endless condemnation of Keshe. We report what we find. You can
discern on your own. Really bad ideas self destruct and don't need
reporters to embellish anything. Good starts often take a while to iron
out the bugs. Patience is a virtue. 3/8/2016 Thursday
evening, 6 PM local it appears EVERY extinct volcano in California
belched Carbon Monoxide.
This is SERIOUS!
Thursday AM 2-25-2016
Friday AM 2-26-2016
Saturday AM 2-27-2016
Sunday AM 2-29-2016
Live link to above map.
Click on "Earth" for controls as what to monitor.
4 minute video
We avoid prophesies and forecasts here. It's way too easy to be totally
Keshe has warned
of pending major earthquakes in first Tehran Iran, then in Los Angeles
in the month of April 2016. This abrupt natural carbon monoxide
leak by about every volcano in the western North American continent
could very well be a precursor. Mehran Keshe is a very difficult
person to understand, but even stopped clocks are right twice a day.
2/28/2016 5
years late, the Yakuza run TEPCO admits they had a meltdown
and failed to report on a timely basis. 2/25/2016 The
dismal inefficiency of current 3 blade design wind generators still
manage to now out
produce nuclear power on a world wide production measurement. Imagine
what it could do if it got serious R&D funding?2/21/2016 The
US's most
toxic waste issue shifts from Porter Ranch, California to Indian
Point New York. 2/17/2016 SoCal
Gas claims success at temporarily
controlling the Porter Ranch methane leak. 2/11/2016
- - - Wrapup report,
Porter Ranch crisis. 2/17/2016 Actual
Radiation Measurement at Porter Ranch confirms the serious amount of
radioactivity present in the methane stream. 2,000 clicks* per
minute or higher.
The leak's proximity to the 1959 Santa Susana melt down has been cause
for suspicion, but measurements
now confirm the dangers. Click image to enlarge *Clicks only indicate the
presence of some type of radiation. It will take mass spectrometer
analysis to determine what the specific source is creating it. But in
over 3 months, why hasn't that been done yet? The public has no way of
knowing if this is harmless, short half life radiation or much worse.
2/5/2016 R&D
costs for any new energy technology are quite high. Dropping gas and oil
prices scare away necessary investment capital. This MIT report on one startup
illustrates how plans don't happen as fast as expected, even when some
capital does materialize to address a serious need, that of energy
storage during peak production time. 2/3/2016 Inspection
of Porter Ranch - Aliso Canyon field of gas wells, 16 were identified
as inaccessible, and another 15 were found leaking. Dept. of Oil, Gas and
Geothermal Resources did not issue order to stop injection until AFTER
a lawsuit and about 40 days AFTER the major leak was identified. Townhall meeting
1/22/2016 2 hrs. Highlights:
Gov. Brown fired 2
whistle blowers in 2011
Gov. Brown took $2
million campaign donations from those responsible for the area
All 115 wells at the
facility were drilled for accessing crude oil. That type casings were
Since the oil was
removed, it has been used as an injection well for storing methane.
Div. of Oil, Gas
& Geothermal resources never approved the facility for injection
storage of Methane.
Crude oil is a
natural lubricant which prevents oxidation.
Methane is a known
corrosive agent to some types of metals.
NONE of the 115 wells
are the right type metal for methane use.
For 39 years SoCal
Gas claimed to have working emergency shut off valves on all wells
while many did not even exist.
Porter Ranch methane leak has now lasted
longer than the BP blowout in the Gulf of Mexico.
- - -
SoCalGas. 1/27/2016 The Safest Car on the road, still has a bug
at the charging station.
A Tesla S erupts
in flames at a charging station in Norway. 1/20/2016
- - - Tesla reports super
charger system was not at fault. There was something wrong
with that particular car. 1/23/2016 Dubai
Address Hotel ran
out of water in its sprinkler system 15 minutes after the fire
began. But it still didn't
fall over or collapse into its own footprint like WTC/911. 1/18/2016
- - -
Electrical malfunction on exterior
spotlight now blamed for cause of fire. 1/20/2016 Space
X attempted
landing at sea didn't go as planned. It can't land in fog.
Who would have expected fog at sea? Did someone used to work at Morton
Thiokol? 1/18/2016 Independent
readings illustrate dispersion
of methane at the Porter Ranch leak.
Early attempt made matters worse. 1/18/2016 Suspected
radiation contamination at the Porter Ranch now confirmed.
Robert Kennedy Jr. comments on what he has learned
from residents. 1/11/2016 The
New Years Eve Address Hotel Fire in Dubai captured by time-lapse video
shows no collapse or anything close. 1/6/2016 Dr.
William P Mount points out the proximity of the Porter Ranch methane
leak is near to the 1959 Santa Susana nuclear melt down about 8 miles
away making the leaking methane highly radioactive.
warned we would have problems about 60 years after the start of nuclear
power. 1/6/2016 Highly
volatile oil and gas prices cause oil
stocks to act the same. 1/3/2016 Will
Halliburton save Porter Ranch? Boots
and Coots have been called in to stop the methane
leak in Porter Ranch. B&C is now owned by Halliburton.
Dick Cheney has been known to receive large political donations from
residents of this area. Will he show his gratitude?
1/1/2016 The
safety shut off valve on the leaking methane well in Porter Ranch was REMOVED
in 1979 and NOT replaced. As of now, 2.3 percent of the state's
entire carbon footprint is coming from one hole in the ground above
Porter Ranch12/26/2015 -
- -
Porter Ranch Methane Leak now being compared
to the BP Gulf blowout in 2010. It just has not ignited.....yet.
Local hearings
revealed the area sits on an 85 billion cubit feet natural storage
cavity which supplies all of Southern California.
Governor Jerry
Brown's sister sits on the board of directors of SoCal Gas.
The epicenter of the
1994 Northridge earthquake was 6 miles away
MoonBeam Jerry Brown goes
to Paris to blame my 24 year old Honda that failed
smog by 1 part per million for causing global climate change, while
his own state nears blowing up from a gas well leak.
May 16,
2006 mafia
style hit as reported by Sterling Allan at FreeEnergyNews.com
Rasmussen comments on investing
in new energy technologies
The incoming Trump Cabinet and
Administration changes daily, causing much confusion and discussion as
to his planned strategy on anything. We will hold our comments,
praise or criticism until it actually happens after the inauguration on
January 20, 2017. We must all remember his trademark phrase is "you're fired," so we could see
abrupt changes even after the official start. It's just amusing to see
Donald Trump as the only person on the planet who could get the New
York Rocketts and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to perform on the
same stage. At least we know he has a sense of humor, albeit an odd one
12/25/2016 The Department of Energy may be one of the
first swamps to drain. Don't write loans to the Easter Bunny, don't
grant millions for a new paint job on ancient technology calling it
R&D, and what is DAARPA Hiding? These are Trump's very
legitimate questions as he takes over. 12/10/2016 Democrats have attempted to clean the
environment by legislating the tooth fairy, cow flatulence, and giving
enormous grants from taxpayers to their business cronies. Sober
president-elect Donald Trump appoints a sane individual, General
Scott Pruitt over EPA. We may now get both jobs and clean air. 12/10/2016
How close do you live to a nuclear bomb? This
7 minute video may shake you up a bit. 12/10/2016
Sleep with dogs, you get fleas. Even good
guys learn that the
hard way. Elon Musk's grab of government subsidies via political
donations is now coming back to bite him as the Democrat cartel is
being exposed as the totally corrupt organizaion it always has been. 11/16/2016
Mystery men
We know Keshe has made outrageous theological claims, but some of his
technology has actually been shown to work. That is the only reason we
don't totally ignore him.
But his "security officer" Gordon Duff (and other aliases) runs
Veterans Today which of late shows financial support and editorial
content coming from the horrifically corrupt Clinton Foundation along
with blatant Jesuit Pedophile counter-intel sources. What gives? Is
Duff trying to take control of Keshe and his technologies? Is Keshe
hiding his strange theology behind an admitted atheist just to appease
the scientific community? Why the sudden kinky Jesuit influence in both
of them? We at CommuteFaster have just
received direct, 3rd party confirmation
of successful testing of the Keshe Pain Pen. But his energy units still
need to get measured 3rd party confirmation. Stay tuned. If one
actually works, the others may too. EVERY tech looks bad during
R&D. Patience and lots of discretionary capital are the only way to
discern truth from fiction. 11/16/2016 Exhibiting the wrath not seen since Pearl
Harbor, and overcoming massive vote fraud, the American voter responds
to utter uncontrolled corruption in
DC, by voting in Donald Trump as our next elected President.
Expect a hiring demand for alligator wrestlers as he
begins to drain the swamp. Maybe alligator shoes will come back in
But will banks and government begin to
finance clean energy and healthy policies instead of wars and political
bribes? Time will tell.
11/9/2016 US Secretary of State, John Kerry, goes to
the South
Pole on Election day.
What could possibly go wrong?
In November, 1963 the Chief of Special Operations in the JFK
Administration, Fletcher Prouty, was sent to the South Pole. His boss
was killed on November 22, 1963. Wikipedia: "Leroy
Fletcher Prouty
(January 24, 1917 – June 5, 2001)[1]
served as Chief of Special Operations
for the Joint Chiefs of Staff
under President John F. Kennedy. ... He received orders to travel as the
Military Escort officer for a group of VIPs who were being flown to the
South Pole, November 10–28, 1963, to activate a nuclear power
plant for heat, light and sea water desalination at the United States Navy
Base at McMurdo Sound,
Antarctica." 11/7/2016
Smartmatic voting machines are owned by
George Soros, a large supporter of Hillary Clinton. They are
used in 307 counties across 16 states. The graphic below shows a
Smartmatic machine being used in Virginia. They are ALL rigged. No
electronic vote count can be trusted. Video
10/28/2016 Leaked Hillary/Podesta
email reveals refusal to sign a GreenPeace Pledge because it would
not allow them to accept donations from oil companies. 10/28/2016
Retraction 10/23/2016: A link to a
Julian Assange video was posted here yesterday but was later identified
as a faudulent re-post of a 2012 video. He has not been seen since the
visit by celebrity Pamela Anderson.
- - -
The latest Wikileak data dump appears real. The disappearance
of Julian Assange allowed the real
dead man switch to be triggered.
The index alone to all of the files can be found here. 49 pages
and includes active links to document files on the Wikileaks server.
The actual files are huge and scattered around the internet.
Early discovery so far:
The FBI has had a back door to all Motorola cell phones for years.
Tax shelters run by Barclays for political clients spelled out. 10/22/2016
Clinton Foundation hacked. Docs posted
by Gucifer 2.0. Banks got TARP funds by donating to the foundation.
10/5/2016 With a banker running the FBI, and CIA run
by someone with questionable rerligious beliefs, who investigated
9/11? The Department of Energy? Veterans
Today releases startling new evidence of the use of nukes to bring
down the towers and who brought them into the country, and how.
It becomes evident why Bush Sr. endorses Hillary Clinton. They were
BOTH in on the crime. And so was Netanyahu.10/5/2016 Austrian WW2 survivor points out how both
American parties are marching right along with Hitler's policies, and
getting lots of votes from an ignorant public. 35 min video9/26/2016 From our Whack-A-Mole news media, Hillary
Clinton shows major health problems, then is replaced by obvious
doubles and green screen appearances. So time for the Loch Ness Monster
to show
up. But will he debate Donald Trump? 9/17/2016 Elon Musk admits the investigation of the
SpaceX explosion is the
most complex and confusing they have ever encountered.
- - -
And they want to stop killing people with their autopilot
on Tesla cars. 9/12/2016 The bizarre timeline of events that led up
to the SpaceX launch pad explosion.
Monday, Aug. 29, 2016: Mark Zuckerberg meets Pope Francis and
gives him a model "drone." But notice this drone has wings and solar propulsion
Thursday, September 1, 3 days later,Drudgereport says a "drone" was
seen in the vicinity of the SpaceX rocket at the same time it explodes.
Images do not show a conventional drone with wings, but a silver beach
ball flying at enormous speed.
The explosion destroys a $200 million joint venture satellite between
Zuckerberg's Facebook and the country of Israel. Little explanation is
given why such a team effort existed.What
interest does Israel have in sub Saharan Africa?
Monday, Sept. 5, Veterans Today publishes claim that an Xray
laser fired at a large Lithium ion battery pack emits a nuclear
explosion. The SpaceX Falcon 9 has Lithium battery packs.
Tuesday Sept. 6, In the last 90 seconds of the Jeff Rense talk
show interviewing Gordon Duff, Duff claims Boeing has used Keshe
technology to develop an orb shaped drone capable of firing Xray Lasers.
Was this a massive insurance fraud? 9/10/2016 Two options to explain the 9/1/2016
Facebook/SpaceX event are proposed from controversial Veterans Today.
2nd brings up a vulnerability of Lithium batteries that is not well
known, and raises the question "why is Elon Musk so obsessed with
putting remote autopilot driverless systems on all Tesla cars?"9/5/2016 An Orb was seen passing by the $200 million
satellite on top of the Space X rocket booster just as it exploded. Did the Klingons just Un-Friend Mark Zuckerberg? Elon
Musk suffers $390 million drop
in stock value.
Best wishes finding a full hi-rez video of the event. Most were deleted
shortly after these images were gabbed. The satellite was said to be a
joint effort with Israel as it was named Amos-6.
9/3/2016 Wyoming (home of Dick Cheney) thinks it owns the wind, so it
can tax it. 8/24/2016 The US Congress finally looks at the
obvious: Energy
Storage. Stop bellyaching about over production on sunny
days, and brown outs on hot, no wind, cloudy days. 7/28/2016 We do not endorse Islam on this site,
but... it would be nice if the media accurately reported on the mass
slaughter by a truck driver in Nice France. This
one report spells out the facts ignored most everywhere else. He
was not a devout Muslim, he was a drunk on mood altering
pharmaceuticals. The entire event is the fault of the alcohol and
pharmaceutical industries, NOT a religious fanatic. Sadly, the
"blame Islam first" philosophy comes from a Zionist controlled media.
Sometimes they are correct, but one charge does not fit every event.7/16/2016 These are some facts about banking and New
York politics everyone should know. (Click image to enlarge) 7/7/2016 Typical Gordon Duff (Veterans Today) jumps
around with silliness and tragically serious stuff in this 7/5/2016
interview on the Jeff Rense show. A Russian document may
have exposed the technology behind the dustification witnessed on 9/11.
Duff appears to be the only media person who has witnessed Keshe
technology actually powering something without assistance.
7/6/2016 A new
research document added by contributor Gary Vesperman draws
attention to the urgency of legislation considering 5G Wireless
technology. This technology has proven to have dangerous
issues. Congress must be notified to this and reject pressure from
political donors to push through its acceptance. 7/2/2016 Energy monopoly Duke Energy gets North
Carolina to ban
3rd party solar installations. No one can sell electricity
but them. 6/18/2016 Was this merely a "control hack" or is
Russia taking the Keshe "peaceful" Magrav technology to the limits of
definition for application?
Claiming violation of their airspace, Russia has taken
control of a US Global Hawk Drone, manufactured by Northrop, and
landed it safely on their own airport. First used by Iran on a Lockheed
manufactured drone, this stunt and one done against the USS Donald Cook
questions the quality of weaponry provided by the most expensive
military contractors in the world. 6/14/2016 The mass shooter in Orlando FL worked for G4S.
G4S has contracted with Department of Homeland Security to ship
illegals from the Mexico border to inside the US. Obama and
Hillary's militant, in your face promotion of LGBT perversions, then
disarming the same people they claim to represent only made matters get
worse by infuriating those who disagree with that lifestyle. Allowing
an unstable
and violent person like Mateen
to get employment with a "security" firm proves how big a farce DHS,
NSA and FBI have become. 6/12/2016 Southern California Edison bureaucrats
demand removal of home solar system because it is too
powerful. 6/12/2016 DOE, FBI, and Illinois Office of Economic
Opportunity focus their best investigators to imprison an 80 year old
solar company owner for alleged fraud. Anyone reading his case can see he suffered
from bad accounting, and weak management. He should have labeled his
withdrawals as "speaking fees." Hillary uses that one all the
time. Illinois gave us a fake black president who has stolen billions
for all his queer buddies in banking and medical insurance, but no
straight 80 year old white guy can get away with "insufficient matching
funds to obtain any illegally taxed Federal money." That money is
for Zionist managed rip off companies like Google to squander on
boondoggles like Ivanpah. 6/6/2016
The last 2 administrations have destroyed
oil, coal, retained nuclear and forced bad design wind and solar on
Will Donald Trump do any better?
Here is his
plan. 44 minute video5/28/2016
The term Mojave Green used to mean one of these, a sub
specie of rattlesnake.
But with nearby
wind power and
Tesla Fast charge station...
along with this new 2016 solar facility along California Rt. 14 north
Click images to see how huge.
The words Mojave and Green now have a new
meaning. 5/18/2016 Sometimes,
inefficient actually
works. We
have reported at length here that the 3 blade windmill and currently
available solar are no where near as efficient as technologies still in
R&D stage, but... Germany has installed enough of the inefficient
designs to actually supply all their needs and a surplus when wind and
daylight work in synchronization. 5/17/2016 Quality
control or nature
can destroy any nifty new technology. Why
fear Russia when their military SUV's do this:
Even the Keshe "out of this world" technologies prove worthless when
someone didn't watch one of a hundred 3-hour videos to catch one
passing remark of exactly what to do in one processing step. His blue
prints are still rather vague and no where near aerospace quality. Any
failure causes skeptics to cry foul, when in really it is just a
quality control issue that can destroy anyone. 5/13/2016 What
are the chances of the next US administration cleaning up 70+
years of corruption and careless disregard of human life by the
nuclear power industry? Probably not as long
as there is unlimited money involved.
Nuclear Physicist Mehran Keshe points out tritium is the most dangerous
radioactive hazard because being part of the hydrogen atom, it can
penetrate anything in the human body. It is too small to filter
out. ALL nuclear power plants vent tritium into the atmosphere. 5/7/2016 Here
is why only a fool would want a "self
driving car." And why the media is
cramming the idea down our throats.5/1/2016 Video
games applied to military have caused a breed of heartless kids who
sold their souls. Drones kill
more innocent than actual terrorists, making drone operators the real
terrorists. 4/19/2016 The
Panama PaMpers. World leaders caught
with pants down laundering stolen funds or drug money world wide. Did
any of this end up a "farce" clean energy projects?
Excellent video commentary by Dr. Joseph
P. Ferral shows the usual culprit of "trusts" may be moving this
corrupt loot to the US, of course with US Politicians welcoming every
dime. But then again, should money be used for good, or recycled back
into more drug crops as the Bushes and Cheney's did in Afghanistan?
This shows the Bush Sr. invasion of Panama in 1989, removing Noriega,
didn't really accomplish anything. No, it installed a Bush family brand
of corruption, as the PaMpers
now show. 4/8/2016 The
Prime Minister of Japan is now found to have kept a known solution for
radiation poisoning from public knowledge for at least 2 years.
Click image to enlarge
The Keshe Foundation technology of gas in nano state, when applied as a
nutritional supplement is now proven to dissolve radioactive
contamination into a body's urine and feces, and then expelled from the
body. Its use on laboratory mice has shown a 100% survival
rate. Non treatment of radiation contaminated mice has shown 100%
death rate in one week or less.
Reference Keshe Workshop video in column
- - - Veterans
Today story on above. 3/24/2016 The
Obama/DOE $1.6 billion boondoggle in California is now threatened
with closure by the California Energy Commission. The
Ivanpah Solar Facility, seen above from I-15, has not only under
produced claims, it has become a hazard to both wildlife and pilots.
Google then had the audacity to request a grant from US Taxpayers to
cover their mistake. Notice
how the aerial photographer had to "stop down his lens" and darken all
surroundings to accommodate the intensity of the hot spot glare. This
affects pilots' vision for several minutes after exposure. 3/20/2016 Veterans
Today posts continued coverage
of the Justice Scalia pedophile network investigation.
It now moves from a well known figure in the Free Energy movement to
secret society connections and the big money figures of the Kock
- - - Update
to the Scalia meeting with Obama story. 3/19/2016 The
2nd hour of the Jeff Rense show Tuesday night was too shocking for me
to write a headline. It concerns people
we all know in alternative energy and former chief justice Scalia's
murder. 47 minutes, MP3. 3/2/2016
- -
Related stories
Utah Pedophile
Scalia Vatican
Scalia's pedophile
Scalia murdered after
Obama meeting So if NSA monitors
everything, why aren't these creeps exposed earlier? Dubai
UAE moves forward with more real
estate development, despite expected $20 oil. Entry of Keshe
plasma technology into the country may be the hidden reason for
their optimism. 2/21/2016 Ignorance
supreme among US politicans about nuclear power and clean energy. Candidates are either
for or against the words, but appear to know absolutely nothing about
clean alternatives other than ancient solar and wind. 2/21/2016
see clean energy as just another source
of money to tap into. This is shown with
the recent actions of the governor of New Jersey. 2/21/2016 Scalia's
death is just another cover up in the works. Poll
at WhatReallyHappened.com Sobering
made by Justice Scalia in TV interview.
Everyone should remember from the assassination in Dubai, in 2012: the
"calling card" for a Mossad murder is a Pillow over the face of the victim. 2/17/2016
gets political. Major Peace conference
in Dubai April 20-22, 2016. While
he offers his technology free through his online workshops, he plans a
conference in Dubai to discuss world peace. Since some world leaders
will be attending, a $40 room in Las Vegas was not appropriate, so the
opposite end of the spectrum was chosen as a meeting location. If any
recordings are made, we plan to provide links here. Headquarters for
his peace initiative is said to be eventually located in Dubai, UAE and
reason for this event's locality. 2/10/2016 One
might expect a level of integrity and intelligent expertise inside a
nuclear bomb factory run by Lockheed Missiles & Space under Dept.
of Energy contract. But this 3 hour whistle
blower interview shows the total opposite. DOE: it's time to
hire based on qualifications, not a handshake from the local lodge, or
where ever you find these criminal managers. A manager that
boasts of making Karen Silkwood "disappear" belongs in Federal Prison,
not drawing a fat DOE paycheck. 2/7/2016
fashion statement.
Guys Bad
guys wear masks
a government acts
like this, how can civilization continue? Who hired these rabid
dogs and gave them guns? What arrogant Nazi bureaucrat ordered this
ambush? 2/1/2016 Ontario
36,000 Smart Meters. They don't work.1/25/2016 VW
learned from aerospace. Get in legal trouble? Hire a politician, but
not just any politician, the former Director
of the FBI goes to work for VW. As we have all
known, the DC Beltway is always for sale to the highest bidder.
1/25/2016 55
years ago, in the Eisenhower/JFK transition, we had solar
powered electric cars. Today, the cars are a
bit nicer, but we still have to plug them into the grid. That's what a
parade of wars does to an economy and technology. 1/25/2016 US
Apollo Moon Landings confirmed. There
is legitimate conspiracy research and then there are lunatic internet
hoaxes. A recent one claimed NASA never went to the moon but Stanley
Kubrick shot everything in a studio. Sorry to correct the Kubrick
cult, but Hollywood only knows how to re-write history, never confirm
truth. The pdf document linked above shows satellite images taken
from Chinese and India satellites confirming our 1970 clunkers
are still parked there, but likely have less rust than a California
car. 1/23/2016 The
Hydrogen Highway is now officially dead. Toyota tells
to stop deliveries on the hydrogen powered Mirai. Reason? Few to no
refueling stations exist. Political promises were never kept. In
early days of CommuteFasterEnergy, we advocated hydrogen on demand
technology. Not storage, but fast conversion of simple and safe water
only as you need it. But suppression by banking, big oil and
manipulation wasted millions on impractical and dangerous compressed
hydrogen. Little to nothing was invested in H2 on demand tech.
biggest insult came from Venture Capitalists who would not touch the
idea. Small inventors did what little they could with personal capital
and tight garages, but when moderate successes were shown, such as Stan
Meyer, the poor guy was murdered by 2 mysterious "investors" from
Belgium, home of NATO and much of the dirty banking politics of the
The pathetic promotion of bad application technology by Arnold
Swartznegger was banker focused to fail. And now it has. 1/20/2016
In Nevada, it's all out war between
the Grid and Solar. Huge
layoffs, class action law suit, and contract defaults due to a tax law
change. 1/18/2016 The video documentary that explains
Obama's fake birth certificate is now available for free viewing. Dreams
of My Real Father. 1/11/2016 1/11/2016 Obama's expected announcement 1/5/2015
will be a Presidential
Action, not an executive order. The
difference? Executive orders can be canceled by congress in 30 days.
Presidential actions can only be stopped by the Supreme Court. What are
those chances? 1/4/2016 US Drone Pilots quit
faster than the Air Force can train them. Some
do have a conscience that eventually reaches their computer game crazed
Big oil has been provably
ruthless down through history, but it is not
solely to blame for all the violence in the middle east. The Opium
War never ended. 1/1/2016
Timeless information
originally posted in 2015
Mike Rivera assembles in 45 minutes what
everyone should have been taught to explain EVERY war in the last 400
years. Audio is from his radio show, but
relevant graphics have been added. Full length FREE on You Tube,
thanks to ads from the UFO channel. 11/28/2015 Crooked bankers love to finance both sides
of wars, and opposing political parties so that they can control
both. This image shows they also attempt
this with popular religions. Click to enlarge
Never heard of Remphan? It was a pagan deity similar to
Moloch condemned in Christian New Testament scripture. Acts 7:43Yea,
ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan,
figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond
Babylon. The
above image shows 2 major religions following this pagan theology. Yet
it is neither Christian nor related to Abraham but is actually contrary
to both. 7/25/2015
Will 2017 deliver the Free Energy talked
about for decades? This unit enters the theater with no details, just
claims: 30 KW, no apparent fuel. 12/31/2016 We often forget how much energy surrounds
us, until someone does something useful by removing it.
power of vacuum can lift thousands of pounds. Vacuum
Elevators. 12/10/2016 China introduces a fast
electric car.
Speed gets attention, but what about safety and handling?
11/23/2016 Many
people comment on the obvious, why doesn't somebody make ___?
Elon Musk is the first to apply the capital to do just that and made roofing shingles become solar
panels. 11/7/2016
The feasibility of all electric,
supersonic aircraft is now being discussed.
But not likely anytime soon. 10/23/2016 The renovated
Fisker design will have a 400 mile battery using graphene
technology. But
will they use mil-spec connectors and salt waterproof enclosures for
the batteries? I beleive that is why the dock full of oiginal Fiskers
burst into flames when they got totally immersed in Salt Water from the
huricane hitting New York. 10/9/2016 Electric competition to the
Elio shows up before the Elio hits the streets.
The Electra Meccanica Solo
at more than twice the price. Order and wait on this one too. 9/12/2016
- - -
Another 3
wheel electric car begins from Chile. 10/5/2016 Eveready, Duracell, and Die Hard need to
look back a few years to learn something about endurance. This battery
has run almost continuously
for 176 years. 8/30/2016
Update:The apparent theatric failure in
Washington DC by Keshe Foundation has to be explained.
It was not a failure.
Due to a threat of professional assassination, Mehran Keshe arranged a
very short notice presentation at the National Press Club in Washington
DC. Then Murphy's law kicked in which supersedes both physical and
plasma physics.
The technician with the only easily available working prototype forgot
a critical component back home in Missouri. He frantically got
something at a hardware store in DC, but then broke it just before the
Mr. Keshe showed up on Skype only to repeat claims of what most of us
have heard before. Rotten shame, as an audience like this is not
easily obtained.
A letter from Obama was quoted revealing more arrogance from the US
street gangster in chief who loves to kill US Citizens with his
drones. But his drones have already been downed by Keshe
technology. This political arrogance is dangerous. Keshe revealed
Hillary Clinton signed his arrest warrant when he was detained in
Canada. The gangsters in power in the White House are going to get
innocent people killed if they continue to ignore Mr. Keshe and those
who take time to listen to and study his technology. Mr. Keshe is NOT
threatening the US, but his technology is already in the hands of
Russia and China. Keshe cannot control what they do with it if Hillary
or Obama continue to lie about both Russia and China. Video
of the presentation is posted on their Livestream account 2 hrs 54 mins.
Notice the invitation made by a US Army Major at the 2:39:05 point, and
Keshe's response. 8/18/2016 Keshe Delivers Blue Print for his NOW
WORKING 3 KW power generator. As
stated below, you must understand the Keshe method of nano-coating and
proper connection of nano-coated plasma wires for this to work.
Keshe's official blue print pdf download.
This file is for the hybrid unit, version 1. An updated design to
bypass the refrigerator startup mode is due next, but this system
works. A working unit is being demonstrated in
Washington DC as of Monday 8/15/2016. It is highly recommended to
listen to the related video posted on the Keshe Foundation You Tube
channel. Even if built correctly, it requires a clever connection with
a refrigerator compressor to make it start up properly. 8/15/2016
In the better
late than never category, Keshe demonstrates his Magrav Power
Generator running about 3KW of household appliances on a sidewalk. Blueprints for do it yourselfers are
expected shortly. It requires knowledge of his nano-coating
process and the manufacture of several types of Gas In Nano State
(GANS). All doable with household components.
- - - And in the Rumplestiltskin category:
When attempting to make gold from the interaction of 2 plasma fields,
these shiny particles appeared. Tests need to be done to confirm
exactly what the substance is, but the fact remains that some type of
physical substance emerged from merely the interaction of 2 plasma
fields. The discussion begins at the 2:49:54 point in the 4 hour video. We await confirmation of
physical replication technology, or perhaps this is how junk multiplies
in your garage?
8/13/2016 Karma Automotive announces teaser
for their model Revero. Powered entirely by the solar panel on
the roof? 8/13/2016 The first electric drive big rig truck is
to be introduced
in December in Utah. Nikola Motor Company
plans a hybrid propane/battery power system. 8/5/2016
Update 9/3/2016: Nikola says the electric drive train will
be powered by hydrogen
fuel cells rather than propane gas as initially reported. December
2 is still scheduled for a public demonstration. If you are short, watched a hundred hours
of YouTube videos, and your name is Rumpelstiltskin,
you might already know how to run this contraption.
The rest of us are replaying old videos and studying notes. Hint:
start at 0:40:20 in video #126 linked from the photo. 8/2/2016 Keshe Video #123. At
point 0:04:12 to 0:19:39 a home built Magrav unit is seen powering a 3
KW load during duration of video and running very cool while doing it.
This demo is also repeated in video #124.
- - -
On the home front, the editor of CF
knows someone directly who has ordered the Keshe pen & pad only to
have them get stuck in customs at JFK Airport. But video #123 shows
home made units may exceed the performance of a Keshe factory
original. Study of this technology may have its merits. 7/27/2016
In the 1988 SciFi movie "They Live"
a mythical pair of glasses were used to expose lies of government,
media and business.
Keshe technicians may have developed a set of plasma glasses that
reveal the same thing.
Video #122(4
hrs 28 mins)exposes
a lot of weird topics only discussed in conspiracy circles or SciFi
movies. Almost like an episode of Warehouse 13. One has to wonder what
Mr. Keshe himself looks like when viewed by these glasses?7/21/2016
We've all heard the transmutation of gold
story before, but this time it's announced by a team of Russian
scientists as the world economy appears to be shifting from fiat
currencies to gold back currencies. Maybe
not a wise move. Simplified
version of story High
brow Swiss version of story:
Blacklight Power changed their name to Brilliant Light Power last
year. They now announce a
Tested and confirmed
1 full Megawatt of electricity produced at a continuous flow.
Alternative energy supporters are now saying I told you so to all the
skeptics. $100 million spent on R&D is now proven worth many times more
than the BILLIONS the US DOE has WASTED on 'conventional"
technology boondoggles to political cronies, like the Google/Ivanpah
Solar bird roaster.
Multiple news reports"
7/16/2016 Lockheed and Neos Inc. develop new gravity
sensor. Interesting what gravitational technology
appears after Keshe makes his theories public. 7/7/2016 Free Tesla recharges end
with the Model 3. But optional package purchase will be
offered. 6/1/2016 Even the Audi electric manager has
commented that Tesla did
everything right. Providing
refuel stations for all their customers was a jump ahead of everyone.
Obtaining the capital to both make vehicles and refuel stations was a
financial accomplishment not many can achieve.
This recharge station in Mojave, CA opened in March 2015. Click for a
free desktop pic. 5/13/2016 Such a deal for the .01% crowd. Tired of waiting for Richard Branson to
get you into sub-space for $250K?
Keshe Spaceship Institute will be offering a "build your own" spaceship
program for the price of a used Nissan Leaf. €10,000 EUD.
Just as skydiving schools teach you to pack your own parachute, Keshe
might have a good point. And you pick your own fellow passengers to
travel with, with no TSA privacy invasion before boarding. 5/5/2016
Norway also researches
Keshe's plasma based medical treatment system.
Chinese doctors proceed with Keshe Plasma technology research in
medical treatment. 5/1/2016 Incandescent light bulbs make startling
come-back with design modification making them more
efficient than LED's. 4/23/2016
Battery Life Extended
400 times with use of nano technology. Could
this be the accidental application of the Keshe nano-coating technology
to access plasma energy from the ambient? 4/22/2016 Reservations for the Tesla Model 3 reach 276,000
the first week. 4/5/2016
- - - Tesla's grand unveilingof the Model 3.
Keshe Workshop
#106 makes several major disclosures of its technology's
effectiveness in reversal of radioactive poisoning and cleanup of both
radiation and other major toxins in natural waterways.
Energy production is still subjective on results, but today's release
of actual medical studies confirm the health benefits of the
technology. 3/24/2016 Following a successful crowd funding
campaign, Elio first splits
common stock 500 to one, then goes
public today. The stock opened at $16.00/share. Symbol on the
OTC market: ELIO.
2/25/2016 Richard Branson unveils
the commercial passenger design of his sub orbital spacecraft. 2/21/2016
Another Electric Car Design on the CAD
drawing screen readies for an upcoming crowdfunding: The Electric
Vehicle, Unlimited Range EVUR. The unique factor for this one is it
is said to utilize many of the principles discovered by Walter Russel,
Viktor Shauberger and other legendary scientists who were well ahead of
their time. But the time now is 1/29/2016 The Keshe medical potential is more
astounding than his energy claims. But
again, sporadic testimonial confirmations are beginning to show up in
weekly videos. The Jan. 26 Health video
discusses stopping serious addictions and even a way to treat air for
emphysema victims to get proper energy to re-grow lung tissue. 1/26/2016
Amazon's Bezos (Blue Origin) matches
Space X by also landing
a spacecraft vertically. Large
image 1/23/2016 Why does China even need the US market? Chinese
based BYD
has sold more plug in electric cars inside their own borders than
either Nissan or Tesla have sold in the US. 1/18/2016 Keshe Foundation now has a testimonial page. It
shows claims of 71% savings on energy bills; health benefits from
actual users confirm this thechnology has merit. 1/19/2016
- - -
As the Keshe workshops continue, the
experimental configurations get more complex. Images
from Video #96.
students claim they are powering their small studios already. The
concept of coils positioned at 90 degrees is the latest principle being
1/11/2016 5 Cool Facts
about Faraday Future.
The Faraday Electric Car unveiled at CES
Las Vegas. Video 12341/5/2016 Elio aims to deliver 84
mpg vehicles by 4th quarter 2016. Company web site.
- - -
Piaggio/Vespa announces a hybrid motor scooter that gets 174
mpg. Company web site.1/3/2015 High Rise Hotel in Dubai burns
for hours and does
not collapse. Either they know how to build sky
scrapers better than New York, or the US Government version of 9/11 was
a lie. 1/1/2016 The
Keshe Magrav plasma technology can allgedly produce both electricity
and water from the same unit.
This will no doubt require new installation skills beyond what is
presently practiced in most electrician and plumber unions.
Disclaimer: We list Keshe products
as being available, only because they really are being shipped and
delivered, but all customers must
be aware this is NOT normal
technology, and NOTHING
is plug and play
performance. Sporadic confirmation of performance does exist,
but nothing has been mass tested as of December 2015. Every first generation of ANYTHING has
bugs. Spend with caution. - - - -
Refer to 2015
archive for KF Blue Print and training. Radiation exposure: Recommended nutritional
prevention measures compiled by Dr. Bill Deagle
with hands on experience dealing with radiation sickness. 4/1/2011
- - - GeigerCounters.com/
21.8% Efficient Solar Cell
A wide array of DIY electric supplies can be found at EVTV.me
Aftermarket Hybrid conversion motors.
Net-Gain Motors go-ev.com Best
site for build your own electric vehicle projects. EVTV - Store Five
Gas Analyzer
you do mechanical experimentation on your vehicle with any fuel
modification, you need to know what it is doing with the exhaust
issues reported as we learn of them on our Klooz page. Last
update: 11/22/2012. Peaked in 2006. CF
editor's personal experiences. 12 Iodine
to protect thyroid
can be ordered atNutrimedical Dr. Deagle's radiation
treatment protocolfor the prevention of
radiation sickness
For assistance in contacting any of the companies mentioned here,
and some that aren't,
contact the webmaster at Leroy
commutefaster (dot)
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Harvesting e-mail addresses from anywhere on this domain is a criminal
offense prosecutable through the CanSpam
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