Yes, LED
lights are extremely efficient, but there are related
health hazards. 12/29/2018
running the world politicize every aspect of science from Biology to
Geology just to keep the population dumb and controllable.
The Diehold Foundation now
releases a 5 part series of videos by Douglas Vogt revealing
what has been hidden by various secret societies inside corrupted
science for centuries.
Parts: 123
(4&5 yet to come)
Unlike many claims of others, this research aligns with Biblical
history. Astronomical events show the Earth has less than 30 years
before it gets hit with the next supernova, which has happened many
times in the past on a predictable schedule.
A special thanks to Rob Nelson at
for bringing these videos to my attention.
12/26/2018 Flyover video of
Campfire damage in Paradise California on 11/27/2018. California
- - - Confirmed
deaths: 87
Residences destroyed: 13,906
Commercial blds: 514 11/22/2018
- - - Deaths
79, over 1,000 missing.
Cars, trees and thick wood bursting into flames. No typical ignition
Videos: 1211/20/2018
11/15/2018: 56
deaths confirmed, over 8,000 homes destroyed in the attack on
California via arson fires.
- - -
years of Fukushima radiation raining down on the US West coast has made
forests into brittle tinder boxes. 44
deaths now confirmed in California wildfires. But
another element has entered the story, Directed Energy Weapons. Why?
And who is doing it? Notice the vegitation is fine, but the bridge's
I-Beams are melted with only a shallow water creek below. 11/13/2018
Experiment in Hague Netherlands Kills
Hundreds of Birds.
11/8/2018 According
to the only witness at the event, his brother Steve reported:
20 years ago, inventor Stan Meyer was murdered by 2 mysterious
investors from Belgium. They immediately disappeared.
Now, 20 years later, Israel claims to have a watercar
technology, co-developed with an Australian firm. All funded by an
organization called BIRD. The
Binational Israeli Research & Development Agreement with the US.
A close look reveals the technology is quite different than Stan Meyer
was working on. But everyone needs to see where BIRD gets its
R&D money. 10/31/2018 Were
several of America's most advanced fighter jet, the F22, damaged
by a common hurricane?
The F22
can easily cruise at mach 2, so could easily outrun any natural storm.
But if they were down for maintenance, that is another story. Or was
huricane Michael a weather manipulated, targeted
strike to hide other activity? 10/4/2018 New cars
are like riding inside a microwave oven. There is
a lot more than just the EMF from your hand held cell phone gradually
cooking you.
Expanded pdf
with details.
A thorough
report is frightening to read. 9/17/2018 Hurricane
threatens nuclear power plants in North Carolina and New York. But prior
problems have not gone away. 9/14/2018
recovering from a long serious illness, Radchick posts
a new video observing indications of Fukushima radiation in
Florida. 9/9/2018 Tesla
spent too much money dazzling everyone with gadgetry, but not paying
attention to cash flow and what people really want.
They now
need another couple of
a billion dollars.
Personally, I
could use a couple of grand myself and I promise not to send it to
Mars. 8/31/2018 A meteorite
struck the International Space Station. Just like
the Little Dutch Boy, astronaut Gerst put his finger on the 2 mm hole.
The leak happened in one of the Russian modules. 8/31/2018 Many high
tech ideas sound great, until quality control and installation skills
enter the picture. Take a look at these Yelp
reviews for Solar City in Las Vegas NV. CAD
drawings seldom represent the real thing. If homeowners can't get
humans on the phone, do you really want to let a Tesla computer drive
your car in traffic? 8/13/2018 Controversial
investigator of the Las Vegas Massacre dies in hospital of an
infection. Scott
Binsackgrew up
in a mob environment and had enormous contacts in the casino industry
around the country. He started a group named March For America, MFA. He posted part 1 of the
Vegas investigation, and claimed part 2 would blow the lid off the
story as he had proof it was done by the same culprits who did 9/11. He
never completed part 2. I am not certain who is running his YouTube Channel
now. He was 48 years old and died in Las Vegas. 7/24/2018
- - - - 7/26/2018 update In Scott's last video post (June 4, 2018) at the 0:13:00
point, he blames Mossad working with Saudis for the Vegas
massacre At the 1:36:00 point he says Jered Kushner was named in
one of the sealed indictments. But Kushner then cut a deal with Comey
and Mueller to dump more dirt on Trump to also get President Donald
indicted too. CF analysis: The top
of the Satanic/NWO pyramid are psychopaths vying for king of the hill.
Jesuits think Zionists are their puppets. Zionists think the
opposite. Thus the MOTIVE for Vegas was typical Bolshevik gun control
agenda first, to benefit both sides, which then gets innocent people
stuck in the middle killed by not being able to defend themselves
against fascist control from left or right. The FBI, playing both sides
of the story, wants to distract everyone with the same "lone gunman"
story they used
with JFK as they pulled off the first stage of the takeover of
America in 1963. We may be about to see a shoot out between the 2
factions. Las Vegas was an early sample. Only innocent bystanders get
killed. 7/26/2018 As
General Electric stock tumbles, and they continue to sell off major
assets, there is a new opportunity for someone with major
capital. GE has
been the leader in railroad locomotives for many years. But anyone with
a minor knowledge of clean energy efficiency, taking a brief look at a
diesel locomotives design quickly realizes it was not intended to just
move cargo, but its major purpose was to burn up as much diesel fuel as
physically possible. If Nikola Motors knows how to make long haul
electric trucks, it's time they step up a notch to handle hundred car
train loads. GE sold their soul to nuclear and oil from
inception. They acquired patents from RCA and began doing
sinister stuff too. Look up QRS-11
to know what I'm talking about. Jack Welch knew
how to keep them profitable, but ethics of product were nothing he took
any time to concern himself with. 6/28/2018 Tesla
Motors victimized by sabotage from staff. Elon Musk files
Tesla S bursts
into flames with no collision for cause. 6/17/2018
Motors announces 9%
workforce layoffs. 6/12/2018
- - -
Tesla Motors facing lawsuits for:
Cobalt has been the factor that boosts
Lithium performance in batteries used in both electric cars and
electric bicycles, but it has negative hazards and economics.
Panasonic is developing a cobalt
free battery design. 6/11/2018 Lava evaporates
all water in Green Lake on Hawaii Island. 6/3/2018 Crypto currency mining computers use
massive amounts of electricity.
One of the reasons forecasters use to justify extremely high Bitcoin
values in the future is because it will require that much electricity
to make one. Nobody will mine one until the price gets that high. A mining
conference addresses this issue. But if cheap electricity becomes
available, crypto coins could stabilize and become the consistent value
currency they were supposed to be. 5/26/2018 Has Elon Musk joined the good ol' boy's
Despite cars
still exploding, no manned flights yet on SpaceX, and still showing
no profits to Wall street, his stock remains many times earnings.
New laws in California mandating solar will create the artificial
demand for his Solar City products similar to mandated auto
insurance. Car insurance only got more expensive, and claims
became more difficult. Likewise, homes will cost more to build and own
as utilities never were a factor in the price of a home until now. The
amount necessary to finance was always the problem.
Cheaper satellites to space create a crash hazard that could stop space
travel altogether with massive debris issues when 2 or more satellites
eventually collide. Nobody does crash tests satellites traveling 18,000
Likewise the known problem of Lithium ion thermal runaway is not only a
problem with moving vehicles in traffic vulnerable to collision, but
accidents happen in personal garages too. Do you really want one of his
home power batteries bolted to the structure of your home if something
goes wrong in the garage and the thing takes a accidental hard blow?
His Boring
company also smells of association with the legendary Deep
Underground Military bases only discussed in conspiracy groups, as none
have ever been declassified.
Elon's warnings again Artificial Intelligence are worthless when he
continues to cram driverless technology onto every car he makes. 5/19/2018
Nikola Motors sues
Tesla Motors. Electric
vehicles would be great if the moronic Silicon Valley mentality of
letting attorneys run the company didn't exist. Management that outgrew
juvenile video games might help too. 5/3/2018 Nuclear waste storage tank at San Onofre
California fails.
4/26/2018 Why have wind and solar never addressed the
logical need for storage? This editorial by Jack Rickard of
EVTV reveals his own observations while owning 2 large solar
installations. 4/15/2018 Elon Musk admits humans
adapt to changes faster than robots. So why is he still
cramming autonomous driving down our throats? 4/15/2018 Bitcoin solves one problem, but created
another. Massive energy consumption to mine it caused a coal
fired power plant to reopen. Maybe paper "greenbacks" were really
greener in the first place. 4/13/2018 Computers and Artificial Intelligence.
Powerful tool or frightening master. Do You Trust This
Computer?Powerful documentary released April 5,
2018. $3.99/viewSeven Years since 3/11/2011 Fukushima and
not one government admits what happened or what has resulted. To date,
no one has disproven ANY claim by Jim Stone in this report.
And as a result, background radiation continues to climb worldwide. 3/11/2018 Are digital crypto currencies really a new
technology? Look closely at this cover of The Economist magazine
published in 1988. Bix Weir of Road to Roota explains how
Alan Greenspan may have been involved in the creation of not only
Bitcoin, but the entire blockchain technology. Once you learn
what Root "A" is, it might make sense. 3/6/2018 Genetic Modification was supposed to solve
agriculture problems, but is creating havoc, bad health and death all
around the world. This series on the Jeff Rense Show
reveals many hidden aspects of GMO not even known by health food
advocates. It is deadly and NOT a PROVEN science.
Parts: 1232/22/2018 Newly discovered evidence
proves helicopters were used for a military assault on Las Vegas on
October 1 last year. Yet the FBI holds on to their lone gunman
story just like Oswald and 19 Arabs with box cutters. 2/22/2018
Evangelist Billy Graham passes away. Age 99. The first thing anyone should do in life is establish a
personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is what he claimed to
be. Stories about him by others need scrutiny and discernment. Once you
realize treating others as you want them to treat you, really is the
Golden Rule, not the rule of gold. 2/21/2018 Artificial intelligence has a major dark
side. We were warned in several Hollywood movies, but now Linda
Moulton Howe tells a horrifying story from a military R&D facility
in Japan. Comment is from an interview on "Truth Be Told TV" and begins at
the 40:13 point. 2/13/2018 The crisis of a sinking
oil tanker returns. This time in the East China Sea. 1/28/2018
Private investigator Scott
Binsack begins a 3 part report
on just who did the October 1, 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas.
Evidence points to the same culprits behind 9/11, not a lone nut case.
It was an attack on the American right to public assembly, and Las
Vegas was a convenient, available crowd to target.
Part 3 of Three YouTube Vimeo
1/18/2018 The mass shooting in Las Vegas last year
had little effect on the Consumer Electronics Show. It hit record
attendance of 175,000 and used 11 sites. 1/16/2018 Good luck getting any hi tech work done
with a contaminated computer. 2
viruses take advantage of NSA hacking tools released last year by
hackers. 1/6/2018 The $2.8
Billion VW diesel settlement will enable states to wage war
on all diesels, large and small. 1/4/2018
May 16,
2006 mafia
style hit as reported by Sterling Allan at
Rasmussen comments on investing
in new energy technologies
Professor James
McCanney summarizes our state of affairs in Energy and Politics. 12/29/2018
What was in the envelopes
passed out at the GHWB funeral?
- - -
SGT Report video
update on 9/11 Grand Jury. 12/25/2018 Brooks Agnew gives a brief summary how
Obama used Dodd/Frank to destroy all new startup business in America. MP311:26 mins 12/17/2018 Silver is the best conductor of
electricity. The WWII Manhattan Project needed huge amounts of it. Actions
back then had long term economic effects many years later. This Video by Bix Weir explains the
interaction between military and the US Treasury. 12/17/2018 List of Exhibits
in Grand Jury Probe of 9/11.
- - -
OF 9/11 by a Grand Jury Approved. The US Attorney for
Southern District of NY AGREES to reopen an investigation of events on
9/11/2001 based on evidence presented by The Lawyers Committee for 9/11
Press Release.
Video Report
12/3/2018 Does the closing
of the Apollo Museum imply Trump's new Space Force will replace
- - -
About the only thing the Public knows about
America's Secret Space Program is that we paid for
it. Or was it siphoned to Israel? Or both? Did Israel take
all the Tech, then sell it at profit?
12/3/2018 Listen to Netanyahu himself
boast that CIA and NSA are just entrepreneurial investments of his. Alt video site11/22/2018 Netanyahu runs Israel like a Las Vegas
Casino. He now grabs the 4th title in his government.
1. Prime Minister,
2. Foreign Minister,
3. Communications Chief, and now
4. Defense Minister. SGT Report:
PG&E ties to Rothschilds Brendon O'Connel: Edward Snowden
is puppet to Netanyahu, along with most all of the US Congress 11/15/2018
All Israel Prime Ministers since 1948
derive from Bolshevik Russia or Poland, NOT any Hebrew ancestry.
You won't know what Bolsheviks are until you learn about
Joseph Stalin. And when you see Dwight Eisenhower standing next to
Stalin at the end of the film, remember the report from Major Jordan as
to how nuclear secrets were shipped wholesale to Russia at the end of
WWII. 11/15/2018 By FCC mandate,
America rushes to activate 5G... While IGNORING any health side affects of ANY RF signal.
This 1 hr 15 video report by Dana
Ashley may make you sick just to watch. 10/29/2018
Israeli owned trucks are being used to transport the bogus caravan
crossing Mexico. Look at the Star of David on the truck's cab.10/24/2018 Politics in the US has gotten atrocious due
to liberal sore losers. But Cameroon Africa is in essential
Civil War. How bad does it have to be to "escape" to Nigeria? 10/14/2018 How are Russia or China obtaining the most
advanced technologies from the US?
Simple, they purchase them from Israel.
Or they go to Craigslist.
Hurricane manipulation is a KNOWN SCIENCE
Since 1995
Professor James McCanney explains in his 9/13/2018
web cast. Reposted in entirety here, no edits.
His other shows are archived
here. 9/22/2018 The Oroville California Dam repairs now
exceed $1.1 Billion. 9/9/2018 The 150 year standard name for high end
pianos, Steinway, looks to be headed to China. This video commentary
explains possible reasons why. 9/9/2018 California passes
bill to ban gasoline, diesel and coal use by 2045.
9/1/2018 The US Patent process is a disaster.
This group
is proposing a bill which could correct a few
issues. 8/31/2018 Imported electric bicycles hit with a 25%
tariff. Ouch. This also affects 3 wheeled electric cars
classified as electric bicycles as with the Electra Meccanica
manufactured in Canada. Tesla has its problems, but the laws seem to
all be written in its favor at the moment. Apparently all of Musk's
political donations are paying off. 8/25/2018 Alex Jones has enlightened many of us about
horrific government corruption, but... his own organization is
now seen to be infiltrated by the very criminals running Washington DC.
The new smart phone ap for you to get
Alex 24/7 uses code WRITTEN IN ISRAEL by the same
programmers causing all our other computer problems and total loss of
security for both personal and government use.
Don't wait for headlines from me, keep informed of the
Israel/Illuminatti effort to take down America at Brendon OConnel's site as long as it can stay up. 8/25/2018
The F117a was built by patriotic
Americans to defend the country with the highest possible technology. But George Bush Senior used it to
close one of his personal drug deals in Panama.
Now the F35 is supposed to be our next extremely high technology, some
claim it can become totally invisible. Who bought it first? Israel. How
did they first use it? To kill (2) 15 year old
Palestinian boys in a building under construction. Neither the boys nor
the building were a threat to anyone.
Who pushed the sale of the F35's to Israel? The usual suspects. Brendon O Connel and Michael Hurzog discus
who has been taking US technology and reselling it all to
the highest bidder since WWII.
8/4/2018 Do any government employees have a clue
what the words "moral responsibility" mean?
Comey, Mueller, Eric Holder conspire
to sell US tech to foreign governments, and joined in by US defense
contractors keeping their monopoly on the military industrial complex. 7/26/2018 LA County California plans new hiking trails...
right past the old Rocketdyne Santa Susana Pass melt down site of a
sodium cooled nuclear reactor in 1959.
If Russia allows tourists near Chernobyl, why not here? And make
it a family hiking site while they're at it. Or is this a veiled way to
encourage homeless camps away from the city? 7/23/2018 What do: Windows 10, Intel CPU
since i5, Smart Meters, Stuxnet,
Fukushima, Autonomous Driving, Predator Drones, Privacy Breaches,
and the Las Vegas massacre all have in common?Bibi Netanyahu
and Israel.
7/13/2018 - updated 7/23/2018 Patent suppression has been addressed here
many times in the last 10+ years, but resurfaces
with Trump's mention of a Space Force. 7/1/2018 Mr. Hydrogen Hummer - Arnold Swartzenegger,
criticizes Trump's return to coal
promotion. 7/1/2018 The reason genuine high technology,
developed in the US is suppressed here, but ends up in foreign
countries is a bit complex. It is written into US Law that
it must first go to Israel, for them to turn around and sell it
elsewhere. Listen to this 2 min 33 sec mp3 excerpt from
Brendan O' Connel as he reads from US Law. If all the Israeli spies were removed from the US
government, there wouldn't be anyone left to turn out the lights.
Full interview from the Michael
Herzog Show. Part
2 6/24/2018 Is anyone really supposed to believe who
the US Government claims are experts on nuclear energy? Look at
the 1:54 point of this promotion
video wanting to bury nuclear waste in drill holes. Does this clown
look like someone you would believe about ANYTHING? Yet this group has
already obtained
$4.7 million for their crazy proposal. 6/23/2018 General Electric has been a member of the
Dow 30 since 1907.
To be removed
on June 25, 2018.
Noted anti nuke advocate Kevin Blanch (Warning: Massive Profanity)blames their
continuos involvement in the criminally run nuclear power industry for
their decline. 6/20/2018 Holding a patent only guarantees grief. Classification
of patents has been run by a corrupt British firm named SERCO since
2015. Posting your great ideas on the internet prevents you
from obtaining a patent, BUT it prevents others from doing it too. If
you are first to market and lowest price/highest quality you win the
game, and no Philadelphia attorney will take it from you. Here is an
argument for open
sourcing everything. 6/17/2018
While Donald Trump makes
history with North and South Korea, the swamp back home continues
ridiculous abuse of power on common citizens. Fed agents are now setting up
entrapment for unsuspecting people using Bitcoin.
6/12/2018 What could a sneaky politician from Nevada
possibly have to do with the erupting volcano in Hawaii? Fracking
and Government loans.6/2/2018 Dept. of Energy ordered
to keep coal and nuclear plants operating. Early shutdown
would threaten stability of the grid. 6/1/2018 Trump signs the Economic Growth, Regulatory
Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155).
The White
House claims it now helps small banks to keep money for local use.
But will it get capital into the hands of small companies with genuine
The US has a backlog of great clean energy technologies and medical
advancements that can't get capital or necessary FDA approval.
Deep State and massive regulations, compounded by banks demanding cash
flow prerequisites to obtain any capital keeps all good ideas locked up.
Sarah Westall interviews Dr. Boyd Haley with solutions for Autism and
COPD. But is facing massive suppression by FDA bureaucrats. Part One, Part
Monsanto has poisoned all of us with glyphosate
in their Roundup.
5/25/2018 Gasoline and Utility prices climb. The
politics behind failed technologies gets dirtier
than their own products.5/22/2018
In Las Vegas NV, one candidate for
Sheriff wants to get the FBI out of local politics. NOBODY
believes the lone shooter story pushed by corrupt Feds in Washington
DC. 5/22/2018 Details reveal how criminal politics have
controlled energy with stunts from foreign wars to an attempt to take
over the Bundy Ranch.58 min video
Research provided by Douglas Gabriel at American Intelligence Media.
4/20/2018 No form of nuclear energy is endorsed by
this site. However, we have to admit there are less dangerous
methods than the ones presently in use around the world.
This old documentary,
salvaged from a low resolution VHS copy, explains how one less
dangerous method, Thorium, was politically removed from competition. Galt:ProloguePart 1Part 2Part 3 Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7
Text summary
of videos. In the
melee of political rhetoric a 6th grade education hat salesman from
Hollywood, Chester Holifield, became the Chairman of the Committee on
Atomic Energy in the 1960's. The
term Geothermal Atmospheric Liquefied Thorium, GALT became the clever
acronym used by Ayn Rand in her novel Who
is John Galt? and Atlas
Shrugged. Atlas referred to the nickname of the only congressman
who supported the less dangerous tech.
4/15/2018 Nuclear incidents continue. Too
many to report on often. Politicians debate, spend some money, and
never resolve. Idaho is one of the more
recent accidents. 4/13/2018 Deep State Puppets. You can't tell
who is speaking for who, without a play card.
Here is your own deep state pdf directory of who
is on payroll of whom.
- - -
Now that you know Mark Zuckerberg and wife are owned, (see list above)
look at all the donations
he made to the congressment who "grilled?" him. Would you trust
your cat videos to that man?
4/13/2018 Bipartison congress
allows first Trump trade deal with North Korea. (Satire)
Somewhere on this "White Rabbit" chart is
the group financing MIB suppression of clean energy, and the total
enslavement of mankind. If you don't know the history of all of
them, expect to get blind sided.
Click image to enlarge.
3/16/2018 Is China about
to destroy the last dregs of Detroit Michigan with their falling
space station? 3/11/2018 Any great idea, whether a constitutional
republic, Christianity, or even clean energy, if it ever fails, it is for one reason alone,
INFILTRATION by those with an agenda to destroy and control. Architects
of Western Declinein only 28 minutes lists the names and
agendas of those who used academic BS to confuse and commandeer a
society from its healthy goals. The result today is from total Marxist
Bolshevism and explains WHY our government is in chaos, church
attendance is declining and banks only finance their agenda, never real
clean energy. 3/8/2018
Sarah Westall interviews Catherine Austine Fitts of This
explains what has happened to the economy from where your pension money
went, to why nothing good gets capitalized and all your taxes go to
bankers and wars.
Parts: OneTwo
Click image to enlarge. 3/2/2018 Only because Billions of Dollars have been
wasted on Junk Science due to politics, do we have to post so much
political commentary here.
politicians spend your tax money on junk.
major media misleads serious private capital in bad directions.
The net
result are financial sanctions against real, clean technology. History
is thick with great ideas that simply never got funded to reach the
and Google mass censorship continues. YouTube sites removed this week:
Alex Jones, Jordan Sather, Richie Allen, and Chuck Ochelli. Specific
videos have been removed from Jake Morphonios, Scott Binsack, and Sarah
Westall. Google robots stopped visiting CommuteFaster many months ago.
At the same time, major media uses crisis actors to push a "disarm
honest people" agenda. David
Hogg was seen earlier in Los Angeles before he became a Florida
shooting celebrity pushing an agenda from his FBI agent father..
2/23/2018 Former Huffington Post columnist, David
Seaman has been permanently
banned from YouTube, just as many others have when identifying
pedophiles and government power abusers. YouTube/Google is
driven with a Bolshevik agenda and won't tolerate any discussion of
His Bitchute channel is HERE.
Also restricted from monetization is the Victurus Libertas channel
which has exposed and named both political and celebrity criminals.
Their YT
link, their Bitchute link
2/22/2018 The insane governor of California, Jerry
Brown disallows
use of a gun to stop schools shootings. 2/21/2018 Short range electric vehicles proved to be
a political
waste of money in Los Angeles, CA. A police car application
demands more. 1/28/2018 China gradually moves away from
coal as primary source for electricity. 1/28/2018
First Hawaii,
now Japan. Government measures to prevent false alarms are
proving more defective than a cheap cell phone. 1/16/2018 California to shut
down its last nuclear plant, Diablo Canyon. Now the issue of
various costs to do it begin. 1/12/2018 Dept. of Energy dangles
another carrot for 2018, implying it will fund new clean
energy. They do this every year. For some odd reason only
major political donors ever get the money. Money tax payers have
to replace, with nothing productive to show for it. If anything ever
ends up in the hand of the public, it will be privately funded.
Government only knows how to repeat the same old lies that keep them in
FYI, the $100 million they offer is a drop in the bucket compared to
Pentagon waste on a daily basis. You have to beg and jump through
bureaucratic hoops to get it. The Pentagon just files another
requisition and stamps it classified 1/6/2018 Just who is Buzz Aldrin flying
for now? Maybe he's beyond
globalist to Interplanetaryist, but with 94 stars? Is he counting moons
His line of clothing website. SprayGround.
Interview posted
on RedIce 2009 1/4/2018
The word "volatile" is an understatement
for Cryptocoins. Originally claimed to replace government's fiat
currencies and put financial power in the hands of the individual,
closer inspection reveals sinister roots. Bix Weir found
evidence that the same guy who wrote the computer programs used by the
Federal Reserve to rig the US economy, Alan Greenspan, is the same guy
who wrote the code for Bitcoin.
Another investigator, Brendon O"Connel,
claims all crypto codes originated under Israel's Unit 8200. A segment
of Israel's covert techno/intelligence funded by the Binantional
Industrial R&D Foundation, which is mostly US Taxpayer money.
Could Bix Weir and Brendon O'Connel both be correct? Alan Greenspan is
Personal experience has shown Silicon Valley has more economic
rattlesnakes than the Mojave Desert has Mojave Greens. Either capable
of a venomous deadly bite.
The internet has branded Nigeria as the capital of email scams. But
Central Africa does have serious problems. A civil war rages in
Cameroon. Someone suggested they issue a crypto coin, named the AmbaCoin allegedly to help real
refugees and other victims. But will it really
Meanwhile, the western world places bets on the volatility of both fiat
government currencies and too many crypto currencies to list. The 1%
fat cats in the world weren't satisfied controlling all the common
money in the world. The feel they have to control anything that
replaces it too. They already bought up most of the gold and silver in
the world with their present fake money. 12/29/2018 Watch a young woman move a 900
pound concert grand piano off from a truck, then up 2 flights of stairs
by herself. She uses a robot made by PianoLift in France. 12/3/2018
X-Prize held competition for water
generation in difficult environments.
First prize winner: Skysource
Skywater Alliance
Runner up:
Professor James McCanney's
Wing Generator Professor McCanney describes its operation
in his October
25, 2018 archived broadcast. 11/17/2018 NASA is reported to have bought out a few
manufacturers' production of C-60. 11/14/2018
ViZiv Technologies, based in Texas, attempts what many others have
talked about, but never found funding. That of rebuilding the famous
Tesla Wardencraft Tower.
Video report.
Company web site. But who is funding it? Engineers who studied the
technology closely for many years have claimed it would have worked
fine when Nikola Tesla built it, but jump ahead to now, and the massive
use of microwave and other RF in the world would disable its
abilities. 11/12/2018 Occasionally, some absolutely epic material
gets posted on YouTube. A host who uses the brand Dark Journalist did 2 classic
interivews. Over 2 hrs each, but worth the time. Not topics for Joe Six
Guest Cliff High
Guest Dr. Joseph
P. Farrel 11/11/2018 China discovers electrical
enhancement replaces fertilizers and pesticides. 11/11/2018
Van Raam of Netherlands introduces the Gocab Kid Taxi with electric
assist. 10/26/2018
Electra Meccanica of Canada opens showroom
in Los Angeles. 10/26/2018 Front and rear facing dash cams for your
bicycle are now offered by Cycliq. The
rear camera sees in infrared, HD video is stored on rugged micro SD
chips and includes GPS data. 10/26/2018 Astrophysicists like Professor James
McCanney have posed the occurrence of very large electrical discharges
between celestial bodies as they pass each other. That includes
comets, moons, and planets. It now appears the odd science of "remote
viewing" begins to confirm that event. So where has a planetary
lightening strike hit before?
The Grand Canyon. 10/14/2018
Update 10/26/2018 Bluebird announces delivery
of first electric School Buses in California. 10/4/2018
Arcimoto. The US-Made 3 wheel electric car design. Still working to
eventually go into production. But just like Elio, finds it to be an
expensive task. 9/29/2018 Audi debuts their e-tron
2019 answer to the Tesla S. 9/18/2018 Canadian company Electra Meccanica rang the
opening bell on NASDAQ Thursday 8/30.
The stock symbol isSOLO.
The $10 million public
offering will enhance manufacturing of their 3 wheel electric car. 8/31/2018
The only company known to offer a remake of
the legendary Royal Rife machine charged several thousand dollars. This site offers
a Smart Phone Ap claiming to do the same thing for $80. But just like
the expensive one, performance is not guaranteed and up to you to "fine
tune" to your personal needs. 8/28/2018 Energy efficient agriculture
is the new high tech in Las Vegas NV.
Farming has always been dirty work.
But Las Vegas takes a different approach Oasis Biotech
opens a 215,000 square foot vertical farm facility. 8/25/2018 Delfast Electric Bike sets
record of 225 miles on one charge. 8/25/2018 Elon Musk's Solar City made solar panels
look like roofing shingles. Why not do that to the
rest of the structure? Oxford Photovoltaics
has. Their new solar glass can be disguised to appear like many
other materials, making the entire building an electric
generator. 8/9/2018 Virgin Galactic sets new altitude
record for manned commercial space flight. 7/26/2018
3 Wheeled ELF-2FR is a
semi-enclosed, electric assisted bicycle for 2 passengers with a solar
panel. 7/7/2018 Several electric
SUV's to come in 2019. 7/3/2018 A valuable tip to anyone paying cash for
prescription medication. If you have insurance, great, but many of us don't.
Believe it or not, there is a FREE program to join, without even any
privacy invading questions, that offers huge discounts on many
medications. I just tried it myself this week. A $55 medication
dropped to $11. Give it a try, accepted by a long list of pharmacies.
You have nothing to lose. The
Prescription Savings Card. 6/20/2018 Musk's Boring Company wins
contract to build Chicago a new subway from Ohare Airport.
6/15/2018 SpaceX announces the addition of rocket
boosters to the Tesla Roadster. But isn't adding a fuel
burning liquid for propulsion to an electric car an oxymoron? 6/12/2018
Ford revives a 2
wheel car with gyro design from 1961, then teams with China.
Possible deliveries in 2020. 6/3/2018
Retro 3 wheel EV with All Wheel Drive.
The Nobe
1. No whiz bang gizmos, just a simple electric
car. Made in Estonia. Not available in US yet.
6/3/2018 Another impractical electric sports car. 1
Megawatt of power. The
Miss R. 6/1/2018
The first Electra Meccanic Solo delivered
to the US. 5/13/2018
- - -
For inquiries about purchasing in the US please contact a
good friend of this site.
info (at)
Because conventional banks are more worried
about their own survival, the 3 wheel economy car design of
Elio has used Crowd Funding, then a Secondary offering and is still not
in production.
They now announce a $250 million group effort with to
issue their own Crypto
Currency. 4/26/2018 3 Blade Windmills have outlived their
usefulness. They have proven to have high maintenance costs,
are a threat to large birds and have very low efficiency.
Professor James McCanney
proposes a new design.
This design is more efficient, is not a threat to bird traffic and has
a by-product of fresh water extracted from the air blowing through the
His Crowdfunding
campaign is running now to get units into production. This design produces:
energy in both higher
and slower winds than the 3 blade design was capable of.
Its obvious
appearance is easily seen by birds which fly around them.
It attaches to a
water from air unit, producing fresh water from its excess power
Jack Ricard of EVTV reviews his new
Tesla Model 3. 3/16/2018 Rimac of Croatia, continues the trend of
making a totally
impractical sports car. Performance that belongs on an aircraft,
not the city streets of the world.
Would Nikola Tesla drive a Tesla or a Rimac? Probably neither. He was a
sane individual with no suicidal tendencies. 3/8/2018 Faraday Future finds $1.5
billion of additional funding. 2/21/2018 A 5V battery heated blanket is developed by
Coupled with a solar panel on one's back pack seems like
the ideal gift to the homeless in cold weather. Sadly, for those who
own homes, converting a house to 100% solar, still costs as much as the
house. 1/28/2018 Fisker EMotion
report from CES.
After multiple name changes, Fisker shows its EMotion
with more gull wing doors than Tesla. But did they solve the battery connection problem that
destroyed the first company?
1/12/2018 Another Lithium
formulation enters the battery scene. 1/6/2018 Many new cryptocoins will have ICO's this
year. Some may do well with them. But just like valuable art,
they are easily stolen, not just by hacking, but dealing with blatant
liars. This comedy video from 2017 sums it up
pretty well. Bitcoin Billionaire.
Beware. 1/4/2018
*Disclaimer: Early research by
Mehran Keshe showed some interesting promise. But after declaring
himself messiah, his 4 hour long teaching videos are now mostly
incoherent ramblings of some strange religious philosophy, nothing
about why his theories work or how to make them work. We provide links
here for anyone to research on their own
We acquired one of his Pain Pens, and saw no productive results. So
most of this medical claims are just empty claims.
Manipulation of mass, is another aspect requiring scientific control
rather than philosophical claims backed only by emotion. His
implication that anyone can just make critical components at home in
their kitchen, and obtain consistent results is simply absurd.
Tied to his religious philosophy, recent videos imply his "spaceships"
will be controlled mentally, and only by those following his religious
beliefs. It should be brought to everyone's attention, Mehran
Keshe is not the first
to make this claim. Otis T. Carr said something similar. And
there are still people alive today who claim it actually flew. Ralph
Ring is one of them. - - - -
Refer to 2015
archive for KF Blue Print and training. Radiation exposure: Recommended nutritional
prevention measures compiled by Dr. Bill Deagle
with hands on experience dealing with radiation sickness. 4/1/2011
- - -
21.8% Efficient Solar Cell
A wide array of DIY electric supplies can be found at
Aftermarket Hybrid conversion motors.
Net-Gain Motors Best
site for build your own electric vehicle projects. EVTV - Store Five
Gas Analyzer
you do mechanical experimentation on your vehicle with any fuel
modification, you need to know what it is doing with the exhaust
Strongly Advocate
Magnetic Energy (Motors) Advanced Electrolysis
(water as fuel) Sane
Hydrocarbon fuels and CONDEMN:
ANY use or form of radioactive
misuse of any
issues reported as we learn of them on our Klooz page. Last
update: 11/22/2012. Peaked in 2006. CF
editor's personal experiences. 12 Iodine
to protect thyroid
can be ordered atNutrimedical Dr. Deagle's radiation
treatment protocolfor the prevention of
radiation sickness
For assistance in contacting any of the companies mentioned here,
and some that aren't,
contact the webmaster at Leroy
commutefaster (dot)
to e-mail harvesting robots and spammers:
Harvesting e-mail addresses from anywhere on this domain is a criminal
offense prosecutable through the CanSpam
act of 2003, punishable by fines up to $11,000 per offense
plus other penalties.
comments to Leroy (at) commutefaster
(dot) com