Southern California fires approach
Santa Barbara and Montecito. 12/17/2017
Massive fires in California create many theories of origin. Many are blaming direct energy weapons, like this one on
a B747 based at Edwards AFB. But wild fires are common in California, especially afer
long droughts. The local flooding in Oroville last spring did not solve
water issues for the entire state. The only suspicious matter though,
is Bel Air is heavily irrigated and very green. But it does not take a
multi-million dollar military weapon to start fires. A few illegal
aliens and an old Datsun with a trunk load of flares can reak havoc on
a city. And who would do something like that? Governor
Jerry Brown with his warped political agenda. His Al Gore political
fantasy ignores Fukushima dropping radiation on California, which gets
absorbed by pine needles all over the state. Compounded by
massive chemtrail spraying makes one very hot tinderbox. But Brown
wants to solve everything with more taxes. 12/10/2017 Another Las Vegas concert massacre witness
killed, this time by hit and run. 11/26/2017 Faraday Future scales
back on plans as three executives depart. 11/11/2017
This 3D
analysis of the taxi driver video illustrates the likely locations
of shooters heard. And where a helicopter could have dropped
and retrieved the gunman.
- - - This FAA radar clip
shows at least 2 helicopters were broadcasting false transponder codes,
and even turning them off intermittently, while flying near or over the
concert venue. One transponder code claims to be an airliner,
but is seen hovering over hotels and making right angle turns.
- - -
Hollywood does not have a monopoly on bad taste. Just outside Las Vegas, look what you
can rent. Cruise over to Pahrump NV and take a hooker with you.
Nevada has everything you don't really need. 11/11/2017 Video emerges showing muzzle flashes
from a helicopter gunship flying over the Las Vegas concert October
Helicopter frames with belly strobe and tail mounted light.
Single light with powder ignition full length of airframe (30
ft.?) off to side.
- - -
Texas Baptist Church shooter Devin Patrick Kelly
had a dishonorable
discharge, thus should NEVER have been able to purchase a gun. But
his personal data was controlled by SERCO,
the databank for the New World Order, which is known to let violent
people out of the system to commit mayhem anywhere. 11/8/2017
More Las Vegas info from Scott Binsack, who has
been censored from YouTube, but is now reporting via Vimeo.
The meeting of
Sheldon Adelson with Donald Trump was prescheduled prior to the Oct. 1
concert massacre.
Shootings were
happening in the street between MGM Grand and Tropicana hotels. This
caused random people on the street, not attending the concert, to swarm
into any Casino with an open door.
At least one person
died at Tropicana from a heart attack during the confusion.
Incendiary bullets
were fired at the Jet Fuel tanks at McCarran. Those had to be fired
from a special weapon, not strays from the machine guns used for mass
killing. This proves there was an intent to explode the fuel tanks. 2
hit the tanks, one was found elsewhere on the airport.
Clark County Coroner
office confirmed on lock down.
The extensive
government involvement is causing one investigators to call it "Fast
& Furious on Crack."
Las Vegas residents
doing better research than any large media.
Resident near coroner's
office reported lines of ambulances and hearses for days moving
Campos story a
complete fraud.
Campos not even a
legal security guard.
Binsack * proved the CEO of Mandalay Bay entered Campos into the
system only 1 day before the shooting.
MGM was a paid
sponsor of the Ellen Show
Mandalay Bay, Luxor,
MGM have their own globalist secret society
Numerous security
cameras either turned off, or videos confiscated
Country singer Jason
Aldean's attorney
now dead as the witness body count climbs. 11/3/2017
* Scott Binsack has been censored off
YouTube. His new location on Vimeo is
- - -
witnesses to Concert massacre are dying mysterious deaths. 1,
- - -
Las Vegas McCarran airport tower reported "shooters
on the runway."
- - -
Fleeing concert goers ran to airport hangers(03:15 pt.) at McCarran for safety.
11/1/2017 Found: where
all the ambulances were at during the Vegas Massacre October 1. Hooters happened to be the nearest hotel just beyond
bullet range during the machine gun fire, and the only safe place to
collect wounded. 10/23/2017 Napa Valley California was likely hit with
a targeted EMP at the start of the fires. Electronic systems at
hotels, had massive failure. Not just power outage, but battery
UPS and diesel generator backup power failed. Toll presently 41
over 400 missing.
- - - Ever heard of a hurricane
headed toward Ireland? With today's sinister weather
control in the WRONG HANDS, anything can happen. 10/15/2017
Las Vegas, known so far about 10/1
28 year old lady with
Epilepsy attended concert, then suffered intense seizures the week
following and dies
at home. She had posted what
she witnessed on Facebook, but Facebook deleted it.
Massive disinfo regarding the Las Vegas
Massacre. One investigator
asks around the casino floor at Mandalay Bay, and is told Stephen
Paddock was drunk all the time. But Steve Wynn says
the Paddock and girlfriend who visited his casino never consumed
The gruesome photo of the body found in room 135/ floor 32, did not
have a "13" tattoo on his neck as seen in earlier photos. And the body
had darker hair of a younger man, even his 5:00 shadow, so not hair
Even C&W artist Jason Aldean is now found to have suspicious ties.
But while both good and bad media sort numerous conspiracies, the real
hospitals were overwhelmed with serious life threatening injuries.
The shooting was real. But the gunmen are hiding behind all the
curtains Las Vegas and Hollywood can devise. Why? 10/9/2017
Las Vegas hotel employees report glass shot
or shootings at Bellagio, Flamingo, New
York New York, Caesars,
and Paris
hotels. SWAT team enters the Tropicana.
Steve Wynn implements
military and embassy level security at his hotels. 10/7/2017
Facts known so far in the 10/1/2017 Las
Vegas massacre:
Multiple shooters. This was NOT
a lone gunman. That is a fable promoted by the FBI since they
joined in killing JFK in 1963.
2 other hotels, far up the street were also
shot up. The Bellagio
had it's entrance glass shot out.
Crime scene was "dressed"
like a movie set. Blood on top of and below shell casings of a
suicide victim = FRAUD.
A powerful M60 machine gun was used, among
other weapons. Compare
its sound to any video you find from the event.
By use of such a powerful military weapon, jet
fuel tanks over at McCarren Airport were also hit. Its
ability to use belt drum ammunition feed allowed continuous fire of 90
or more rounds. This was a military staged event, not a lone kook.
Skeptics ask where is the blood?
There is more
blood here than I can stomach to watch.
And why so few ambulances in photos? A=
You don't send an ambulance into an active shooting area when there are
M60 drum fed machine guns still in use. Brave attendees of the concert
used their own, or borrowed
vehicles to transfer victims to the hospital.
Who do we blame?
Netanyahu's Mossad is a frequent culprit in other countries, Las Vegas
has a large Jewish population with extensive investment in the town.
Profits from Las Vegas casinos very possibly send as much money to
Israel as the US Government does with grants of foreign aid. This
massacre will undoubtedly reduce tourist and convention business. Yet
the intensely secret military planning does imply Mossad involvement, I
won't deny that, but the larger motive is most likely international
banking, with
massive insurance fraud, again, just like 9/11, and the biggest
suspect being SERCO. Time will hopefully reveal the
true culprit, if we can just stop the FBI from hiding evidence as they
have done since JFK. Strange how they just can't get around to
prosecuting Hillary Clinton and her murderous foundation after all this
time, but in 12 hours they declare Stephen Paddock had no international
terrorist affiliation???? Given the frame up we see in process, he was
likely dead before any mass shooting started. 10/5/2017 Clean, Alternative Energy enthusiasts have
a vested interest in Las Vegas for many reasons. Innovative companies
like Faraday Future and Bigelow Aerospace are located there.
So when a horrific event happens there, this site takes note. Several good research sites raise serious questions to
the main stream media version of events. The same FBI that continues to
hide evidence of JFK, 9/11, and numerous other mass murders, is now
trying to pull the "Lone Gunman" pile of excrement story on us AGAIN.
The webmaster of CommuteFaster has driven the stretch of Las Vegas
Blvd. next to Mandalay Bay many times. The Blvd. is very wide, and is
NOT a narrow street. The distance between Hotel windows and the
audience of the Rt. 91 concert was 1/4
MILE. No common handgun or 22 rifle has violent killing
power at that distance. Yet eye witnesses report standing next to
someone who took a high caliber bullet to the face and saw their brains
splattered out. Those were MILITARY weapons in use, NOT something a
retired accountant could either acquire or operate.
Please review and consider information listed in these reports.
10/3/2017 Anyone who thinks all hurricanes are
natural is living in the previous century of ignorance.
Professor James McCanney brings you up to speed in his Sept. 14 and 21,
2017 podcasts.
The question is not if they are natural or not, the
question is which government is doing it, and why? 9/24/2017 Bitcoin has potential to be the currency to
get alternative energy capitalized after a century of suppression.
So the monopolies of old technology are using any gimmick they can
imagine to torpedo it. Jamie Dimon, CEO of the largest drug money
launder in the US, JP
Morgan ($36 billion in fines over 5 years) lied through his teeth
about Bitcoin, then became one of the largest buyers of Bitcoin the
next day. Likewise, China
enacts laws to limit Bitcoin use in order to prop up their own fiat
currency. 9/24/2017 John McAfee addresses the issue of safe storage of
both crypto coins and other important data. Never trust
anything kept on your cell phone. 9/8/2017 RF toxicity hazards are well documented on
contributor Gary Vesperman's page.
In this video
interview of Cliff High by Sarah Westhall, one possible
solution is proposed. And the introduction of crypto currencies are
allowing many hidden technologies to find funding to reach the public
as never allowed before by financial monopolies. 8/20/2017 Ben Franklin explained the reason why
the American colonies were doing better than the British economy was
that the colonies made their own currency.
Likewise, today, the US Dollar is controlled by so few
monopolies, the various new crypto currencies enable an innovative
economy that just might revolutionize energy as we have been forced to
know it.
But monopolies won't go down without calling in all their crooked judges
in the US with back alley hit-men to quench the rebellion. Even
Australia considers new regulations to turn small crypto currency
service providers into
Sad to mention 2 legitimate crypto currency businesses I know of got
hit recently with the "wannacry" virus and are scrambling to rebuild.
What are the odds that virus was likely written by the central banks
Proof? Look at the price of Bitcoin today compared to gold? Btc is over 3 times the price of
actual gold per ounce. Who
stands to lose big if that continues? Who has used fiat, bogus,
currency to trick people into selling their gold to them for the last
hundred years? 8/20/2017 Microwave energy has known limits before
becoming serious health threats. Residents of Palo
Alto, California are being used as lab
rats as 5G is being tested at secret locations. Full 4
G report, Palo Alto.
Peak RF/MW radiation levels higher than 10
µW/m² is a severe hazard.
Peak RF/MW radiation levels higher than 1,000
µW/m² is an extreme hazard.
4G measurments 75 feet from antennae are proving to be an extreme
hazard. Click to enlarge image below.
8/6/2017 Municipal Water Quality varies widely
accross the US. Look up your own or where you travel at
7/29/2017 Genuine Clean Energy Technology is deleted
by monopolies. These monopolies carry their brains between
their legs and have no morality in their thought process.
3 powerful videos delve into what has tragically gone on with
management in the corporate world, governments and even a fake religion.
Discernment is necessary to separate some strong, unproveable opinions,
mixed in with irrefutable facts.
1 Alex Jones interviews Leo Zagami
regarding pedophilia in the Vatican.
2. Robert David Steele interviews
Kerry Cassidy regarding our secret space program and corrupt management
at NASA, that also leads to human trafficking.
3. Field McConnell reviews
pedophilia run through SERCO which controls all the US Military
7/23/2017 Clean Energy suffered more losses in June.
Two popular figures passed away.
Joyce Riley (1948-2017)
Joyce was a retired Army Nurse with a talk show on Genesis
Communication Network. She was one of few popular talk show
hosts willing to have alternative energy technology guests like Stan Deyo on frequently. Her
nursing background caused her to take a strong political stance against
the abuse of Depleted Uranium in battle. Professor James McCanney
opens his 6/29/2017
podcast with a tribute to Joyce Riley.
Jerry Decker (died June 19, 2017)
Jerry ran the information packed website KeelyNet.
While avidly promoting new technologies, he also stood
strongly for verification of claims.6/27/2017 Relatively safe clean energy actually does
exist. But political money the last 30 years has been wasted on ancient
inefficient technologies promoted by the politician's largest donors.
Watch the result
of phony Democrat green taxpayer money spent on Google's disaster in
the desert as it turns birds and bats into smoke when they fly near
that bright thing which attracts their food, insects.
Present 3 blade windmills are no less dangerous to
large birds. 6/24/2017 MIT tries to explain why good clean energy
ideas go
bankrupt. 6/19/2017 More Alarms
Go Off at Hanford. 6/10/2017 Too many well known energy names have died
in recent years.
An unknown inventor also passed away
2/24/2017, just two days after talking to me.
Clean Air & Water are GREAT!
Until you let anti-human, money worshipping psychopathic elitists
manage it.
164 page pdf: The Silicon
Mafia 5/18/2017 This last week's tunnel collapse at the
Hanford Washington Nuclear facility illustrates that every radioactive
disaster is always met with total whitewash
denials from government agencies. 5/14/2017 Theory and practice. Elon Musk? As Mr. Musk
directs massive money into space, self driving cars, and lithium
batteries, we have to ask what does the public really need today?
Numerous wind storms this last winter have caused many to suddenly need
new roofs. The Solar City product of actual roofing shingles that
are also solar panels is not only a GOOD idea, it is a MUCH NEEDED
product. But I dare anyone to go to their web site and find them in
YOUR local area. I tried myself last week and it was NOT available.
Even chatting with a sales rep, they had no idea when they would be
I don't need a space satellite.
I don't want a self driving car, EVER.
Lithium batteries are only safe when new from Tesla's factory. I would
NOT attach one to my house for long term use.
But I NEED a new roof - NOW. Where are your priorities Mr.
Musk? 4/6/2017 Tesla now includes
self driving hardware on all cars.
Why? Who even wants them?
Why is Tesla so obsessed with self-driving? We all know the
Edsel was over-researched, thus had too many opinions to make a design
that worked. But the only people who want self driving mode are either
drunks, computer geeks or CIA-control freaks who want to run you into a
tree if they don't like your politics. Is Musk running Tesla or has he
been extorted like Trump, to now do some really stupid stuff? The Tesla
crash reported below might NOT have been reckless driving, considering
who was in the car. 4/4/2017 Speed is for aircraft and spaceships, not
automobile traffic.
Another case of more money than brains. Just as gambling is a tax on people with poor math
skills, outrageously fast cars appeal to the wealthy yet have no place
in street traffic.
The recent WikiLeaks Vault
7 release revealed spooks can remotely take
over any recent vintage car for nefarious intentions. But we have to
look at the stupidity factor too. Some people just don't need enemies
to destroy themselves. Alcohol is a major example. Now we add unknown
software to the mix and one will never know until it is too late that
some gremlin programmed in a "tree finding algorithm" that only
activates above 100 mph. Prove me wrong.
The Silicon Valley imbeciles, also with more fast money than brains,
continue to promote "self driving" cars? What
a joke.
- - -
- - -
The male passenger in the above accident, Kevin McCarthy was an ex-FBI
agent who started a software company. Both died around election time in
the US during talk of Hillary's emails and hacking of everything. I
wonder if his fiancé had any record of reckless driving? And
just what kind of software did Mr. McCarthy's company produce?
Nothing to see here, move along. it must be that "tree finding" bug in
both Tesla's and Mercedes' software, as something similar happened to
Michael Hastings.
3/27/2017 If a homeless inventor falls in the forest,
does anyone hear?
Do any investors care? News of another energy inventor taking his technology to
the grave has interrupted our updates this month. We have no solid
information to report here yet, as we wait on a death certificate.
While he was alive, almost no one with money cared about his life,
although many tried to grab his ideas because they had money to file
patents. The inventor did not. The present energy industry is all about
control, not about serving humanity unless someone can get filthy rich
in the process. Alleged investors have no intention of fairly
remunerating the person who spent the effort to make something
work. It's just more software to steal to them. 3/22/2017
Oroville Reservoir flyover Feb.
27, 2017.
- - -
Oroville Dam Power station blocked
by debris.
Hourly water level reports. 900
ft. is overflow, 850 ft. is considered safe reserve.
- - -
Oroville evacuation orders lifted. Emergency repairs being done until next
rain storm hits. Power generation turbines blocked by debris.2/15/2017
- - -
Oroville area in mandatory
evacuation. 2/13/2017
- - -
Oroville California Normal Spillway shut
down due to excessive damage. Emergency Spillway now
opened. Repairs expected to be over $200 million but what
damage will be done by use of the emergency spillway is not known until
rain season ends. It should be understood this is the largest earthen
dam reservoir in the state. Use of the emergency spillway causes
unspecified erosion.
This Feb. 10 flyover in a light plane
explains the terrain involved. 2/12/2017 Crack found
in the reactor of one of the Royal Navy's nuclear subs. More
than half of fleet grounded. 2/12/2017 Fukushima, Hanford and other disasters
reported here in the past have not gone away. Fukushima
radiation is still
as bad as when the problem started 3/11/2011. Media and irresponsible
politicians have and continue to ignore the problems. 2/10/2017
Faraday Future downsizes
factory plans. 2/3/2017 Tesla free recharging ends
January 15, 2017. No more free ride attached to your already
expensive vehicle. But if you feel Tesla's are expensive guess what the
Faraday Future FF91 is likely
to cost, and they don't even have a nationwide charging network to
offer at any price. 1/19/2017 Mining Coal still has hazards it did a
hundred years ago. A cave-in
in India kills 18. Coal may be more abundant than gold, but
it needs the same safety regulations as any mining industry. 1/4/2017
Startling discovery
in energy, just like gold, is where you find it. Seldom where
you calculate
it to be. The history of the US Wild West is filled with legends
like "Seldom Seen Slim, who spent his entire
searching for a gold vein near Ballarat California. Likewise, as we
reported here for 12 years, inventors keep finding small nuggets of
clean energy, but have yet to find the vein to fill a vault with gold
bars and start a bank to fund other prospector/inventors with their
As Seldom's grave site
proves, meager donations come in long after it's too late to help him
do anything.
Our suggestion for 2017 is if you know an inventor looking for the
elusive breakthrough in energy, donate some assistance while they are
still alive. They just might surprise you with what they find under a
rock. 2016 lost Paul Pantone, and John Bedini, but many are still at
work with poorly funded research. 1/1/2017
May 16,
2006 mafia
style hit as reported by Sterling Allan at
Rasmussen comments on investing
in new energy technologies
The Solari Report 2017 by
Catherine Austin Fitts provides sobering economic analysis for the
world economy. Will there be any money for both survival
and improved technology? Or will it be the same old control mechanism
forcing their own plan on all of us? 12/17/2017
What do
Mormons, Baptists and drunk Cowboys have in common?
It's not just one creature in the swamp threatening everyone's
existence and ruining government. There are several factions.
Bureau of Land Management has been caught
with 2
murder hit lists targeting specific Mormons at the
Bundy ranch.
Government contractor SERCO handles
massive government filings and procedures.
Texas Baptist Church shooter Devin Patrick Kelly's violent history was
conveniently not
filed with ATF, which enabled him to buy any weapon he wished. This
targeted Baptists
in a Sunday morning church service.
Just which faction inside the swamp that coordinated the massive
military assault on Las Vegas on October 1 this year has yet to be
specifically identified. But the FBI is hiding them for some
inexplicable reason. This targeted drunk Cowboys
enjoying C&W music.
Everyone's right to Assemble
is under attack by these government factions! 12/17/2017Nuclear power insanity continues as
Belarus constructs
a power plant near Lithuanian border. 11/26/2017
As YouTube enforces its Zionist Banker
agenda with Bolshevik commitment and insanity, many independent
reporters have moved to other sites. Here are a few:
getting too loyal to YouTube, ask yourself why it PROMOTES pedophilia, but censors
responsible views?
11/26/2017 All Suppression stories have a Men in
Black component. Who
pays their paychecks and provides their black limos and dark window
The DC Swamp has mirror image septic tanks on the West Coast in Santa
Clara and Seattle. JP Morgan suppressed Nikola Tesla's work. It's
now new names but the same tribe, and same lack of morals or ethics.
This 45 minute video names names and
exposes the strategies that have kept clean energy, advance health
technology, and secure computing from the public. And when you see the
military industrial complex involved, remember all wars are banker
wars. 11/3/2017 Warning:
MASSIVE Reading Ahead!
Any violent political stunt triggers use of
the word "Illuminati." It is real, but extremely complex. And
legends bend their definitions over time. The truly guilty like to act
like chameleons to blend in with the scenery. The historical
researcher, Anthony Hilder has dug into this topic since the 1950's.
His latest video summarizes his
findings, and warnings. 10/25/2017 5G is about to be forced on everyone with NO concern
whatsoever for its health hazards, or its use for major privacy
invasion everywhere. One might expect
language like this from a "General Bull Right" military type, but this
is the Chairman
of the FCC talking. 10/23/2017 Trump is a tea totaller, but the rest of
the US Government is run by a bunch of drunk bureaucrats. Proof. That
is your government aid money to Puerto Rico at work.
This is what happens when you donate money to 5 murders and a Hollywood
10/23/2017 A major announcement about Space was to be
made today. We should have seen this coming.
General John W Raymond refers to space as "a war fighting domain..."
Didn't Dwight Eisenhower warn
us of this?
Then later, Werner Von Braun warned the last stunt for world takeover
would be a hoax invasion
from space. 10/17/2017 As Trump and Congress debate the Iran
Nuclear deal, we only have ONE question to Iran: What do you know about
Mehran Keshe? And how long have you known it? 10/15/2017
Antifa is straight out of Bolshevik
Communism. The same mentality Stalin used to kill near 60
million Orthodox Christians in his own country. Their only guideline
was for total control through unrestrained belligerent actions.
The prior largest
owner of the MGM conglomerate, Kirk Kerkorian managed to keep
all the various mob factions in and outside Las Vegas under control. He
was responsible for turning the former sin city into a family
entertainment and business convention town. After he passed away
in June of 2015 new blood took over and it obviously has a political
and religious agenda above the simple money profit motive. 10/7/2017
CBS Fires
a worthless tramp for totally tasteless and heartless remarks. 10/3/2017 The juvenile rhetoric heard between
President Trump and North Korea's Crazy Kim, both having hydrogen
bombs, is caused by horrific ignorance of neither understanding the
other's history. This hour long discussion
of Korea's History by Michael Malice and Stefan Molyneux illuminates
the entire problem. Sanctions never solve anything. Bigger
idiots control BOTH puppets playing leaders. How many know why
there are 2 Koreas? How many know how many North Koreans were killed by
the US? Getting caught between 2 super power spoiled brats is a deadly
position to be in. 9/24/2017 Robert Steele (exCIA) works with Cynthia McKinney to bring
civility back to US Government without violence. No easy task. To their credit, redirecting funding to
genuine clean energy is included in their recommended budget.
Click to enlarge. 9/24/2017 Attorney in Florida fears for her own life
as she uncovers another
group of murders linked to the Clintons. 9/21/2017 Another CIA whistleblower, Kevin Shipp,
steps forward with choice revelations.
He differentiates "shadow government" versus "deep
state." There is a serious difference. 9/21/2017 Professor James McCanney comments
on weather control technologies. HAARP is old stuff. We are
seeing more advanced stuff in use now. The serious question is which
faction is pushing the buttons and why? 9/21/2017 A few things in life work out. 9/21/2017 Are the current volley of earthquakes
and CAT 5 hurricanes man-made, or natural? Our guess is both. The violent
political rhetoric around the world very well could be triggering some
psychopath in a bunker to press buttons he shouldn't. But on the
same note, sudden
solar activity is charging our ionosphere unlike anything seen in
recent years. That certainly makes a bad situation worse. Man can start
a snow ball rolling at the top of a hill, but by the time it reaches
the bottom, the village suffers. 9/8/2017
Google continues their electronic book burning terrorism by removing
anything of value from searches.
Silicon Valley is a lying
facade8/23/2017 The Fake Media headline cries over Trump disbanding
an infrastructure committee. But there is more to the story. Are flying cars suddenly on
the horizon using aerodynamics from DAARPA research? German Lilium Jet may surprise everyone.
Volkswagen knew the US EPA emmissions requirements were a joke to begin
with. But they chose illegal methods to bypass it rather than fight the
Al Gore global warming religion that appears to own Washington DC.
Is Detroit solving anything with a liberal woman about to take CEO
control of GM?
8/18/2017 The Google Mafia continues to censor
alternative news sites like ours. Our main search term: " Best
Energy Sources" has been in the top 5 position on Google, Bing and many
others for more than 5 years. As soon as we posted "The Silicon
Mafia" document and showed any respect for President Donald Trump,
we disappeared from Google and any smaller search engine that uses
Google's algorithm.
Our server stats for the month of July showed zero
visits from Google robots. Thank you for finding us anyway.
7/23/2017 Tabloid
trivia -Is there a link
between the Donald Trump family and Nikola Tesla? Personally, I
feel the Trump link to the Kushner family
is a lot more dangerous. 7/10/2017 Chemtrail spraying confirmed by CIA
director. Allegedly used to prevent climate change. Which
reveals the IQ of the political morons running CIA, and its apathy to
human health.
39 min video.
Chemtrail comment at 25:10 to 26:55
- - - Also, dangerous aluminum oxide
has been added to conventional jet fuel. This means even
civilian planes have been dumping dangerous chemistry into the skies
without knowingly being part of an intentional climate adjustment
Panel discussion video. 32 mins
- - - 90 min video
with massive suppressed data proving the global warming/climate change
agenda has always been a farce based on false data and blatant lies. 7/4/2017 The inmates continue to run the asylum of
money in DC. The Trump administration begins with some token
cutbacks at EPA.
The track record of both EPA and DOE has been NOT doing what they were
intended for, but rather using gestapo tactics, have strangled
businesses endeavoring to provide cheaper energy or a cleaner
environment. 6/24/2017 Politics
in Washington DC continue. 6/19/2017 As
the Rothschild and Soros dirty money of the world hires mercenary
terrorists of all flavors, I have a personal project to help 2
Christian friends stuck in Cameroon
(ref: Boko Haram murders)
and Ukraine.
Any Bitcoin help you can afford
helps both of them and enables clean energy R&D to proceed on a
small scale. Ken/webmaster CommuteFaster.
6/10/2017 Weather Channel Founder John Coleman embarrasses CNN
with some truth.
36 minute presentation of the history of
the global warming myth by John Coleman. 6/10/2017 Ten Key Points
learned from ex-FBI director Comey's testimony under oath. 6/10/2017
Wealthy UAE Needs
Qatar Natural Gas to Keep Dubai Lit Up. 6/10/2017 Science
Wins! Trump
withdraws from the Green Gestapo Paris Global Climate Fallacy
policy. 6/2/2017 Jeff
Rense interview of Herbert
Dorsey is the best 48
minute summary (part one)
of just who is the Deep State and why they do what
they do. It is NEVER about race, it is ALWAYS about belief
systems and how many follow it, right or wrong. How can 2 diametrically
opposing views end up doing the same thing? Listen and learn. Forced
conversions never work, whether religious or political. But the
temporary winner ends up king of the hill forcing views on everyone.
Fake labels enable power hungry psychopaths to control everything. 5/30/2017
Herbert Dorsey, Deep State Part
two 6/23/2017 Manuel
Noriega dies, age 83. Little truth ever reached the US news media about him.
Branded as an evil dictator, George H W Bush broke all protocols to
remove Noriega from the scene. What did he know that made Bush pull out
all of Reagan's Top Secret Star Wars weapons?
The documentary Panama Deception,
narrated by actress Elizabeth Montgomery reveals some of the
frightening weaponry used to merely remove a drug dealer who had the
moxie to stand up and cut into the profits of the Deep State monopoly
of drug running to US markets. Elizabeth Montgomery contracted a fast
case of colon cancer and died shortly after narrating this movie. The
Deep State kills competition and doesn't like being exposed.
5/30/2017 Sarah
Westall interviews
ex-CIA Robert Steele about the present power struggle in Washington DC
along with ways to implement known, but hidden clean energy
technologies with a practical economic application. 5/27/2017 Bitcoin
rises above $2,000 USD, while the Eurodollar drops below 1/1 with USD. The
very existence of a currency not tied to any government is putting
wealth into the control of people who have been denied the basic human
right of value exchange by the political power brokers of the past.
Luke Rudowski video summarizes where Bitcoin
Conventional banking only gave us $5 gas and hundred year old wind and
solar fiascos. REAL clean energy can finally get capital to deliver
promises of the past. 5/21/2017 Transition
is one of the most confusing and uncomfortable times in life. Trump's energy
policy is no exception. Especially to those who want
to hang on to old technologies. 5/14/2017 Mainstream
continues to blame Trump for present
confusion in energy. 5/5/2017 Violent acts of suppression used to be just
for the exotic energy inventors. But now even a high energy physicist
from CERN, Dr. Katherine Horton, gets microwaved for no apparent
reason. Video
1 hr 10 mins5/5/2017
Trump campaigned on many policies we agreed with, but he is getting horrible
advice on energy.
He appears to be setting up Yucca Mtn. to reopen and now wants to
expand offshore drilling, oblivious of the problems experienced
in the
Gulf of Mexico in 2010 and NOBODY at NRC will even admit NUCLEAR
REMEDIATION technology even exists. The reptiles continue to rule the
swamp. 4/30/2017 Appreciate
your internet connection. Half of the connections in Cameroon were turned
OFF for political reasons for 3 months! Service was finally
restored on 4/20/2017 after the UN stepped in and told them to clean up
their act. The president complied.4/21/2017
the 4/6/2017 Syria attack a Bay of Pigs event for Trump? Is
Kushner a Mossad agent? Does Mossad have its own internal faction
problems? Ex CIA Robert
Steele raises serious questions, and offers some very good possible
5 minute teaser Full 55
min interview, really powerful.
would be great if we only had to report on energy here. But advanced
technology is worthless if some idiot starts WW III. 4/9/2017 Forcing
BAD technology under the facade of being green is a CRIME.
But that is what Democrats do. 4/6/2017 Before completely draining the swamp,
training a few alligators to help exterminate traitors like Susan Rice
seems to work too. 4/6/2017 As
we wait to see if Trump was extorted to hand over control of all energy
and politics to Exxon, or some secret society or 3 letter agency
faction, here are some ongoing research
projects worth paying attention to. George Webb:
Hillary's obsession with Mangos Abel Danger: Just
who is SERCO? 3/27/2017 In
Trump's Feb 16,
2017 Press Conference, he reminded the press that:
Hillary got debate
questions beforehand, he did not (0:40:21)
While Secretary of
State, Hillary arranged the sale of 20% of the US current production of
Uranium to Russia, but the mainstream media continues to falsely claim
he is the one with Russian business ties, while in reality, Hillary is
the one who threatened American safety for her own financial gain. (0:51:50)
2/18/2017 North Koreas tests their long range missile
named the Pucguk
Song 2.
America responds by test
firing 2 of their 30 year old Trident's that still work just fine. 2/15/2017 As California's Moonbeam Brown governor pushes sex perversion policies
left over from Obama,
The state's infrastructure continues to fall apart. The enormous
Oroville Spillway threatens disaster now that the weather controllers
allow rain in the state again.
Remember Jerry Brown was sipping wine with Al Gore's global warming
crowd in
France while the Porter Ranch methane leak belched radioactive oil and
methane into the atmosphere for 3 or more months before he did anything. Retraction: Despite rumors to the contrary, some
I may have repeated here by mistake, Al Gore apparently does not "own"
several jet aircraft. He just charters private jets for different
events, which is why he is seen stepping out of a different plane each
time. Likewise, past US presidents since Lyndon Johnson have
been too busy supporting the "military industrial complex" rather than
pay attentions to our local issues.
Trump has his work
set out for him while the fast-buck lunatics in Silicon Valley waste
millions promoting lies and fake news. 2/10/2017 Trump moves
Dakota pipeline away from Tribal land and will now use US made
steel. Electric cars are great, Trump has a Tesla S himself, but
until we can all afford them, we need cheap gas for our old jalopies. 1/28/2017
As bogus climate change rhetoric left over
from the Obama administration continues by sore loser media sites,
we advise readers to frequently reference Climate
Depot for true science on the matter and exposing the
blatant fraud from the Al Gore international scammers. Pollution from
poorly managed hydrocarbon systems IS a real problem, but it has
absolutely NOTHING to do with global climate. Just ask any real
scientist who is not living on government politically based grants.
Trump likes clean air and water just like the rest of us. 1/25/2017
As America wakes up from a 28 year long
night mare of outrageously corrupt and incompetent presidents, a level
of sanity returns to Washington DC. All references to the pedophile drenched LGBT perverts;
the junk science of global warming and climate change have been REMOVED
from the WhiteHouse.Gov
In their place is a stated "Energy Policy"
and ways to make sane suggestions to the president without getting
laughed at or derided as a kook just because the monopoly media and the
president''s donors know best. 1/21/2017 The great comment of the year comes from a
wise Chinaman: Jack Ma, of Alibaba.
Video quote,
full interview
from the 2017 Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland. America has wasted $14 Trillion on wars... It should
have spent money on its own people... Not everyone can pass Harvard." 1/19/2016
Like it or not, Texas Governor Rick Perry
has been nominated for Secretary of the Department of Energy. The
question is asked: does
DOE have anything to do with energy? Or has it evolved to just
another bureaucracy to eat up billions of dollars and not deliver
anything of substance? DOE's establishment in 1977 was based on the lie
of Peak Oil. Recent news from oil companies show they have known about
massive oil deposits on US soil for many years, but hid that knowledge
from the gullible politicians at the time. 1/19/2017 Weather and Rain itself have become
politicized in 2017. Legitimate questions are now raised as to why the
California drought and Democrat policies denying farmers use of the
giant aquifer they sit above, that destroyed one of the highest
agriculture producing regions in the world, suddenly ends as Obama
leaves office?
Weather control for good seems to not be allowed by prior political
forces. The history of Wilhelm Reich attests to that. Those intensely
curious of his history may wish to attend a special seminar this summer
at the museum dedicated to his research in Maine. Weather is to help
mankind, not to be used as a weapon for control freaks.
1/6/2017 Issues with Smart Meters are not settled. Advocates
install them with aggression, paying no attention to health risks.
1/4/2017 As upcoming energy changes are inevitable,
sanity must prevail.
Energy that we have used the last 500+ years came out of the ground. It
is impossible to dig a hole and not get dirty. Several agencies were
created to regulate access, manufacture, distribution, and use of
the systems accepted by financial, government and public opinion.
But over time they have become bloated, duplicate effort, and
ultimately became useless.
We trust the merger/acquisition experience of the incoming president
elect will usher in a level of trimmed down efficiency never before
seen in US Government. 1/1/2017
Crypto currencies are shocking the world.
Bitcoin: Zero value in 2009, now
over $18,000 USD/coin. One could support development of Alternative, Clean
Energy. The new "1776" coin.
Get 10 free and help the energy revolution. Freedom.socialOfficial
ICO due in March 2018. Stock up while they are cheap.12/17/2017 Dental technology makes a giant leap
forward. Regrow your own teeth with your own stem cells. Our
first questions are how soon can we buy it, where, and how much? 12/10/2017 Tesla introduces its 2nd
Roadster. Accelerating like a rail gun, capable of speeds neither
safe nor legal on any US road, once again Elon Musk caters to the more
money than brains customers. $50,000 deposit, 2 year wait. 11/26/2017
Impressive, but who
needs it? A spider fed graphene spins a web strong enough
to hold the weight of an adult human. It probably sticks like crazy
too. Nothing you would ever want to wear or even touch. 11/26/2017
Sondor first delivered an electric bicycle
for less than $1,000. He's now working on an electric 3 wheel car for
Battery not included.
11/15/2017 C60 began as an industrial lubricant. It is
now gaining much interest as an anti-aging health supplement. No
human medical study confirmation is done yet, but it is showing
excellent results on pets.
Sarah Westall did 2 interviews on the topic of aging. One of the 2 founders of
the pet supplement company, and the 2nd about telemure lengthening.
11/15/2017 Vespa Motor Scoooters goes into production
of its first electric scooter. Vespa is now owned by Piaggio, makers of the
fastest 2 engine turboprop corporate aircraft on the market. 11/11/2017
Technology news from Neil Keenan. Neil has primarily been investigating international
banking fraud related to massive gold holdings in Asia. His research
led to enormous technology suppression. Scan
Scan Technology: Water
Reservoirs & Underground Streams
11/3/2017 Is Zero-Point tech real and known? Yes.
Can it get around the Petro-dollar? This informative interview by Sarah Westall of Robert David Steele sheds light
on several controversial matters of the last few years, including free
This interview of David Hawkins
reveals a British company named SERCO has
controlled the US Patent office for years. Any wonder why 4,000
advanced energy patents are locked in a back room and inaccessible by
any common person? 11/1/2017
on cryptos, C-60 health, and a lot of funny observations on today's
news and technologies. (10/21/2017 episode)10/29/2017 Julian Assange thanks the USA censorship
for forcing him to use Bitcoin several years ago. He has profited
5,000%. 10/17/2017 Announcement from Store-Dot of a 200 mile battery
with fast charge capability. 10/7/2017 While most baby boomers waited for
electromagnetic anti-gravity to be implemented, DAARPA surprised us all
with a new twist on conventional aerodynamics.
This flying car design uses that technology. Lillium just acquired $90 million
in funding to bring the design closer to public implementation and
availability to the masses. Just remember, over a $ billion had to be
spent before we were all offered a Tesla electric car of any type or
price. 9/8/2017 What is Elon Musk down to next? Claiming to start tunneling to alleviate surface traffic
problems with the above
equipment, the image below seen around the internet for the last
15+ years raises a different question. The story that goes with the Air Force picture claimed
our early space program encountered alien races living below our
surface. While developing a tunnel system between all the US
military bases, they encountered several of those alien races.
SpaceX had a tough time entering the space race, run entirely by well
anchored monopolies. Did he have to join the underground "inner space"
team to participate? The only way to know for sure is if some super
high level clearance talks, then somebody would shoot him if he did.
The abrupt
passing of whistle blower William Tompkins raises a lot of
Text on this page is edited by Sgt. Shultz, "we know nothing." 8/26/2017
3 Wheel Economy gas car maker Elio in Texas struggles
for more cash to start production, so tries a Secondary Offering. With
some management from GM that was supposed to show experience making
cars, but are possibly making it more complicated than it should be. - - -
Canadian Electra Meccanica reports to be delivering
their all electric 3 wheeler. Only 11 delivered so far. One year wait for new orders.
The only showrooms are in Canada. 100 mile range, 3 hour charge.
Both companies have public stock: ELIO
8/23/2017 The Bitcoin fork caused temporary
confusion, but held its value, Bitcoiin cash is quickly
recovering from early skepticism. 8/18/2017 Bitcoin performed a "fork" on August 1.
This requires an explanation.
8/2/2017 The long awaited Tesla Model 3 comes off
the assembly line. Prices, features and details.
7/30/2017 News and $50 bribe in one link.
A new cryptocurrency network is starting, based in Hong Kong.
New members get a $50 thank you of cryptocurrency. And they offer you
another $10 for all referrals. Finally CommuteFaster/Energy readers get
paid for coming here. If I can't dazzle you with brilliance, I'll
baffle you with Bitcoin. 7/10/2017 Bitcoin Mining requires a lot of computer
power. It is not proving practical to do at home. But shared
ownership of mining farm processing power does pay more than a bank
account. Update
7/29/2017: When I
originally wrote this piece, 1 TH/s of processing power was producing a
nice amount of Bitcoin. Since then, the difficulty rate has slowed
production considerably. This brings up another aspect of
cryptocurrency mining. That of staying current on both difficulty rates,
and overall rising values of
other coins. Depending on what you find, you may wish to reallocate
your mining resources to work on other coins instead of just the
presently most popular one. New crypto coins are as volatile in value
as new penny stocks, and require close attention, and assessment.
There will be setbacks. But remember, a crop failure or 2 does not
delegitimize the career of farming. Weather in farming, economy in
currency and public fickleness will affect value. But persistence pays
off with most everything in life. Just don't bet the farm on one item.
We still recommend Genesis-Mining in Iceland for
shared processing time. A block unit of processing power can be
allocated to a variety of crypto coins and changed whenever you desire.
6/11/2017 Electric power from tidal movement has been
proposed by many techniques.
Scotland has the most
powerful one working to date. 5/14/2017 Live News and Traffic helicopters used in
major cities have cost $7 to $10 million.
But the new concept of using Gyrocopters
brings that cost down to under $500k.
Now most any town's cable TV station can have its own News Chopper
carrying pilot and reporter.
Gyro Stabilized Dyna
X5 Camera Mount
Camera Controller on Reporter's lap
2 seat arrangement. Garmin
3d avionics optional
Rear View Autogyro An autogyro cannot hover, but with light wind can take
off as short as 300 ft. Over 4 hours of airtime. Forward travel as fast
as 100 mph. Climate controlled cabin. Not a hobbyist's hang glider. A
real news gathering vehicle. Also used by law enforcement. 4/30/2017
Keshe Foundation announces Tokyo University
medical lab test results of GANS treatment of cancer. Lab test mice
recovered in TEN out of TEN cases. Injection
use, cured in maximum 5 days.
Oral treatment, took up to 20 days, but was just as effective to
eliminate all signs of cancer throughout the body.
This 4.5 hour video
explains the testing procedures used and also shows results of a human
test on breast cancer. Caution, graphic photos. Sadly, the breast was
lost, but tests showed all signs of cancer were gone in 90 days, with
only healthy skin tissue remaining. Oral treatment for humans is now
being studied to determine exact dosages to use. 4/18/2017 Graphene found to do partial
desalination of sea water. But still not complete fresh
water output. 4/4/2017 How to trap a self driving car, with
a bag of flour. 3/22/2017
Foster Gamble expresses his optimism
for Donald Trump to release disruptive energy technologies at a
conference in Acapulco Mexico. 2/28/2017 English speaking people can now carry your
verbal interpreter in your pocket
when visiting Japan or China.
More language interfacing yet to come. 2/13/2017 Sorting hyperbole from fact is no easy
task, especial with Keshe Technology. Despite other exaggerations, the CO2 GANS does have
beneficial agriculture aspects. Image provided by farmer using GANS as
a fertilizer. 2/10/2017 A reader suggested this excellent summary
of solar systems available today. It is added to our energy blog
1/25/2017 Over 50 years ago, someone invented the
exploding cigar. But using Lithium
batteries in e-cigs takes it to a new level. 1/19/2017 Faraday Future continues the pazaz teasers
with performance
claims beyond Tesla, but you still can't get one yet.
mention of cost either, just a $5,000 deposit to reserve. Will it be
just another super car for the 1%?
64,000 reservations placed in 36 hours.1/6/2017 A property of synthetic diamonds reveals GPS
capability. 1/4/2017 2 new faces in the FE realm for 2017.
Darth Dansie to discredit
either or both. 1/1/2017 Keshe receives confirmation of several of
his technologies, but they don't come from "conventional media"
sources. Many come from the African country of Ghana.
The Ghana Atomic Energy Commission is taking a close look at use
of some of the Keshe nano/plasma technology to treat cancer and
remove pollution from rivers and streams. Results are not only
positive, but startling. The elite academic community of the west needs
to grow up and realize other countries and races have intelligence also.
50+ years of cancer research in the US and UK has not solved anything.
It is past time to look elsewhere.
Again, we repeat our disclaimer: Mehran Keshe is KNOWN to have some
very repulsive theological views, and to have claimed to have some
energy units working several years before actually having it. We have
to look past the warts to the few matters he does have that actually
work. I detest some of Bill Gates actions, but I reluctantly use his
operating system on my computer. At least Keshe is not killing people
by the hundreds of thousands a year like the world's leading medical
industry is proven to be doing with pharmaceuticals, faulty vaccines,
and other types of malpractice. Use discernment in EVERYTHING. Even
with your own doctor and pastor. Nobody knows everything. It has been
proven over and over again that everyone is ignorant, just on different
topics. 1/1/2017
Disclaimer: We list Keshe products
as being available, only because they really are being shipped and
delivered, but all customers must
be aware this is NOT normal
technology, and NOTHING
is plug and play
performance. Sporadic confirmation of performance does exist,
but nothing has been mass tested as of December 2015. Every first generation of ANYTHING has
bugs. Spend with caution. - - - -
Refer to 2015
archive for KF Blue Print and training. Radiation exposure: Recommended nutritional
prevention measures compiled by Dr. Bill Deagle
with hands on experience dealing with radiation sickness. 4/1/2011
- - -
21.8% Efficient Solar Cell
A wide array of DIY electric supplies can be found at
Aftermarket Hybrid conversion motors.
Net-Gain Motors Best
site for build your own electric vehicle projects. EVTV - Store Five
Gas Analyzer
you do mechanical experimentation on your vehicle with any fuel
modification, you need to know what it is doing with the exhaust
Strongly Advocate
Magnetic Energy (Motors) Advanced Electrolysis
(water as fuel) Sane
Hydrocarbon fuels and CONDEMN:
ANY use or form of radioactive
misuse of any
issues reported as we learn of them on our Klooz page. Last
update: 11/22/2012. Peaked in 2006. CF
editor's personal experiences. 12 Iodine
to protect thyroid
can be ordered atNutrimedical Dr. Deagle's radiation
treatment protocolfor the prevention of
radiation sickness
For assistance in contacting any of the companies mentioned here,
and some that aren't,
contact the webmaster at Leroy
commutefaster (dot)
to e-mail harvesting robots and spammers:
Harvesting e-mail addresses from anywhere on this domain is a criminal
offense prosecutable through the CanSpam
act of 2003, punishable by fines up to $11,000 per offense
plus other penalties.
comments to Leroy (at) commutefaster
(dot) com