Consider the REAL Price you pay for gas
Expensive energy is one of the
largest factors affecting the
cost of living in most of the world.
does NOT have to continue. Solutions exist but are
being suppressed by current monopolies.
Updated 12/29/2006
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New Exxon CEO defends the old guy (Lee Ramon) getting $400 million retirement bonus. 12/29/2006
Reality check:
What fool thinks atmospheric warming comes from internal combustion engines? This was one of the sun's smaller flares in the last few years. 12/26/2006
Oil Pipeline Burst in Lagos - kills over 200. Scavengers collecting spilled fuel likely the victims of ignition. 12/26/2006
Nuclear Traffic Up Since Early 90's. 12/26/2006
Another Oil Spill, this one in the Gulf of Mexico. 12/26/2006
Wrong Way to use Hydrogen Sir... Gov. Swartzenegger breaks leg while skiing. Solid hydrogen and oxygen (snow) can be dangerous. 12/24/2006
Overseas Shipholding Group Inc. Fined $37 Million for Pollution. Pleads guilty to 33 felony accounts for deliberate pollution of 6 US Ports. 12/24/2006
Mercedes-Benz USA fined for pollution issues. 12/22/2006
Something to Consider: Would Hydrogen on Demand (HOD) technology have a weight problem if used in aircraft?
If you look at the atomic weights of Hydrogen and Oxygen gases you see for every 18 lbs of water, you only have 2 lbs of hydrogen. A Learjet 40XR can carry 5375 lbs of fuel. If that fuel was water, that's only 597 lbs of actual hydrogen fuel. The remaining 4778 lbs is oxygen. Perhaps it could be handy to have for extra altitude, but doesn't help much with distance. So this earlier research study that gives a thumbs up for hydrogen propulsion in standard aircraft turbine engines would necessitate only carrying pure hydrogen to work. Recycling the exhaust might be somewhat feasible for internal combustion engines, but is absolutely impossible with external combustion engines. Another way to illustrate the weight issue: if you have 2 gallons and one quart of water, 18 lbs., the quart is the hydrogen's weight and the 2 gallon jugs are the oxygen. Did you ever realize the air you breath was so heavy? 12/20/2006
Donald Trump Gives Miss USA (party girl) a 2nd Chance. Hmm I wonder if her looks had anything to do with it? What other business associates get such treatment from him? I thought he tried to trademark the phrase "you're fired." It might be nice to see such benevolence get behind alternative energy. But few in this field have the figure for help from Trump. 12/20/2006
Scripture says: "To whom much is given, much is required."
The Richest 2% of the World Population Own over Half the Wealth. Do they appear to give a flip about the health of the Earth or the rest of us who have to live here? No, they just want to kill us all off and keep ALL the wealth for themselves.
They own the shipping lines of the world that use the filthiest and lowest grade of diesel fuel made.
They don't fly small Lear Jets, they use jumbo jets for personal transportation. The air quality close to large airports with jumbo traffic is atrocious. It's worse than living next to a coal fired power plant.
I think it's time the rest of us repossess what they have blatantly abused. I guess they heard "the meek will inherit the Earth," so like bad renters, want to trash the place before they leave.
Everyone needs to learn where money comes from which has caused this gross imbalance to fall into control by the most grossly immoral criminals on the planet and make the rest of us who do the work think we're poor just because the bank statement they print tells us so. If a poor guy's 15 year old Pontiac fails smog, he can't drive to work. Time to get tough on the super polluting rich and FORCE them to use clean energy. But then again, storming the Bastille with oil drenched torches looks more threatening than fuel cell powered LED flashlights. 12/18/2006
Scammed Again! By Big Oil. Now we see the oil companies have regulated the pumping temperature in the wholesale path, but ignore it at your pump. Unlike water, hydrocarbon liquid fuels change volume considerably with temperature changes. 12/16/2006
X-3 Solar Flare Directly at Earth.
Animation of spot 930
Initial blast
30 min later
3 Day animation - note speed!
Depleted Uranium - debate
This image is possibly a staged hoax.
I am unable to identify who set up the demonstration and took the photograph, supposedly showing 12.5 grams of DU, (U238) lighting a 25 watt light bulb. Several "experts" claim it is impossible to work as illustrated.
However, THESE IMAGES are NOT a hoax and NO EXPERT CAN DENY their cause and result. DU is not safe. 12/10/2006
As the sun causes climates to change worldwide, volcanoes appear, islands disappear. Yet new forms of life are discovered. A form of self-boiling shrimp learns to adapt. 12/11/2006
Solar Tsunami. The X6 solar flare that erupted on December 6 from sun spot 930 caused an enormous shock wave across the surface of the sun. Here is a must see animation captured by a ground based telescope in New Mexico. Not many space telescopes were operating during this solar storm. This solar storm is creating a substantial aurora light show up North. 12/8/2006
Reminder: About 10 days after a major flare like these, the earth experiences either severe weather or major quakes. Ten days after the X-9 reported below the Pacific Northwest got hit with this storm. 12/16/2006
X9 Solar Flare Erupts 12/5/2006.
A good site to bookmark for daily solar activity coverage is SpaceWeather.com and make use of the archived pages for past solar activity reports. 12/6/2006
Want to be a celebrity? Get a cell phone. You will have an INSTANT audience, but not necessarily one you want. 12/4/2006
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Charged with Falsifying Safety Records.
Meanwhile, over in Russia, they hide the facts also, yet experiencing 300,000 deaths a year from environmental pollution. (not necessarily nuclear) 11/28/2006
Major Solar Flare 11/20/2006
Combining studies by James McCanney and Stan Deyo, this will likely generate a 7+ earthquake somewhere on Earth in about 10 days, due to excessive charging of the earth's magnetosphere and core. Full year of hi-resolution images are archived at the SOHO site. Animation of this flare. 11/26/2006
Update: Ten days following the above solar flare there were more than a half dozen 5 to 6+ maginitude earthquakes across the southern Pacific from Chile to Indonesia and central Asia. The Midwestern US was also hit with severe winter weather along with a major typhoon in the Phillippines.. Excess energy hitting the magnetosphere also can also exhibit itself in violent weather. Determining exactly where and how this excess energy will show up is still an vague science. 12/4/2006
David Hermance,Toyota Alternative Energy Executive; "father of the Prius" dies at the controls of his Interavia E-3 aerobatic aircraft while flying off Long Beach California Sunday. 11/26/2006
Radioactive Waste Makes Large Masses of Land Uninhabitable, or Local Natural Resources Unusable.
- Uranium mines on Navajo Reservation.
- Chernobyl
- Iraq
- Yakama Nation, Washington
Ethanol Drives UP Food Costs. Tyson Foods reporting third quarter loss, blames rising cost of corn from increased demand by ethanol producers. 11/15/2006
Study shows biomass fuel use would require 100 million acres of farmland to be effective. 11/20/2006
JetBlue CEO David Neeleman wants to fly his jets cheaper with coal? 11/20/2006
Genesis Scientific Bites the Dust, following sentencing of founder Patrick Kelly in New Jersey. The conviction addresses securities fraud and misappropriation of funds but does not answer the specific question of whether the technology claims were a total lie or a failed attempt.
More comments at FreeHydrogenBlogspot 11/15/2006
GE and Hitachi Merge Nuclear Energy Businesses. It looks like somebody bought out GreenPeace too. We have claimed for at least 2 years now GreenPeace is a fruadulent front for the phony environmental movement, likely to do something this dumb at the drop of a dime. 11/15/2006
Depleted Uranium Risks Ignored.
Causing Cancer in Iraq.
Likely cause of 11,000 US Soldier's deaths who fought in Iraq since 1991. 11/13/2006
Many Fuel Sources were experimented with in the early days of rocket propulsion. Rocketdyne ended up using clean liquid hydrogen and oxygen as the best combination. But earlier experimentation caused massive soil and air pollution which now haunts the communities that built up in the area funded by all the highly paid NASA scientists working there. This website monitors the progress of cleanup attempts, now the responsibility of the current land owner, Boeing. 11/8/2006
Helium Shortage. Used by consumers for party balloons, industry for specialized cooling, blimps for lift, and according to author William Lyne, a possible fuel for anti-gravity craft. I wonder who the largest user is that is causing this shortage? 11/6/2006
Loco Weed usage up among teens.
Does this mean congress will soon spend millions to eliminate a pretty flower? This is probably the ONLY time you will ever see me agree with The Rolling Stone on anything, but their cover story is "The Worst Congress Ever." Given their gross immorality, total squandering of resources, complacency to Bush's fascist agenda to wage war against US Citizen rights, and botching energy issues whenever discussed, I have to agree on most points. 11/6/2006
Obsolete Power Corrupts
Corrupt Power is is not yet obsolete. 11/3/2006
Worldwide pollution threatening seafood supplies. 11/3/2006
What you don't know about your government could kill you, and millions of others around the world. Watch this 2 min trailer for "Beyond Treason" produced by an ex-Army nurse with testimonies by victimized GI's, and nuclear physicists. The use of depleted uranium goes against science and all levels of morality. It is a crime against humanity.
Full Length - low quality online 1:29
Top quality DVD 10/26/2006
The Nuclear Power Industry boasts of having the highest trained people, and tightest security systems running their otherwise dangerous facilities. Then how do they explain this? 10/25/2006
Follow up 11/3/2006
Noted Creationist and occasional alternative energy advocate and his wife dragged from home in middle of night by IRS-Led SWAT team. Wife not allowed to even grab a bathrobe or use bathroom before being taken to police station for midnight booking. 10/20/2006
DOE Secretary Bodman Appoints Lee Raymond, ExxonMobil CEO to head study group to develop policies regarding America's Energy Crisis. So just how is anyone making $25+ million/year supposed to understand Joe 6pack/minimum-wager's need for fuel? I could suggest several highly educated individuals for the task, but oddly, all are currently having confrontations with IRS this month. What a coincidence? I guess Mr. Raymond just files the short form and never takes ANY deductions for IRS to challenge. 10/20/2006
CO2 does NOT cause global warming, BUT the more CO2 there is, the Less Oxygen we humans have to breathe.
Take this into consideration the next time you gaze at the awesome Airbus A380. In flight, it produces as much carbon dioxide per hour as ALL the human beings on the planet BREATHE OUT in the same period of time. Or, restated, the same as 5 million cars. Airbus hopes to put 1,500 of these models in the sky by 2026. This fact was reported by Jim Starry on the Jeff Rense show Monday 10/16/2006. But, use of water derived hydrogen places ZERO carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and only uses as much oxygen as it dispensed from the water that made it. An Oak Ridge National Laboratory study showed hydrogen to be easily adaptable to commercial aircraft. 10/18/2006
Update: Maybe we can breath a little easier for a while, as FedEx canceled and order for 10 of these A380 Airbuses. 11/8/2006
Leaks found in UK Nuclear Power Plants. 10/17/2006
BP Learns a $30 million Lesson regarding handling of hydrogen in high pressure application. 10/16/2006
Alternative Energy Advocate Dean Warwick dies during a lecture. 10/12/2006
Illegal Hydrogen Explosion? Vietnam is not noted for adhering to safety regulations. 10/12/2006
Lost Nukes may have created Radioactive Snails. 10/12/2006
More Horrifying Information about the Indiscriminate Use of Depleted Uranium. 10/6/2006
Boeing wins Mexican border fence contract... and immediately outsources part to Israel. 10/6/2006
Bush comments 10/23/2006
Electronic Communication Insecurities. Nothing can stop NSA backed by corrupt politicians, but if you're only enemies are industrial or the gossiping neighbor next door, try this Zphone free beta program written by PGP author Phil Zimmermann. You will also need a VOIP client. Gizmo is still free, although not as reliable as others. 10/5/2006
Somebody hates the truth. This site experienced a Distributed Denial of Service Attack on 9/28/2006. We apologize for asking you to reset your bookmarks to find us. 9/30/2006
If you value life, your own, mine and everyone else's, PLEASE listen to this one hour talk show. Dr. Bill Deagle MD interviews Nuclear scientist Dr. Leuren Moret about depleted uranium and suppressed alternative energy. (Right click, save to hard drive.) You will need to share this information with others. Originally aired on RBNlive.com, NutriMedical Report, hour 2, 9/25/2006.
Which machine is easier to hack?
If hacked, what are the penalties?
A: Cement overshoes
B: Another term in office
Both these executives admit to wire tapping.
Which one was removed from office?
My point? Shall we trust corporations or politicians to change the world's bad energy enslavement? Probably neither. But politicians have a history of being more sinister than either the Mafia or corporate bureaucracy.
Where are American jobs going? This video encapsulates the problem. 9/23/2006
And a way to get the few jobs that are left. 10/23/2006
Financial Analyst Al Martin reported on the ErskineOvernight talk show 9/23/2006 that 20,000 US Citizens are LEAVING the United States monthly, and expatriating to other countries. Most in this group are in the top 10% income bracket of the US. I guess those are the only ones who can afford a plane ticket now. 9/23/2006
All agree: The 9/11 WTC Attack was a conspiracy. The debate is a conspiracy of whom? Was it a group of theologically challenged Arabs in a cave with cell phones, or a group of sociopath elitists, government insiders and politicians? The debate's relevance on this site is that massive oil money was involved which led further to billions of dollars being extorted from consumer pockets due to unnecessary fuel prices. Before clinging to any opinion, please review this video, Loose Change, downloaded over 10 million times, for the most revealing camera footage and this web site for the most accurate engineering and historical data of the event. 9/22/2006
Another Energy Suppression List, this one by Byron Wine. 9/21/2006
Video Proof of No Fuel Shortage. 9/21/2006
On Sunday 9/10/2006 Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project was interviewed by Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM. Dr. Greer made several startling announcements and comments. Dr. Greer claims one of his team members was told directly by Neil Armstrong that "when he stepped off the lunar module, he was surrounded by extraterrestrial vehicles."
When asked if he felt the government was hiding any of its own technology, and if so, why haven't we used it ourselves? He responded that to do so would disclose what they have.
Commenting on government competency, he said the average government official couldn't find their own rear end in a well lighted room using both hands.
When asked about violence against alternative energy inventors, he felt that was being instigated by "Petro-Nazis." meaning he felt oil money was behind the violence, not conventional government, although he did feel the government we see was being run by a shadow government behind all the scenes. 9/11/2006
Mystery object observed near Shuttle Atlantis. 9/19/2006
Ironic location for an illegal alien bust, Roswell NM. They were working for a military contractor painting C-130's when arrested. Is this the alien technology the US Military has been accused of using since 1948? 9/4/2006
Air Liquide Brings Their New 100,000,000 Cu. Ft./Day Hydrogen Production Plant Online. It uses Steam Methane Reformation technology, so the oil companies have a new big customer. 9/3/2006
Exxon Accused of Conspiring with Government to Invade Iraq to Accelerate Their Own Profits. 9/1/2006
Another Energy Suppression Essay, by Peter Lindemann back in 2001. Those who ignore what he points out are destined to their own MIB confrontation. 9/1/2006
"Internal Combuston" a new book by Edwin Black exposes 100 years of extortion, forcing the world to use hydrocarbon based fuels for the sole purpose of extreme profit to a select few at the expense of the health and wealth of the masses. Kind of like what we do here at CommuteFaster all the time, but you can read it without booting up your computer. 9/1/2006
Tin Foil Hats: Joke or Something Else? MIT researchers approached a humorous topic as a joke, but discovered a strange coincidence in the results of their investigation. Another report made similar discoveries.
Even The History Channel did a show recently on CIA mind control. What does all this have to do with energy you ask? One of the key discoveries to super efficient electrolysis of water was made by Andrija Puharich while working as a psychiatrist in the CIA MK Ultra program back in the 60's. So there is a small but bizarre overlapping of similar technologies. If not controlled properly, aspects of one can affect the other. 8/31/2006
China Already Uses More Coal Than India, US, and Russian Combined. So who gets a contract to add solar to rural homes? Shell Oil, followed by BP. 8/31/2006
Despite Record Profits, BP Still Demands Government Support to Implement a new Carbon Capture Technology. 8/26/2006
Fact: Ovation distillation technology can provide DISTILLED water from SEA WATER for less than half a penny a gallon, not much more than the price you pay for tap water in a city. But world powers and bankers want to make a political issue and instigate violence rather than implement solutions. Ovation has been treated like a cow pie by the financial community and thus far unable to obtain capital to provide their wonderful technology to everyone in the world who needs it. 8/17/2006
More politicizing as US Banks get involved with an enormous reservoir in South America. 9/4/2006
Dr. Iris M. Ovshinsky, co-founder of the respected energy conversion development firm Ovonics passed away 8/16/2006 at age 79. 8/17/2006
Odd, BP Discovers Corrosion in the Alaskan Pipeline and Shuts Down One of 2 Lines. Boy, I wonder if that means they''ll raise prices again???? How much longer will America accept "the dog ate my homework" excuses from these thieves? 8/7/2006
If Bush was really hunting down terrorists, why hasn't he arrested this jerk yet?
He actually made this confession in his last book. On page 405 of the paperback edition, David Rockefeller says this:
"...Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
For few who do not know this man. He is unquestionably at the top of the world shadow governments to the world. In 1964 he had an argument with Nikita Krushchev. Result? 2 weeks after the meeting, Krushchev retired to Siberia and was immediately replaced, all at David Rockefeller's command. Do you think Bill Gates could do that to Putin? 8/6/2006
Another Energy Technology Suppression Story. This one from Canada, revealing a secret "North American Energy Policy" that allegedly is dictated to follow this list of the ONLY acceptable energy technologies to be allowed.
1. oil
2. gas
3. coal
4. nuclear
5. microwave transmissions from satellites, in that order. 8/6/2006
Any Prototype is Expen$ive. Hondas are no exception. Finding test drivers to handle million dollar cars is a challenge. Hydrogen prototypes are not necessarily any more expensive than conventional cars. Those who work at Honda report that every new model, regardless of fuel type costs a million to properly test and get full DOT approval. 8/1/2006
New Website: ProjectCamelot.org/ recognizes the fallen in the quest for better clean energies. 7/30/2006
And yet another inventor goes public with his quest for capital to develop hydrogen from water technologies. 7/30/2006
Pollution from oil derivatives cause allergies, neurological disorders all the way to domestic violence. 7/17/2006
Let's see, billionaire Warren Buffet gives $44 billion to billionaire Bill Gates.
Anything seem unusual here?
Mainstream media comments.
Dr. Henry Makow comments.
Which I guess answers the joke, what does the country's 2nd richest man give to the 1st richest man? Just remember, money is like manure, it attracts flies and breeds maggots. Only a farmer knows how to use it in large quantities wisely. Neither Gates or Buffet are farmers. 7/10/2006
Oil & Nuclear Continue to Extort the WORLD. If garage experimenters in US, Australia, Europe and elsewhere can make hydrogen on demand, is there any doubt China, or the multinational companies in Taiwan could do the same? So WHY IN THE WORD DO THEY CONTINUE TO BUILD NUKE PLANTS? There is NO SANE REASON for this, other than extortion by the elitists in power. 7/8/2006
Did NASA go to the moon in the 60's and 70's?
I personally knew several engineers who worked on the moon program, so if you had asked me up to last year, I would have said of course they did. But those were the days I believed Walter Cronkite. Now that I know he is a paid actor from the CFR, I would ask you to watch this 55 min video titled "Astronauts Gone Wild" and make your own conclusion. The reporters are admittedly aggressive and rude to the astronauts, but the bizarre response by some is not expected no matter how angry they were. And if that intrigues you, here is another series with more on the topic. 7/8/2006
University of California Caught Using State Department as Pawn to Hide Their Own Crimes. Dr. Leuren Moret identifies Depleted Uranium link to skyrocketing diabeties. Her foreign associates then get stopped by customs based on information that could have ONLY come from University of California. How big and powerful is the nuclear cartel? 6/29/2006
Is Racial Hate Speech Really a Good Way to Promote Alternative Fuels? I have noted Americans can look the same and also have sinister motives. 6/24/2006
$400,000,000 for What? Chevron says it will spend this to develop alternative fuels in 2006. Reminder, Exxon paid the same amount as a retirement bonus to ONE executive, Lee Raymond. But reality says, give 1/10th that to a garage inventor and you will see 10 times the results, if he doesn't get killed first. 6/23/2006
Alternative Energy Suppression is not new,
as this list exhibits. Compiled by Gary Versperman. 6/14/2006
40 Years Ago: June 8, 1966 was the last flight of the failed XB70, America's only attempt at large supersonic aircraft. The XB70 was the military bomber design. If it had succeeded, it was to lead into supersonic, then hypersonic passenger flight. Relatives and friends of the test pilots who were killed recall the event in Lancaster California. The surviving twin XB70 is on display at Wright-Patterson Air Force Museum, in Dayton, Ohio. 6/11/2006
ExxonMobil Stockholders Challenge Motives of Board of Directors.
Excerpted from INCR News
Pension fund trustees from seven states, New York City, and eight other major institutional investors with over 110 million Exxon Mobil shares worth an estimated $6.75 billion made the request for the meeting this week.
Connecticut State Treasurer Denise L. Nappier, said: "In effect, ExxonMobil is making a massive bet-with shareholders' money-that the world's addiction to oil will not abate for decades, even as its competitors are taking significant steps to prepare for a rapidly changing energy environment. As investors, we are concerned that ExxonMobil is not sufficiently preparing for 'tomorrow's energy' and runs the risk of lagging significantly behind its rivals.
California Controller Steve Westly, a trustee of CalPERS and CalSTRS, the nation's largest and second-largest public pension funds, said: "While the state of California and other oil companies are moving ahead to reduce the risks of climate change, Exxon Mobil is stubbornly refusing to meet with shareholders.
California State Treasurer Phil Angelides, also a trustee of CalPERS and CalSTRS, said: "Shareholders deserve to know if the companies they own are going down the prudent path -- adopting environmental practices that will enable them to survive and thrive in a world of increasing environmental concern and regulation -- or whether they are following a path that will damage both our environment and our bottom line. 5/18/2006
If perpetual motion and overunity are impossible, WHY does anyone who tries to produce proof of feasibility get their life threatened or taken?
Reference One
Reference Two
Reference Three
Now this...
On Tuesday 5/16/2006 a technician who was one of a team of garage experimenters investigating hydrogen on demand technology was run off the road and accosted by 4 white middle aged males in black suits carrying Mac tens and Glocks. The victim had his life threatened and those of his family and associates if he did not stop work on the process immediately.
For the record, he did stop as threatened.
Using information which could only have been obtained by monitoring digital cell phones and e-mail, the thugs convinced the victim they had total control over his personal life and was told to remain silent, not talking to government authorities or a family member would be killed. Extensive details about this family member were stated.
Apparently skeptics think alternative energy is a joke. It is not. But those who run the current energy monopoly think it is worth killing anyone who shows something that does not agree with their contrived, conventional milquetoast physics' fantasies.
As editor of this page, my life has now been threatened by 2 loaded guns pointed in the face of a good friend.
Obeying the threats made to him, the person threatened has stopped all work on the project. Neither that person nor any of the rest of us can be responsible for any others out there who continue the research on their own.
We only have this kind warning to fellow experimenters who try to challenge the conventional physics crap being taught to naive students around the world. Challenge the system, the system that says oil is god, and there are pathetic paid mafia goons all over the world who will stop you for a few measly dollars. We know, because we met their guns face to face. Please continue your noble research, but PLEASE PLEASE watch your backside. CF ed.
The biotech industry has been overrun by thugs hiding within government. I can easily make this charge because Governments have done NOTHING to track down the culprits who murdered 75+ microbiologists. If they had, we would know the identity of at least some of the murders and hopefully their bosses or contractors.
The violence is now bleeding over into the energy field.
It would be nice to see the Joe 6 pack American population shop at sites like mine so inventors could afford to purchase encryption and other privacy items. ButJoe 6 pack* US sofa slugs watch Jerry Springer, listen to Howard Stern and shop at china-mart. As long as the beer keeps flowing and Dominos offers 2 for 1, I don't see any immediate change. Talk shows are helpful, but actions speak louder than words.
And along the same note...
Please go see Aaron Russo's FreedomToFacism in theaters when it plays near you. Yeah, it's just a movie, until a gun lands in YOUR FACE Too.
Google Video has posted a half hour interview with film producer Aaron Russo. CF-ed
* Joe 6 pack sent me an e-mail of protest and said he has similar needs to mine and also hated paying $80 bucks to fill his pick up truck. So I respectfully re-aim my contempt at sofa slugs who believe the lies TV tells them. 6/9/2006
Fill Up Your I-Pod or MP3 Player while you pump your wealth into your gas tank. New Microsoft Gas Pump can sell you electronic junk along with the other junk food you get at your local gas station. 5/12/2006
Can't find Hydrogen for your fuel cell car? Try finding gasoline in Manhattan. 5/12/2006
How Wind Electric Generation Works. 5/9/2006
Hydrogen Cars Not Bullet Proof, yet. So politicians can't use them. 4/29/2006
Extortion continues: Exxon = $8 billion in profits this quarter, Chevron = $4 billion. Shell decides to make another refinery, first in many years. 4/29/2006
Write your own headline on this story, I'm speechless. 4/27/2006
GasPriceWatch Reports regular has crossed $4/gallon in NY. I have to ask why crossing the Colorado River between California and Arizona on 4/21/2006 showed about a $1/gallon price difference? Is Governor Arnnie as imbedded with oil as President Bush? AZ was $2.83, CA was $3.79/gal. 4/24/2006
Chernobyl Disaster Anniversary is April 26, 1986 = 20 years. Switzerland debates future investment in nuclear energy. 4/24/2006
The potential hazards of microwaves from your cell phone close to your brain have been proven, and your wireless phone at home is possibly worse, but look what microwaves do to simple water. 4/17/2006
Tires Pollute Almost as much as the engines that spin them. Some solutions exist, but more are needed. 4/14/2006
Another clever use for recycled tires developed in UK. 6/10/2006
Wells Fargo finally releases some renewable energy funds from the promised $1 billion announced last year. Where did they invest it? A mutual fund. But not just any mutual fund, this one:
Carlyle Group and Riverstone Holdings. Does the name Carlyle Group ring a bell? These stories may jog your memory. 4/10/2006
Who needs energy if the academics just kill us all off?
Dr. Eric R. Pianka from the University of Texas at Arlington advocates releasing ebola virus or whatever is necessary to kill off 90% or more of the human race to save the planet. See where your donations to academia go folks? The scary thing is this guy teaches people how to carry out his insane ideas. And the University of Texas pays him for his services. 4/6/2006
Economic Forecasts Show Alternative Energy Is Where The Financial Pros Should Be Investing. So why haven't they been? 4/3/2006
Current Technology Renewable Energy Projects face high failure rate. 4/3/2006
Excellon Corp confesses to leaking millions of gallons of Tritium contaminates into local groundwater. But NRC says it's OK if they dump it into the Kankakee River. But I used to SWIM in THAT river!!!! Has anyone asked cities downstream what they think of this policy? 3/30/2006
Think You're Safe from Nuclear Materials and Radiation?
- Depleted Uranium for Dummies 3/24/2006
- Dummies For DU.
- Nuclear Physicist Explains DU, (mp3) along with comments by the US Army Major, Dr. Doug Rokke. Dr. Rokke wrote the Army's operation manual for the correct use of DU 3/27/2006
Clean Water Act Still Violated by Most US Factories. 3/27/2006
Venezuelan Refinery suffers fatality in hydrogen unit. Story not clear what hydrogen had to do with fire. 3/22/2006
Hydrogen is Too Clean in One Aspect, you don't know when it's present. Air Products is shopping for an appropriate fragrance to solve the problem. 3/20/2006
Skeptics continue to use conventional electrolysis numbers to criticize hydrogen for transportation application. 3/20/2006
Another Alaska Oil Spill 3/14/2006
Investment Professionals Continue to Fear Alternative Energy. Why? 3/6/2006
Fuel Cell Stack Reaches New Endurance Benchmark, 1000 hours of continuous hydrogen generation. At first glance this looks like a great achievement, but as you will read, the story makes no mention how much current was consumed to make only 177 liters of H2 per hour. I seem to recall NASA was using high endurance fuel cells back in th 60's on the moon program. 3/6/2006
Dennis Weaver, noted Hydrogen Fuel advocate passed away from cancer 2/24/2006
Promises, Promises: Another Big Shot Venture Capital Firm earmarks $100 million for "Green Tech." But CFO magazine (subscription only) sited in the Oct 2005 edition the example of Bob MacDonald, CEO of Ovation (see story column 3, 12/1/2005) Even after completing the cumbersome task of SEC/NASD approval to go public AND owning 7 patents was STILL unable to obtain follow through funding from venture capitalists for what CommuteFaster rated as the number 1 technology breakthrough for 2005. What are these guys thinking? 2/26/2006
Stuart Energy's web site hacked. The Canadian firm making a variety of hydrogen energy equipment had its domain hacked and redirected to a porno site. The safe way to find them is at
FuelCellMarkets.com At time of writing this report, even the major search engines were still sending viewers to the sabotaged location. 2/23/2006
LA Times: Fuel Cells No Longer Sexy 2/22/2006
Current Hydrogen Transportation is very inefficient. Hitachi reduces the problem with an improved pumping system. Still handling the gas in a dangerous form though. 2/18/2006
Evil Agenda Exposed: Exxon President refers to energy independence as a "misperception." Who's side is this guy on? Obviously not America's! 2/7/2006
Air Liquide & ConocoPhillips announce intent to build a 120 million cubic feet per day Hydrogen facility near San Francisco to handle expected demand. It is scheduled for completion in mid-2008. What technology will they use? Steam Methane Reforming. This technique is only 65 to 75% efficient, but that is all they know about. I guess that means they will consume a dollar's worth of natural gas to make 75 cents worth of hydrogen. Hmm? I wonder who wrote their business plan?
Air Products announced its new plants in Louisianna are now on line. They use Steam Methane Reformation also. 2/1/2006
Nuke Plants Leak. Ground water being tested near Kankakee River, Illinois, possibly contaminated back in 1998. 1/24/2006
Leak leads to one propety buy out and compensation offered to 14 others. 1/27/2006
Will India Have the First Hydrogen Highway? As reported earlier (10/14/2005), Tai Robinson found out it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a total hydrogen vehicle approved in the state of California, despite the H2 Highway rhetoric coming from Governor Swartzenegger. The editor of CommuteFaster has repeatedly tried to contact his representative in Sacramento and even the California Hydrogen Association which has strong political contacts to correct this problem, but thus far, they have not returned our calls or e-mails. To date, the ONLY government agency that returns calls is the USDA Renewable Energy program. They are one of few government agencies that actually puts forth an effort to do their job. Complements to them! 1/24/2006
Peak Oil Debate on CoastToCoastAM. Host George Noory mediated between Jerome Corsi and Michael Ruppert 1/12/2006. A fast-blast pole at end of show revealed more that 60% of listeners believed the abiotic view of Jerome Corsi over Mike Ruppert's Peak Oil views. Perhaps some of those listeners have found our page 1/13/2006
Toyota says "fuel cells will not arrive until 2030"
GM hopes 2010
Honda hopes 2020
DOE wants 2020.
Serious performance issues have not been solved, even with 30+ years of research. They don't work below freezing, so they NEED global warming to work. 1/9/2006
Update 2/23/2006 Honda changes tune, now projecting 3 to 4 years for fuel cell car.
Socially Responsible Investing, (SRI) is a buzzword used with both good and bad contexts. Public stock investing by mutual funds report activities during 2005. Some now realize social responsibility is a fiduciary necessity, not a frivolous option. 1/7/2006
Billions for Fuel Cell Research over 30+ years, but where has it gone? The things are STILL less efficient that Internal Combustion Engines. In a now removed article, FuelCellWorks noted that much of the R&D money spent thus far had to be used on legal expenses to protect any intellectual property (IP) they may have acquired. Industrial espionage is a greater threat than being late to market. Sometimes paying more to their attorneys rather than on true research. 1/4/2006
Priced any Alternative Energy Conferences Lately? Registration prices for current shows posted above:
Montreau $1400
HD Vehicles $650
H2 Expo $795
Some discounts may apply. As long as oil dominates government spending in this field, the high prices are unlikely to change. 1/4/2006
Previous articles posted in 2005 Energy archives
May 16, 2006 mafia style hit as reported by Sterling Allan at FreeEnergyNews.com
In a secret memo between British Petroleum executives dated 7/1/2006, leaked to Lindsey Williams, author of "Energy Non-Crisis", the memo boasted that (paraphrased)Lid Blown onBush Administration now proposes Polar Bears be placed on the most endangered species list. Our experience has shown efficient energy inventors to be even more endangered. But anyone who disagrees with the Bush administration on anything is really the MOST endangered because due to the Military commissions act they become enemy combatants and lose all constitutional civil rights. 12/29/2006
Suspicious of your new RFID US Passport? Here is one possible solution. 12/29/2006
Know anybody with IRS audit problems? Watch this 11 min video and see how Halliburton accounts for its expenditures. Funny how IRS never bothers them. 12/22/2006
Pentagon Asks for $99 Billion, but still hasn't found the $2.3 trillion they lost 5 years ago. (see flashback story below) 12/22/2006
DOE Stops Further Funding of Carbon Nanotube Research for use in Hydrogen Storage. Failure to meet design criteria cited as reason. 12/22/2006
DOE Secretary Bodman Continues to Nuke China. 12/20/2006
UK Wants More Nuclear Subs, but shucks we're all too stupid to know how to make and run them. 12/20/2006
DOE's Bodman Approves Sale of another 4 Nuclear Reactors to China. 12/18/2006
As the US Dollar continues to erode against the EuroDollar, a consortium of 20 European countries buys a new magnetic toy. More information about Cern can be learned at their website. 12/18/2006
Flashback - the day BEFORE 9/11 Perhaps the US Dollar would be a bit stronger if its own government could FIND what they already had. Also remember the side of the Pentagon hit by the *missle was the accounting division. (* Ref. "Loose Change" or Schollarsfor911truth.org for more proof) 12/18/2006
Bush Administration Caught Censoring Scientific Data. Some USGS earthquake data was frozen on November 12, 2006. 12/16/2006
R&D Tax Credit Extension Approved by Lame Duck Congress. Despite the illegality of ANY income tax, corporate or private, the incoming Democrat branch of the Washington Mafia are unlikely to correct the situation anytime soon, so we're back to appreciating any deduction or credit that IRS will allow. So once again you can put some otherwise wasted tax money into perfecting an alternative energy technology and get 20% of it back. 12/15/2006
Is anyone the least bit concerned about the character of the man leading the county in both international affairs and national energy policy? If you wanted to know how crooked LBJ was, ask a Texan who worked with him. The same goes for GW Bush. Ask a preacher in Texas what he knows. (Caution, disturbing photographs)
George Bush also claims the US doesn't torture anyone. This Canadian citizen's experience proves otherwise. The arrogant and chilling remark by an INS official mentioned at the 1:55 min point on the video should be a warning to everyone. Video Text
Acting as an accomplice, congress allowed this to happen with the abusive policies in both Patriot acts and the Military commission act passed this year.
And if anyone thinks a little incompetence and corruption never hurt anyone, or had any relevance on energy, remember Chernobyl? It used to be a thriving upper middle class community, showcasing Communist technological accomplishments, supporting many highly educated engineers with their families... until April 27, 1986.
This 5 minute music video will jog your memory.
More Mud on Al Gore's Face. Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" film is loaded with hidden lies and misrepresentations. He leads you to hate some of the right people for the wrong reasons. Why the twist? He's a politician. Oil is killing us by POLLUTION NOT HEAT. If any excess heat is occurring it's coming from the sun (see left column) not Exxon. But the sun is not extorting money from my wallet and filling my lungs with carbon derivatives. Exxon/Mobil is. 12/8/2006
Criminal Negligence in the use of Depleted Uranium continues.
Coal Gets Another Billion Dollars in Tax Credits from DOE.
Nukes Get $16 million to find a place to put their waste. 12/1/2006
US Military reluctance to stop use of Depleted Uranium is a probable cause to return to the draft. Additionally, Israel restocks DU weapons used against Lebanon. And DU is now suspected as a contributing cause for military suicide 11/29/2006
China nearing completion of their own energy policy. 11/29/2006
US Air Force Announces the Flying Pyramid, the Lockheed F117a will be removed from service in 2008. Designed solely for minimized detection by radar or infrared, it was never fuel efficient or aerodynamically stable. 11/28/2006
Ed. note: The F117a began heavy use in the Gulf war in '91 using DU tipped smart bombs, and continues today. Could they have become radioactive themselves just carrying so much load? As classified as this plane always has been, I doubt any civilian could get a geiger counter close enough to find out. But if true, the A-10 Wart Hog might be the next plane to get abruptly de-certified. 11/29/2006
Five California Cities decide to stop using coal generated electricity. 11/26/2006
Can 86% of Europeans and 1,500 young evangelicals be wrong about Global Warming? Yes. There is not enough oil on this planet to generate the heat released in ONE solar flare. Watch these short videos, 1 2 and see where the heat has come from that is currently melting ice caps and adding to other unseasonal weather havoc around the globe. 2,660 scientists signed a petition in February, 2006 requesting the truth be told rather than accept the globalist political propaganda put forth in the Kyoto treaty.
Most recently a large comet struck the sun (time lapse) on 11/4/2006. The 10 day delay for CME energy and debris to reach the Earth likely contributed to the stress on the magnetic core causing the 8.3 earthquake on November 15, 2006. the sun has been generating abnormal eruptions since 2003, the same time ice cap melting accelerated to its present level. 11/20/2006
Nuclear Reactor for Sale, Canada. 11/16/2006
Fermi Research Alliance, LLC gets $1.5 billion from DOE. I guess a hundred years of nuclear research isn't enough, let's study it some more. 11/15/2006
Will the new Democratic Congress issue more handouts to Green Energy? For the record, CommuteFaster does not advocate any government financing. But we DO request protection from zealot monopolies who sometimes even resort to violence to prevent clean energy from entering the market place on a level playing field. 11/13/2006
Militarizing Space. Also see this archived report by Leuren Moret. 11/6/2006
Camp Falcon Attack - Cover-up. Massive release of DU in series of explosions. Accused of being America's greatest crime against humanity.
video 11/6/2006
Reminder, none of the alleged 19 hijackers were from Iraq. Most all were from Saudi Arabia. Yet how many US soldiers and Iraqi civilians have now been killed so baby Bush can have a public hanging of Sadam for poppy Bush? 11/6/2006
Election forecast for Tuesday 11/7: government will win, citizens will lose. 11/6/2006
Another $100 million Awarded for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Research.
Read the list. Except for 3M, have any of these organizations delivered anything usable to the consumer, ever? Many are repeats from past years of government handouts. What did we get for those millions? 10/26/2006
The Military Commissions Act 2006 (S3930) ALLEGEDLYSigned into law10/17/2006
According to the US constitution, if Congress has adjourned, a bill MUST be signed within 10 days or it is automatically pocket vetoed. Congress adjourned September 30, 2006. George W. Bush signed the bill on October 17, 2006, seventeen days (12 business days) later. 10/20/2006
Its relevance to Energy?
- Justice Dept. responds immediately to try to dismiss their previously determined UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACTIONS
- Michael Chertoff immediately threatens internet free speech. So did he have this in mind last January?
- Text Reports
- Video commentaries by MSNBC's Keith Olberman Which Bill of Rights were eliminated, what the president lied about
- Potential torture of US Citizens without habeas corpus. Video 53 mins
- Former White House
Staff Member Reveals Conservative Christians used as suckers and pawns.
- IRS Exhibits new level of aggression, especially against Churches
Has this administration done ANYTHING NOT controlled by oil, coal or nuke? 10/20/2006
Gas Price Fixing Investigation. Do you think anyone will go to jail? Not likely. But you can be sure the attorneys will get paid. 10/20/2006
Wonder Who PAID for North Korea's 4.2 Richter Columbus Day Fire Cracker? A blast from the past should jog your memory.
Excerpt from above article:
"In releasing the funding, [$95 million] President George W Bush waived the Framework's requirement that North Korea allow inspectors to ensure it has not hidden away any weapons-grade plutonium from the original reactors.
President Bush argued that the decision was "vital to the national security interests of the United States". " © BBC 4/3/2002
China Lures Renewable Energy Firms. No doubt part of the $200 billion reported here back in July this year. If they would just change their current policies of executing prisoners for body parts, forced labor, and forced abortion, it might be a good place to set up business. Too bad their government has listened to the population repression lies from David Rockefeller for 40+ years, just like the US. Readers may be interested to note, this Commutefaster energy page is NOT censored from Chinese viewers. But it has been found to be censored from school children in Texas. So where does freedom reign? 10/12/2006
State of New Mexico Rallies behind the H Prize. 10/10/2006
UK reviewing legislation to enable homeowners who generate their own power to sell it back to the grid at more than wholesale. 10/10/2006
China is no threat to global energy... unless American corruption gets involved. The Chinese are quite intelligent enough to read this page and implement good ideas, rather than use monopolistic greed to force horrible technology on an innocent population. 10/10/2006
Participate in mostevery major crime in America for 45 years and get an Aircraft Carrier named after you. 10/10/2006
Republican Party Self-destructs, Christian leaders urged to abandon a corrupt sinking ship, Democrats Equally Guilty, yet BOTH Illegally Keep America Enslaved to oil and nuclear, even though they use wind and solar as a smokescreen. 10/6/2006
The World Bank Dictates Archaic Technology Requirements on any country ignorant enough to borrow their phony fiat money. 10/6/2006
Department of Energy Ends Mandatory Polygraph Tests When Screening Nuclear Weapon Plant Employees. 10/5/2006
Los Angeles' Department of Water and Power must be 20% Green by 2010. 10/4/2006
It would be nice to only see fake news on the Comedy Channel, but mainstream news parrots anything the Bush administration tells them, regardless of truth behind the story. Sometimes, the Comedy Channel is closer to the truth. 10/4/2006
Corrupt politicians worldwide continue to push flawed nuclear power technology on an ignorant populace. 9/26/2006
What's more profitable than oil monopoly extortion? The use of government military and intelligence to keep opium and cocaine prices high. Nothing the ordinary consumer is worried about, until a drug addict breaks into your home to rob you for drug money.
Not angry yet? What about the pedophile rings in United Arab Emerates using a front of camel racing? Young boys are kidnapped from several countries to live in slavery, squandering your gasoline money as they please.
Has the war on terror stopped terrorism? This report shows quite the opposite. 9/24/2006
Follow up
Is Foley Alone? No. Google "Franklin coverup" and keep your vomit bag close by. 10/6/2006
From One Oil Man to Another. Chavez comments on Bush. Broken English, but the point comes through. video 9/24/2006
And the English Response, somewhat edited for accuracy of intent versus political facade. video 9/24/2006
And an admittedly fake news report we'd like to see. video 9/24/2006
Branson starts with $3 billion, now Clinton introduces a $1 billion investment fund for renewable energy. How much will reach truly innovative inventors? Probably none of it. 9/23/2006
In Classic Bureaucratic Tradition, California Sues Detroit. Apparently Mr. Lockyer is not aware that most of the violent acts of suppression against alternative energy that I have been able to track, take place in his state! Nor is he aware that it is still impossible for a total hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicle to obtain a smog certificate from AQMD as the test equipment used at all California test centers reject the test because the engine is too clean. 9/21/2006
Follow up 9/23/2006
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is promoting another convoluted piece of legislation that once again, talks green but does NOTHING to stop violence against inventors who have GENUINE technology that could eliminate the energy crisis, NOR to require banks to finance their efforts. Impossible financial criteria is always required of new technology inventors while the monopolies get cheap, low interest capital for anything they please. This blatant bigotry against innovative energy causes inventors to try flaky methods of getting capital, which invariably gets them in trouble with the SEC for overlooking something in the law.
Nuclear Physicist Dr. Leuren Moret reported on the 9/18/2006 Rense program that the radiation levels within 8 miles surrounding the Pentagon jumped to 2 or 3 times normal within hours of impact on 9/11/2001. Subsequent tests showed the presence of Depleted Uranium at that Pentagon crash site confirmed by a government agency. Although aircraft manufacturers have been known to use small amounts of depleted uranium as ballast, they never use enough to create readings this huge following a crash. This adds more proof that it was a missile that hit the pentagon, not a Boeing 757. 9/19/2006
$100 to $400/gallon fuel - in the battlefield. Even the "print the money" military industrial complex is forced to consider alternative energy, not only due to cost, but the shear impossibility of delivering large quantities of diesel through the flying bullets and bombs. 9/12/2006
Not Paranoid Yet? Try working on a technology that embarrasses the President's personal business associates when the corporate controlled government throws these obstacles at you, using the argument that if you keep secrets, you must be a terrorist!
1 2 3 9/6/2006
USDA Renewable Energy Program Issues Funds for 2006 Applications. We investigated this program when we first learned of it last year. Grants were only offered to non-profit organizations, not researchers. Loans, like all bank loans, were only offered to those who don't need it. I'm also curious if most recipients happen to be the same political party as their local representative? The real result? Not one truly innovative energy process received a dime. So all we have is another government welfare program for established monopolies. 9/4/2006
The NASCO Highway. Bypasses all US (Longshoreman) ports, sidesteps the Teamster Truck Union because it will be a "special" highway. Paid for by US taxpayers, although which budget funded it can't be located yet. Another runamuck Bush "giveaway" in the spirit of globalism and anti-Americanism.
CNN's Lou Dobbs comments.
So shipments to the US must first go to Mexico, then get trucked by Mexican drivers up the center of our country to Kansas, then transferred to US truckers. See any extra deisel consumption here? Meanwhile, waterfuel and other OU inventors get their lives threatened so OIL can get even more sales from this move. Criminals used to be sneaky. But this is blatant in your face extortion. 8/30/2006
Hydrogen Prostitute Job Opening at DOE. Must be able to talk hydrogen but make sure it all originates from oil. Apply here. 8/31/2006
Nearly 20,000 Bangledeshis protesting an open pit coal mining project by Asia Energy were confronted by police Saturday, Aug 26. 4 were killed and 100 were injured when police opened fire on the crowd. 8/27/2006
guilty of operating the ATM
Arkansas Texas Mafia
Which has embezzled nearly
from US and Foreign Governments.
Please read the Leo Wanta Story for details, and the Christopher Story Full Report
Other charges: abusing authority over
to harass energy inventors ,
and political whistleblowers
and illegally wiretapping
political and business opponents
throughout the world.
Known accomplices:
America is a ONE PARTY system.
- Entire congress of the US
- Tony Blair: UK
- Goldman Sachs & Co.
Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool.
My proof? Look at this picture.
16 Secretaries of State dating back to the Kennedy administration. ALL, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM was a member of the CFR, showing NO ALLEGIANCE WHATSOEVER TO THE US OR ITS CONSTITUTION, much less a party affiliation, yet following CFR dictates to enlarge wars and conflicts around the world.
My Recommendation:
(Formerly Good)
Governments Running Amuck
Israel is using Depleted Uranium against Lebanon, ignoring the FACT that massive amounts radioactive particles are blowing back on the Israeli population.
The US has exposed more that 400,000 Nagasaki bombs worth of radioactivity into the atmosphere with its DU use in Afghanistan and Iraq, and this number continues to grow. Airborne particles from this are now showing readings all over the planet, not just in the middle east.
An organic chemist interviewed on Jeff Rense 8/10/2006 exposed the details proving the UK FRAMED the last batch of British Muslim terrorists claiming a liquid bomb formula was to be used on aircraft which the chemist explained was impossible to carry out. But making the public believe it could, now means innocent fliers like you and me can't even carry a bottle of your favorite mineral water onto an airplane. THIS WAS A STAGED STUNT FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF ADVANCING GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER COMMON CITIZENS.
Both Israel and the US have been caught using white phosphorous weapons, totally in violation the Geneva Convention.
All this insanity is being perpetrated by individual leaders in all 3 countries. NONE of the 3 representative governments have officially declared war against any other country, nor do ANY have justifiable cause to inflict this terror on the citizens of any other country.
And if massive loss of life doesn't anger you, look what's happening with YOUR money.
BIG OIL, the NUKE INDUSTRY and International Central Banking OWN all the politicians in all 3 of these countries. Do you see them doing ANYTHING to restrain these madmen? No. They WANT this insanity to continue. It's time the WORLD wakes up to who their true enemies are. 8/11/2006
Alex Jones Latest Documentary, "Terror Storm" is now posted on GoogleVideo. Full quality DVDs can be purchased at InfoWars.com. 8/11/2006
Inconvenient Truthes About Al Gore. 8/11/2006
Government's track record on energy involvment is dismal to say the least. 8/9/2006
If a new inventor mis-states any claim, whether intentional or accidental, he is immediately branded a scam artist.
But the Nuclear Power Industry can misrepresent massive amounts of details and still get huge support from the politicians they own. 8/6/2006
"Hydrogen Commission Act of 2006" Bill Introduced to Speed Up the Transition to Hydrogen Economy. 8/1/2006
Worst Oil Spill in Mediterranean History After Israel Bombs Power Plant in Jiyeh Lebanon.
But what if it was a permanent magnet motor plant?
What if it was a hydrogen on demand from water plant?
What if it was ANY ZPE technology? 7/29/2006
Always Remember to "Follow the Money" in ANY world event. We are currently witnessing in the Middle East the PLANNED establishment of a global government, with only a ruling class and lowly worker bees. Do not think for a moment this is actually a "religious" war. Israel is NOT governed by true Jews observing the laws of the Torah. The US is NOT governed by Born Again Christians who observe what Jesus Christ taught. BOTH countries are run by financial powers that unfortunately control most ALL governments on the planet, including Russia, China and the UK. The relevance of all this to the better energy sources we discuss and report on here is that current energy monopolies are the MAJOR sources of funding to all the mass slaughter of humanity we see around the world. These monopolies also keep the populations of the world under tight control by high prices, forcing the public to be unable to finance better energy development. These world financial powers are currently doing everything possible to collapse BOTH the US and Israel by making them do the most stupid actions imaginable to become the enemies of the world, not the righteous and prosperous examples true Jews and Christians had hoped for their countries before financial forces took over.
As long as the populations of BOTH Israel and the US continue to believe the lies told on television and the controlled press - owned by Big Oil itself, then BOTH countries expose themselves to not only the wrath of world opinion but the MORE serious WRATH OF GOD HIMSELF. When Christ returns, soon or many years from now, HE will set up His own government, only a fool would think they could make something to His standards. 7/30/2006
Washington Discusses Hydrogen, but continues to only listen to energy monopoly lobbyists rather than simply read CommuteFaster. Take special note of the anti-hydrogen skepticism stated by Lamar Alexander, R-Tennesee. Then look at the hall of shame in next story below and see that he took $311,125 in campaign contributions from Big Oil. He also voted NO on establishing the Senate Office of Public Integrity.
Somebody please teach these guys how to use the internet! 7/24/2006
Hall of Shame - List of senators who accepted massive campaign contributions from Big Oil. Scroll down a bit. The LEAST money accepted was $106,855 by Benjamin Nelson - NE.. Most was $1,879,523 by Kay Hutchison - TX. 7/20/2006
CHINA to Spend $200 Billion Over Next 15 Years on Renewable Energy. 7/16/2006
New Nuclear Vessels for Navy Boost Efficiency to One Fueling per Life of Vessel, 33 Years. But nothing is said about what happens to the nuclear waste at the end of the cycle. 7/15/2006
And politicians still can't find enough money to prevent local layoffs at the shipyard. 7/15/2006
Russia scraps old nuke sub fleet and budgets 8 Billion Rubles for new nuke subs. The United States, Britain, Canada, Japan, Italy and Norway are paying for most of the old sub decommissioning under a strange G8 agreement. Their waste is to be stored in northern Russia, but Germany is paying for a bulk of that cost. Who does the banking for these guys? Russia says it will be debt free shortly. No wonder when the western suckers keep picking up the tab for their problems. 7/15/2006
One has to wonder what type of incense is burning in the news room at IndiaDaily.com with this submarine story. 7/15/2006
THEY (BP) could still provide ALL of the US oil needs solely from their Alaskan reserves for 150 years.
- All foreign Oil supply stopped and
- US tripled its oil consumption
Lindsey revealed this info on ErskineOvernight's radio show Saturday evening 7/8/2006. I called in with my own question and got a chilling response. I post what he said on my "Clues" page devoted to chasing down who made violent threats against my own alternative energy research team on May 16, 2006. 7/9/2006
Is Greenspan Green Yet? Never. He continues to regurgitate the banker/oil/nuke rhetoric, totally ignoring TRUE clean energy found here at CommuteFaster.com. 7/9/2006
Oil owns Congress.
Nuclear owns Bush.
Bush & Putin Promote Nuclear Reactors Everywhere.
See column 1 (elitists). 7/8/2006
Cold Fusion returns for discussion, but to be expected Government (this time Australia) lobbyists and owned politicians quickly disregard it. I guess nobody read Professor Kanarev's work showing it is quite similar to Hydrogen on Demand technology which despite its controversy is powerful enough for SOMEBODY to threaten those researching it with guns. 7/3/2006
Who Killed the Electric Car
In theaters June 28, 2006 review
Freedom to Fascism
In theaters July 28, 2006
$20 Billion to enable the US to diversify away from fossil fuels? Where is it being spent? I don't see any academics getting guns in their face because THEY were threatening the oil/nuke status quo. Government R&D grants are just taxpayer funded handouts to ACADEMIC WELFARE TRASH. Get a REAL job guys. 7/1/2006
DOE Secretary Bodman Appoints More Academics and Fat Cats to Sit Around and Talk About Hydrogen. And just what will the taxpayer get for his money from this group? Probably another report nobody will read, but given the membership, you can be sure it will aim more money at oil and nuclear. 6/23/2006
Bush proposes dismantling nuclear worker safety agency. 6/22/2006
California, already paying the highest gas prices in the nation, gets to vote in November whether to pay even MORE to fund somebody's alternative ernergy efforts. Somehow I doubt if MY team or anyone on the Yahoo "WaterCar" chat board will ever see a dime if it does pass. 6/22/2006
I learned Wednesday that former NY Assemblyman Dan Haley, the star of the "Browns Gas additional properties" video I posted Tuesday is currently recovering from a stroke. Our prayers and concern go out for a true statesman with a true concern for the welfare of his constituents. 6/15/2006
Strange, as soon a Tony Blair's associates are found soliciting investment from American sources for his Hydrogen on Demand Technology, (only 2 weeks after guns are drawn on a US team working on similar technology) he suddenly goes Pro-Nuke. I think he could hurt himself straddling these 2 fences.
Have nuclear ???lobbyists??? threatened him too?
I don't know,but Tony's actions are rather bizarre and hypocritical.
Radioactive Material (in controlled quantity) Can Be 99% Neutralized, But DOE Will Not Follow Lead of France and Other Countries.
- Report - FreeEnergyNews
- Video - Former NY assemblyman Dan Haley
- Ex-DOE director Spensor Abraham was witnessed attempting to confiscate and suppress Nuclear Remediation Technology
Why are Russia and France more concerned about US Constitutional rights than the average US Citizen?
Why are British agents showing up at the most embarrassing events? Need I mention the Dirksen building in Chicago? (do your own web search)
In a story first published by Tom Flocco, but now reinforced by Praavda the May 25 Capitol Bld shut down was NOT construction noise related. 6/9/2006
F-22 Faces Quality Control Problems with Titanium Parts.
The F22 Raptor has quickly become the favorite of US military pilots due to handling and other features like cruising supersonic without use of the afterburner, making it the most energy efficient super fighter in the US fleet. But problems are now showing up in titanium structural parts. For the record, and in defense of my many LAID OFF friends in the International Aerospace Machinists union in Southern California, it was the Burbank/Palmdale team in association with Boeing, that designed and built the first 2 prototypes of this aircraft which justifiably won the contract. But immediately upon winning, Lockheed shut down Burbank entirely, turned Palmdale top secret, and sent ALL manufacturing of this fighter to Georgia for only one reason: cheap labor. Not long afterward, they merged with Martin Marietta. What happens in ALL takeover mergers? Cost cuts. Amazing how at least one Lockheed/Martin executive, Tom Corcoran, then migrates over to who? Carlye Group. Finish the story on your own. Just remember what Eisenhower said about the military-industrial complex. Look at the board of directors and team member list of Carlyle Group, they ARE the military industrial complex.
Defense is a necessary service.
Abuse is NEVER necessary. 6/9/2006
Oh yeah, look where the world has to buy most of the available titanium now... what a strange coincidence.
Who's Side is NSA ON?
We ALL know YOU are watching and listening to us, and maybe doing some good, but WHY can't you tell me WHO ELSE is monitoring my phone and e-mail?
Do we have another "intelligence failure" here or are YOU playing games with my life?
I PERSONALLY HAVE BEEN TERRORIZED BY WIRE TAPPERS. So how does the US Government condone THIS activity... An ISS convention in Crystal City Virginia displayng the latest in communication monitoring technology, NOT JUST TO LAW ENFORCEMENT but open attendance to the WORLD!? Bush and all his elitist cronies have targeted private US Citizens as the enemy while allowing real terrorism to go unscathed. Innaction screams loudly what Bush's intentions really are. 6/1/2006
At Least One Government in the World Chooses to Come Clean. Latvia to publish names of 4500 of their own KGB agents on November 1, 2006. 5/30/2006
World's Largest Titanium Producer sells stake to Rosoboronexport. Titanium is a critical metal used by ALL aerospace companies throughout the world. Russia has always been a prime source, but now it will be controlled by the department that oversees arms sales. 5/19/2006
May 15, 1957: The WRONG Way to Use Hydrogen. 5/15/2006
Got a criminal past? Apply to work for Bush. Constitutional Law expert: Jonathan Turley relates on MSNBC the tawdry history of many of Bush's cabinet promotions. 5/12/2006
Venezuela's subsidized gas is cheaper than water. 5/12/2006
"H" Prize Officially Proposed by the House. To be expected, it's watered down to $10 million cash and requires complicated matching funds from private industry for higher rewards. Not a dime is offered to help the contestants build the sought after devices. It should be noted that for Burt Rutan to win the $10 million Ansari X Prize, he had to borrow $20 million from Paul Allen of Microsoft. Despite the hype, it really only made his company viable to start receiving government contracts. Proof? All new hires are required to get government security clearances. 5/4/2006
DOE's Bodman's opinion of high gas prices: they're here to stay, get used to it. 5/1/2006
"H" Prize draws criticism from skeptics. "Isn't a billion dollar market enough" they ask. 5/1/2006
What a Coincidence? Tony Snow (former substitute talk show host for Rush Limbaugh) gets appointed as White House Press Secretary and the next day the Palm Beach County State's Attorney's Office Agrees to End the Investigation of Rush Limbaugh on charges of Doctor Shopping. 4/29/2006
Media Integrity = Oxymoron.
Shout Zeig Heil long enough like Tony Snow, and Bush will give you a good paying job, $161,000/year.
Deliver bubble gum entertainment for 15,000 hours and the National Association of Broadcasters will induct you into the Hall of Fame.
But truth seeking investigators like Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, Dr. Stan Monteith, Greg Szymanski, Tom Flocco, Jim Marrs, Texe Marrs, Rodney Stitch, and many others are confined to the internet and a handful of small radio stations nowhere near a big city. So what will the major media do when cars run on water or other free energy? Probably the same as they did with Stan Meyer, Dennis Lee, Pogue, Fish and Tesla. 4/27/2006
At least Comedians can speak the truth. 5/1/2006
Any Fool Can See, and then again, maybe they can't.
Please stop and think for a moment. What does crunched metal look like? Now, what does metal look like that has been cut by a welder's torch or thermite? Click on image for larger version and what do you see the girders looking like at the base of the WTC rubble? 4/24/2006
Pick your fairytale, the psycho-babble continues.
- Bush meets Swartzenegger
- Bush talks hydrogen but expects oil to make it
- Ignoring smoking guns of government involvment in 9/11
- Bush continues to rattle sabers at Iran implying the world will be a better place if he just invades another country.
- But the nefarious New World Order gets more excuses to grasp more power.
- Efficient Energy loans from the World Bank to 3rd world countries? No problem. Read "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" and see that's how the World Bank OWNS these victims.
- Left/Right debate hides the truth behind evil actions by those who should be protecting us.
Replacement parts for a 25 year old vehicle aren't cheap. Space Shuttle Columbia first flew 25 years ago, April 12, 1981. 4/14/2006
Both sides of the aisle are now rallying for nuke power. But a congressional oversight committee raises concerns about potential terror threats. 4/14/2006
A little late to report, but... if you wondered who voted for the current energy policy bill last June, 2005 here are the senate votes. 4/14/2006
Is Hydrogen a WMD? Washington's spinmeisters could make it such as in this satire report. 4/14/2006
Seymour Hersch reports Bush likely to use tactical nukes in Iran.
Underground testing in Nevada to resume.
DOE Secretary Bodman continues to talk hydrogen at the Society of Automotive Engineers. 4/10/2006
Misleading Headlines get votes and make you think the government is helping out. But look at the fine print. Example headline: "$188 MILLION IN LOAN GUARANTEES AND GRANTS AVAILABLE FOR RENEWABLE AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS" Then read the details. It only covers 1/4 of the project costs and has a couple hundred pages of qualifications you have to wade through just to find out if you are qualified to ask for the funds. Few are eligible. But you can be sure the politician's relatives will meet any requirements. 4/6/2006
New Mexico Identifies Cost Limits for Renewable Energy.
Reluctant to get stuck with mandated high energy costs just because they are green as in California, NM says meet these figures or no deal.
Solar < $100/MWh
Biomass < $62.54/MWh
Wind < $4.90/MWh
Overall project cost is another factor considered. 4/6/2006
DOE gets a new bureaucrat, Alexander Karsner, to spend $1.17 Billion for Renewable Energy. But Oil, Coal, Academics and Nukes get the rest of their $23.6 Billion budget. Yeah, keep the big bucks for Bodman to continue promoting 800 more nuke plants. (see 3/24/2006 story below) 4/3/2006
DOE Allocates $6 million to solve hydrogen storage limitations. 4/3/2006
H-Prize Suggested by Congressman. Wants Prizes Up To $100 million for Innovative Hydrogen Research.
But an observation on the "X-Prize", it was supposed to launch private industry into space. Strangely, Burt Rutan won the prize, then suddenly all new employees at his company, Scaled Composites, needed a government DOD security clearance for any new work. Wonder why? 3/29/2006
Near Albuquerque April 6, 2006?
Voice your opinion on nuke energy at a public forum. 3/29/2006
Dr. Katsuma Yagasaki, a Japanese physicist at the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, has estimated that the atomicity equivalent of at least 400,000 Nagasaki bombs has been released into the global atmosphere since 1991*, from the use of depleted uranium munitions. (* beginning of Gulf War in Iraq) 3/26/2006
On the March 18, 2006 Erskine Overnight talk show on GCN network, Captain Eric H May reported some areas of Iraq are now reading high enough on the geiger counter to implicate that the US used a tactical low level neutron bomb. WE HAVE NO DIRECT EVIDENCE THAT IT DID OTHER THAN THE EXTREMELY HIGH RADIATION READINGS LEFT BEHIND. 3/26/2006
Austin TX throws a $ half million at something trendy. Not sure where it ended though. 3/27/2006
800 New Nuclear Power Plants in the next 25 Years. Jean-Jacques Gautrot of France's Paris-based Areva is promoting that number worldwide. US DOE secretary Spencer Abraham agrees. 3/24/2006
Toshiba sees this as a great opportunity and is trying to buy Westinghouse before the profits are made. Offering $5.4 billion to buy out. 3/24/2006
Government answer to everything, tell the controlled media to just lie about it...
(headlines taken from Google News 3/22/2006 searching "energy") see ANYTHING in these headlines resembling truth?
Wholesale prices tumble as energy costs plunge
Boston Globe, United States -58 minutes ago
WASHINGTON -- A huge drop in energy costs helped push prices at the wholesale level down last month by the largest amount in nearly three years. ...
Big declines in food and energy send US wholesale inflation down ...CBC News
PPI fall 1.4% on sagging energy pricesMarketWatch
US price picture mixed despite energy fallRTE.ie3/22/2006
And then later get the historians to lie in the text books so future generations will never know. 3/27/2006
Why Try? This guy says energy independence is impossible. 3/22/2006
Regardless of What Reasons You Believe Got Us There, the US Military Is Now In Iraq instead of watching our own Mexican border. Watch this. (27 min video starts immediately) Is this what you want your tax money or profits from the gas you put in your car doing? How can any civilization or industry endorse this?
Full length DVD documentary of the Fallujah massacre. 3/14/2006
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Keynotes the Annual Hydrogen Expo in Long Beach California. Despite rhetoric, it is still not possible to get a smog certificate in California for a total hydrogen ICE vehicle according to Tai Robinson of Intergalactic Hydrogen who tried. But maybe Arny is just blowing wind for the many wind farms throughout the state. 3/14/2006
So How Much Did This Research Cost Us? Government funded NREL released the research documentation today that shows if you have a cooler butt while driving, you get better gas mileage. 3/6/2006
Any clue why CommuteFaster is banned in Texas? We have learned of a public school there that banned not only this site, but waterpoweredcar.com, infowars.com and Rense.com among others, claiming some of us were porno sites. But the propaganda mouthpieces of CNN and USAToday passed through without trouble. We do confess to publishing the naked truth about oil's grotesque greed and pollution abuses and using government officials to continue this crime. The battle for truth goes on. 2/26/2006
If Cheney was drunk when hunting quail, and the administration thinks nothing of secret deals with Dubai Ports, and when asked how many innocent civilians have been killed in Iraq, the administration's response is "we don't do body counts," even though Falluja, a city the size of Cincinnati was destroyed by the US, how muchcredibilitycivility is left for the Cheney authored energy policy? 2/23/2006
Bush continues to ramble with alternative energy rhetoric, but delivers nothing new. Put "best energy sources" into Yahoo or Google and see where they send you, certainly NOT the White House, but here to CommuteFaster 2/21/2006
Sweden Pledges Independence from Oil by 2020.
Tobacco? Maybe later...
Mona Sahlin: Swedish "Talk Minister", Socialist party
India's Minister of Non conventional Energy Sources : Vilas Muttemwar joins in, touting their Hydrogen Road map for 2020.
Venture Capital Tax Credits in Florida. $40 million for R&D Machinery, $15 million to promote alternative fuel technologies. 2/1/2006
The Fuel Cell Scam Continues
- Another $119 Million from DOE
- $1.5 million to Colorado School of Mines
- Another million dollars from South Carolina
- FC development ignoring agriculture
- After 40 years of use, they still have problems, Sandia Labs is still researching basic shortcomings
CommuteFaster Ed Note: If private industry wants to try to make them viable, fine, but STOP throwing any more taxpayer money at the things. 1/28/2006
Germany Commissions 2 Submarines to Operate on Fuel Cells Admitting only 60% efficiency, Germany still decides to utilize the technology, but when has any government been concerned about efficiency? 1/24/2006
What does Hydrogen Cost Today?
DOE wants to know and is calling for technical summaries to be used by NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) in analyzing future H2 projects. 1/12/2006
Deadline for reports extended to March 1,2006. 1/28/2006
Current DOE numbers show nuke power costs 50% more than coal. Fuel cells cost more than 3 times coal, but they still have set aside hundreds of millions to continue to throw at fuel cell R&D.
Who's taking the payola?
CommuteFaster Ed note: WHAT in the world is so sacred about these things to get all the R&D money? 1/9/2006
US Ex-Im Bank Extends Financing Period of Energy Loans to Promote US Renewable Energy Exports. 1/7/2006
Political Art: Mark Brian 1/4/2006
Gas Cartoons 1/11/2006
Previous articles posted in
2005 Energy archives
News Headlines and Updates
Energy Technology
advances, delays, & disasters.
Hollywood Production Firm asking for story suggestions related to recycled electronics. 13 episode series already in production. 12/29/2006
Another Hydrogen Fuel Cell Company Goes Public: Hydrogen Power, Inc. (OTCBB: HYDP) 12/29/2006
HyPowerFuel Signs Joint Venture with Trivest Acquisition Group in Brazil. Also see major news release below. 12/20/2006
Update: Since their initial announcement of being able to power a car totally on hydrogen from electrolyzed water on demand, their stock (HYPF.PK) has DROPPED from 23 cents a share to 17 cents a share. Does this make ANY logical sense? Skepticism by Wall Street perhaps? Or is Big Oil playing games? 12/27/2006
World's First Hydrogen Fueled Power Plant to be Built Near Venice Italy. 12/20/2006
Update: February 28, 2007 set as public demonstration date of the H2R reactor, to be posted on YouTube. 12/15/2006Major News (if true)Ceelite Offers Flat Panel LEC Light Panels. Offering Kelvin temperatures from 7500 to 11000 degrees, efficiency similar to LED's, and a variety of sizes and shapes. 12/19/2006
Simply Blending Hydrogen into Natural Gas Reduces Pollution Immensely. 12/18/2006
Skype to offer near-HDTV direct to your computer. If you have not tried video conferencing on your Skype connection within the last month, you are in for a surprise. Complements to whoever wrote the new algorithm. With a DSL/WiFi connection at each end, the video and audio quality are a big improvement. When I tried it about a year ago, I was lucky to get one frame every 10 seconds. I now get 10 to 15+ fps. 12/18/2006
Another Clever Engine design:
The Round Engine. 12/18/2006
WaterFuel LLC Attempts to Clarify and Standardize All Terms Used for Electrolysis.
Additionally, The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) publishes its report to the European Commission to standardize hydrogen fuel in liquid or compressed forms. 12/16/2006
Shipping Industry Now Reviewing Hydrogen for Fuel. 12/16/2006
HyPowerFuel's Generator Named H2R Claims to Now Make Hydrogen on Demand Fast Enough to Power a Volks Wagon GTi.
Story at Yahoo
Story at Wired
HyPower Fuel also announces testing their H2 generator on a Ford Engine.
HyPower Fuel, Inc. is a public stock, traded on the Pink Sheets: symbol HYPF.PK Company web site.
The only performance numbers mentioned are for their hydrogen boost unit, the HPP: 1.5 watt hours to generate 1 liter of H2. No performance numbers were stated yet for the H2R other than the ability to run a small car engine, which would have to be considerably more than the boost unit. 12/14/2006
New Video Interview posted of Tom Bearden discussing the accomplishments of Nikola Tesla. He also touches on his own progress with projects reported below. 12/14/2006
The OverUnity chat board reports one user "Turbo" has successfully replicated a small version of Steven Mark's solid state, torroidal power unit. A small 9V battery is needed to keep an oscillator working for a critical timing circuit, but the full unit powers a 60 watt bulb. The unit also exhibited up and down properties similar to the Steven Mark units. 12-11/2006
Are you confused by the term "Longitudinal Wave", often used by Col. Tom Bearden and others? This 48 min. Video lecture offers some explanation. It is low budget but descriptive of the process. You also get to see them break the speed of light on January 25, 1988 and reminds you that digital computers cannot do everything.. 12/10/2006
Also found, second video on similar topic. 1 hour. 12/15/2006
The Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Switzerland researches a possible sunlight/biochemical method of electrolysis. 12/6/2006
University of Bath, UK proposes room temperature method of Hydrogen storage. 12/6/2006
University of California discovers Hydrogen can form complex bonds. 12/4/2006
Solar Panels by the Yard.
Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. develops process to manufacture 9 miles of photvovoltaic material in a 3 day production run. 12/6/2006
Boeing Reaches New Benchmark in Solar Efficiency. 12/6/2006
Turkish Company Erke Claims to Have Engine Requiring No Fuel. More comments at ZPEnergy. 11/28/2006
Nuclear Radiation Cure,
or Cruel Hoax? Science or SciFi?
Tom Bearden files provisional patent application for a new nuclear remediation technology. The only process this editor has been aware of to neutralize radioactivity is via Brown's Gas. That technique only works on controlled quantities of radioactive material in a confined space. The US Government has allowed profiteers to milk the problem for long periods of time and merely hauled waste to a confined location. But Col. Bearden's method would be capable of de-radiating large areas, instantaneously. If this method works, it needs to be implemented IMMEDIATELY throughout the world. Chat boards are buzzing with optimism, but thus far, nothing can repair the harm that has already been done to human DNA. 11/25/2006
Update: I sent a question to Col. Bearden asking if any laboratory proof exists of the process he describes? Here are excerpts from his lengthy reply to me.
"we can thus define "EM force" as the ongoing interaction of the force-free precursor EM field in space, with some charged mass that is present
This "healing" as the reversal of a set of EM signals, that form specific disease anti engines, is very closely related to phase conjugation in nonlinear optics (which again the Russians had to point out to our U.S. scientists before they even got onto it). There one is able to produce (and amplify by a process called "pumping" which is really just rhythmic "squeezing" ) the time-reversal of an EM signal
The Prioré work such as curing terminal tumors, some infectious diseases, etc. was fully replicated at the University of Marburg by other scientists, notably by Pautrizel and some of his graduate students. This work was also published in the hard French medical literature, peer-reviewed. It is and was good science. But no one understood the basic mechanism, because no one understood the terrible flaws and errors in our classical electrical engineering model
Similar antiengines would be most welcome for reducing or eliminating the problem of widespread depleted uranium. Eventually it would also be useful for quickly and cleanly disposing of (changing to harmless form) present chemical wastes and nuclear wastes.
So correcting the sadly flawed old CEM/EE model is not just an "idle scientific" desire. The very survival of the U.S. – and Western Civilization itself – may depend on it."
We also see Col. Bearden has just released a new DVD titled "Energy from the Vacuum" based on his book by the same name. So he has obviously been busy this last year. We now encourage him and those who understand his principles stated herewith to seek businesses with humanitarian goals to begin implementation of these long hidden technologies for the benefit of humanity. Personally I feel the lowest form of humanity are "sheepskin trash" who use expensive advanced education to advance war technologies rather than help others. Both oil and the military industrial complex really need to do some soul searching and start using the massive funds they have accumulated over the last century for some good to help humanity, not fight fictitious enemies dreamt up by deranged politicians. Col. Bearden appears to be aiming technology in the proper direction. We encourage others to do the same.
Col. Tom Bearden's home page is at http://www.cheniere.org/
CF ed. 12/4/2006
MIT Develops Wireless Power Model. 11/16/2006
Honda Rolls Out Another Hydrogen Fuel Cell Prototype.
Still using compressed hydrogen for its fuel source, it is good to see major auto manufacturers making vehicles that want to drink hydrogen for fuel rather than hydrocarbon fuels. We still wait to see hydrogen on demand technology eliminate the fuel storage issue. 11/15/2006
German Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics Capture Image of a Molecule of Deuterium.
deu·te·ri·um (n) An isotope of hydrogen with one proton and one neutron in the nucleus having an atomic weight of 2.014. 11/13/2006
Ovonics gets $1.7 million DOE Contract for Small Engine Conversion. Not the final answer, but a step in the right direction. 11/8/2006
Did we really need an expensive ice? Researchers at Argonne National Labs invent it anyway. More R&D million$ at work. 11/3/2006
Mike Strizki shows off his 300+ mile to a tank of hydrogen, fuel cell vehicle in this video. Not hydrogen on demand yet, but efficiency levels are improving in fuel cell applications. 10/25/2006
Russia to the Rescue? Russia's Space Agency claims it has the technology and ability to repulse large asteroids coming towards Earth. Professor James McCanney recently explained NASA is using another word interchangeably with asteroid, that of "brown dwarf" or an inactive star. The matter of concern here is the size. Asteroids have been referred to as merely large rocks, but we now learn they can be as big as planets or suns and NASA is now admitting there are numerous ones near or within our own solar system. An astronomical body that large could do tremendous damage just passing by a few million miles away, as opposed to a direct hit by smaller rocks. This could explain our sun's abnormal behavior since 2003. And likely explains the current construction of a new large telescope at the South Pole. 10/25/2006
Xogen back in business. 10/25/2006
HydroGen gets Grant to work on 2MW Power Plant which utilizes surplus Hydrogen from Steel Industry. 10/12/2006
Another 2 Near or Over Unity Engine/Generators Announced.
Axial Vector Engine Corporationin Portland Oregon boasts 98+% efficiency.
GammaManager in Budapest Hungary isclaiming Over Unity with their Energy By Motion generators ranging in size from 1.5 to 225 MW. Open House demonstration of working models being shown in October and November, 2006. 10/10/2006
Sterling Allan is to interview Prof. Szabo from GammaManager about his EBM machine on Saturday 10/14/2006 for 3 to 4 PM Pacific Time.
GE receives award for new material: Noryl® which reduces corrosion in electrolysis when generating hydrogen. 10/10/2006
Solar Flares and Magnetospheric Storms Analyzed to use newly discovered energy source. 10/5/2006
Panama to produce Hydrogen from municipal waste via a plasma process. 10/5/2006
Russian auto manufacturer Avtovaz designing Hydrogen vehicle, aiming for the $25,000 market. Would use compressed hydrogen gas. 10/4/2006
GM introduces 4th generation hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. 9/26/2006
Not Ready for Passengers Yet, but model airplanes have reached amazing capabilites as evidenced at this Carvin Indoor Model Airplane Contest. video. About as close to anti-gravity as I've seen. 9/23/2006
Hydrogen Storage. University of Nottingham continues to make the horse and buggy more efficient. Oblivious of hydrogen on demand which would use water for storage, they strive for better ways to compress the volatile gas. 9/22/2006
GM shows off Hi Tech concept car using Hydrogen Fuel Cells and total electronic controls. But it still gets its hydrogen the old fashioned way, from a pump. Video Text 9/18/2006
Neutrino Beams. A safe version of underground testing. 9/16/2006
Hydrogen Fuel finding its way into more uses. 9/12/2006
Zhili Xiao: Inventor of Ultra Fast Hydrogen Sensor Acknowledged. 9/4/2006
Electric Outlet In A Suitcase -
No Batteries Required. Never mind rumors on late night talk shows, here is a video of it. 8/30/2006
New Free Energy Devices Show up Frequently now on GoogleVideo. We recommend you go there often and simply search "energy" or "free energy" to see the latest. The latest I've found is the Steven Mark solid state unit.
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 With a discussion posted at Overunity.com 8/26/2006
Boeing to test Hydrogen Fuel Cell Aircraft. 8/26/2006
Irish Technology Firm Seeks Testing of Their Free Energy Unit.
Update: Steorn releases video promoting their new technology. 8/26/2006
Malaysian Scientists Think They Have Solved the Water Fuel Secret. Well...keep trying guys, you're half way there. The real secret has already been discoverd and accomplished in the US. But, as reported in column 1, those who succeeded had their lives threatened. 8/17/2006
A Privately Funded Satellite is NOW in Orbit. They had to pay Russia to put it up there. NASA still wants to live on government welfare rather than work for a living. Can we learn something from Russia?
FYI: NASA was established under Lyndon Johnson, a Mason. It has been under Masonic control ever since. Watch "TerrorStorm" to learn more of Lyndon Johnson's lack of integrity and gross disregard for human life, especially American's. 8/14/2006
Is Rolls Royce taking "permanent magnet motor" technology seriously? This press release implies they are. 8/14/2006
Permanent Magnet Technology Enhances Performance of Otherwise Conventional electric Motors. Direct Drive Systems signs $1.3 million contract with Northern Power for new motor design.
Several other companies are beginning to incorporate this technology into mainstream application also. 8/6/2006
CHOCOLATE - The Most Delicious Way Yet to Produce Hydrogen. 8/1/2006
Scientists in Minnesota and Israel (what's left of it) Use Boron to Make Hydrogen on Demand. I think Nikola Tesla did this about a hundred years ago, but FuelCellWorks thinks this is news. 7/30/2006
Fuel Cell Energy, Inc. of Connecticut gets $1.36 Million Grant from DOD to Research Hydrogen Generation. The firm hopes to get hydrogen generation down below $4 per kilogram. 7/24/2006
Electric Motors have always had the benefit of immediate torque, unlike internal combustion engines which need to develop RPM's to generate usable horsepower. The question has been where to get the electric power to use the electric motors. Hydrogen fuel cells are one option now being considered for use in heavy construction equipment by Volvo. 7/23/2006
Touting Similar Acceleration to the Tesla Motors Roadster, and Greater Overall Speed, the Japanese Continue to Work on the All Electric Eliica. Also using Lithium Ion batteries, $300,000 worth, it can perform faster than a Porsche 911 Turbo. Discovery Channel Canada files this video report. Both Eliica and Tesla suggest deliveries to consumer in 2007.
The "weak link" with both of them is the use of batteries. Whether by permanent magnet motor, cold fusion or several other "free energy" techniques, there will eventually be a way to eliminate refueling. There are more inventors than I have space to report on making developments daily in these areas.
Nevertheless, CommuteFaster applauds these developments in automotive application. Running an I.C.E. on hydrogen gas required serious modification. Ford's recent commitment to both solve these issues and now go into full time production of the engine is definitely a step in the right direction. 7/24/2006
Tesla Motors Unveils All Electric Roadster. 7/21/2006
- 250 mile range per charge
- 2 speed transmission
- No reverse gear necessary, the motor runs backwards
- Assembled by Lotus in UK
- 1 penny per mile fuel consumption
- Deliveries to begin n summer 2007
Noted Earthquake Forecasting Scientist, Stan Deyo posts the Video of a lecture he did in Roswell NM in 2005 about Anti Gravity. Some caution is advised as extreme voltages, frequencies and current are involved, although it is doubtful any private individual could afford to even try the principals discussed. Stan has reported on talk shows of bizarre problems occurring when 2 Tesla coils are combined in the fashion he describes. Not for beginners. 7/15/2006
Toyota and Ford Implying Maybe 2015 for Hydrogen Cars ??? 7/15/2006
Tesla Motors![]()
to unveil new vehicle next week. Early teasers: 0-60 in 4 secs, 250 miles on a charge, about 1 cent per mile electric consumption. 7/10/2006
The movie "Who Killed the Electric Car" gets good reviews. 7/10/2006
Water From Air... in sort of a one step forward and 2 steps back fashion. It runs on diesel fuel, oops. But I'm sure the oil companies love the idea. 7/9/2006
Several Over Unity and Free Energy Technologies are being promoted by a group of Chinese Inventors at EnergyFromAir.com. (Internet Explorer browser recommended) 7/4/2006
Hydrogen Boost Systems Showing up Everywhere. 7/4/2006
Perendev Permanent Magnet Motor to power research submarine in development by Swiss submarine manufacturer Neptun. Although Perendev has received threats recently themselves, the July 7 demonstration of a 350KW motor is said to be canceled for attendance reasons. Their web site also mentions pending projects with NASA and EADS. 7/3/2006
Ford Adjusts Goals to Produce more Flex-Fuel Vehicles. Although Hybrid fans are disappointed, this is really good news in the long run. If vehicles are made with the ability to run properly on Hydrogen from the factory, then as soon as "Hydrogen on Demand" systems make it to market to replace the fuel source, this means there won't be the expensive process of converting the engine to operate smoothly on H2 gas. This procedure currently runs about $35,000 if done by experts. 7/3/2006
The Big Money, controlled by bankers, multinational corporations and politicians on the take deny these guys exist. Some of us have had guns shoved in our face to shut up, BUT the ground swell continues. Hydrogen on Demand CAN be Done efficiently enough to run an automobile. Garage inventors find stuff that works. The list of known successful tests continues to grow. Also add the extensive works of Kanarev and John Sully to the list for major efficiency boosting. 7/1/2006
We Don't Even Need Oil for PLASTIC! 7/1/2006
Earthrace Plans to Circumnavigate the Globe in 65 Days to Promote Biodiesel Fuel.
Argonne National Laboratory Captures Image of Hydrogen Combustion Inside Engine. 6/22/2006
Turbine Truck Engines, Inc. announces pending joint venture with a major worldwide transportation firm. The "flex-fuel" design could run on hydrogen among other fuels. 6/22/2006
New Modification to the Old AC/DC We All Know So Well. SullyDC Patent number 7,041,203 6/12/2006
Already becoming controversial, it appears to be a technology already in use by those working with high frequency electromagnetic energy. Academic comment partial quote: "the third current is not new because it is already used in microwave technology" Professor Cristina Quesnel: Petropolis Catholic university.
FreeEnergyNews report.
Ignoring the debate of HOW it works, the company's posted video of the technology being applied to electrolysis is quite impressive, although we anxiously await input/output performance numbers. 6/14/2006
More Kanarev Videos Posted.
Although narrated in Russian, the video reveals a similar trait to the Joe Cell, it still opearates quite a while after it is turned off. 6/9/2006
Gary McKinnon: Hacker or Just a Curious Opportunist? On Friday 6/9/2006 CoastToCoastAm broadcast the interview done by Linda Moulton Howe of Mr. McKinnon. Using a 56k dialup connection in England, he found an UNSECURE - NO PASSWORD NEEDED - entry point in to NASA's computer network at Johnson Space Center in Texas. Now inside, that connection cross linked to China Lake, Ft. Belvoir, Ft. Huachuca and other research centers. Seeking info on both UFO's and possible Free Energy topics, he browsed as fast as his 56k connection would let him. The audio is archived at CoastToCoastAM.com by subscripiton only, but the transcription is posted at Earthfiles.com. One has to wonder...was this an intentional mis-info trap laid out for him to fall into or did NASA's system operator really drop the ball? Regardless, he faces a possible sentence of up to 70 years for his curiosity. 6/10/2006
Hydrogen Sensor Technology Improvement Discoverd At Universtiy of Florida. 5/24/2006
Stan Meyer's Brother Steve Comes Out of Hiding. In this TV interview with a local NBC affiliate, WCCO Minneapolis Minnesota, he promotes his hydrogen boost system to augment gasoline engines. 5/15/2006
Is Something New Brewing at Genesis Scientific? Site was down 5/14/2006 but posted "please return in a few minutes." 5/15/2006
Possible explanation, but entire story not in yet. Story date is from Sept. 2005, yet Genesis website went down in May 2006.
UPDATE: Genesis founder Patrick Kelly convicted and sentenced in New Jersey for securities fraud. No specific details about whether technology was a total lie or a failed attempt. 11/15/2006
GMC Holdings, Corp. became a private corporation on April 5, 2006. It now communicates with stockholders directly rather than public announcements via its former, now revoked, stock symbol (GMCC). 5/15/2006
Royal Laser announces letter of intent to enter into exclusive manufacturing of CHEC's HFI (Hydrogen Fuel Injection) system and develop next generation advancements for OEM market. This system is similar to the HyDrive system described in column 4 to right. Skyrocketing diesel prices are forcing truckers to take note. CHEC claims to have 60 million miles of road testing already accomplished to prove its viability. 5/12/2006
Rotoblock also in development of a torroidal shaped piston engine. 5/12/2006
Is the Cat Out of the Bag?
Fox TV becomes first to even talk about Brown's Gas, a subject we alternative energy folk have known about for years. 5/10/2006 ...
Closer inspection of this video reveals he is merely boosting his gasoline engine with hydrogen, just like many other sytems. He only implies he can run the entire engine from decomposed water. Although he claims to have invented the gas, many have claimed the same. The only name that sticks in people's minds is Yul Brown, hense Brown's Gas. Yul Brown struck a manufacturing deal with Dennis Lee in the early 90's, had an unexplained change of heart, fled to China, then Australia where he died. 5/14/2006
Russian Scientist Reveals More Details About Hydrogen on Demand Process. Inspired by the efficiency of photosynthesis, he felt conventional electrolysis was simply wrong. With several patents in Russia, Ph. M. Kanarev tells much in technical papers available on the internet. More info at PESwiki. Credit Greg Watson, Sterling Allan. 5/5/2006
Main documents of note (.pdf):
So why isn't he rich yet? Could it be Big Oil even controls the economy of Russia? 5/9/2006
- Low Current Electrolysis of Water
- Cold Fusion and the Electrolysis of Water
- The Foundations of Physchemistry of the Microworld - online book, 400+ pages
Black Hole Physics.
Regardless of whether the term spin, vortex or toroidal is used, the efficiency of energy conversion is astronomical. This report equates a black hole efficiency to a car getting a billion miles to a gallon of gas. Note 2 stories below, Marko Rodin and the MYT Engine both using the toroidal shape. And it helps in both electronics and mechanical physics. 4/29/2006
Is it Real or Memorex? Alleged top secret videos smuggled out from a Lenovo Research Lab of PC Notebook development. You be the judge. They are funny, even if fake. 4/29/2006
Loremo LS shown at Geneva Auto Show touts 157 MPG. The Loremo site is unfortunately only in German currently, but I found a couple of English press releases:
Babez.de and Gizmodo.com. 4/27/2006
Massive Yet Tiny Engine (MYT) exhibits revolutionary technology performance. Engine resembles a torroidal shape.
Summary by PESwiki.
Company Website. 4/27/2006
Dennis Lee Adjusts Strategy.
More Efficient Use of Hydrogen Fuel discovered by students at Technical university of Denmark. 4/24/2006
High Purity, 99.9999% Hydrogen Generators Introduced.
Extreme purity needed for gas chromatography. 4/24/2006
The Joe-Cell Saga.Controversial both in its difficulty to reproduce consistent results, and proponents using metaphysical verbiage like "orgone energy" to describe it. It was just a curiosity until a gentleman named Bill Williams had his well being threatened by 2 thugs with guns. Suddenly there seems to be more to it than just a slightly more efficient form of electrolysis. Sterling Allan at FreeEnergyNews has compiled the most exhaustive information on the Joe Cell to date. A lot to read, scroll down to find topics. 4/24/2006
Peter Stevens to lecture and demonstrate his work with the Joe Cell at the Extraordinary Energy Conference in Salt Lake City July 30, 2006.
Is Free Energy just a matter of calculating with the right numerical values? Marko Rodin feels it is. Interviewed 4/12/2006 by Jeff Rense, (archive by subscription only) Marko Rodin says the US military is already using his technology which he feels will revolutionize both energy and computing in general. He went on to claim winding coils with the correct geometry "eliminates resistance." In the interview he expressed a fear of "contracts" offered him by various businesses thus far, and wants to open source his technology for it to become available to the public. He sells a 4 hour instructional DVD from his website.
Additional links:
Enzyme Based Hydrogen Fuel Cell Less Susceptible to Contaminate Gases. Much cheaper to manufacture than current platinum based fuel cells. 4/3/2006
Equitex/Hydrogen Power, Inc. announce aggressive development of Hydrogen generation products using their "AlumiFuel(TM)" technology. 4/3/2006
Danes Dream of a Hydrogen City. 4/3/2006
Samsung Uses Ionic Silver to Wash Clothes. The net result is 99.9% of bacteria is killed allowing lower washing temperature. The "Silvercare"® process electrolyzes silver particles which are added to wash cycle. 3/30/2006
California Clean Tech Open
Competition for the best new clean energy technology in a variety of categories. Promoted by venture capital groups, energy distribution companies, auto manufacturers and major scientific laboratories.
Although the prize money is rather meager, all prizes include legal services and public relations packages along with major media exposure to all winners. 3/27/2006
- Prizes up to $100,000
- Applications accepted 4/14/06
- Entry Deadline 5/19/06
- 1st Round Judging 5/30/06
- Final Judging 9/29/06
Hydrogen Expo Long Beach report. 3/22/2006
Dana Corporation Announces Technique Capable of 95% Efficiency Extracting Hydrogen from Methane. The most popular method currently is steam reformation from natural gas which is only 65% efficient. 3/20/2006
Try plugging into a tree. Not sure how the environmentalists will react? But initial tests show it works. 3/20/2006
Observations on previous hopefuls:
Emerging Tec's web domain is gone, last posting was November 2004 following an admitted explosion
Genesis Scientific hasn't posted anything new since 9/15/2005, but the web domain is still there
GMC Holdings encounters SEC scrutiny challenges
Other Permanent Magnet Motor Generators have too many hopefuls to list here. But none seem close to either a public demonstration or obtaining sufficient capital to manufacture if it did work but was held secret for patent protection. We await further announcements. A summary of several contenders is posted at FreeEnergyNews. 3/15/2006
Hydrogen: and another pretty face. 3/14/2006
BMW Displays V12 Hydrogen Engine at Hydrogen Expo in Long Beach CC. Exhibits open through 3/14/06. 3/13/2006
HCE Develops New H2 Storage Method, Files for patent. 3/13/2006
GE Improves Electrolysis Efficiency by making electrode components partially from plastic instead of expensive metals. This drops H2 cost from current $8/Kg to $3/Kg. 3/9/2006
Hydrogen Compression Into Slow Release Absorbant Material Reaches New Density Level. 3/6/2006
Peugeot Shows Off a 94 MPG diesel/hybrid in New Zealand. 2/27/2006
BMW Commits to Offering Hydrogen Cars in 2 years. 2/21/2006
Idaho National Laboratory Experiments with High Temperature Electrolysis for greater efficiency in generating Hydrogen Gas. Note video report link at bottom of story. 2/18/2006
Solar Facilities Continue to Expand.
Solargenix in Boulder Nevada breaks ground on 64 megawat facility.
Kramer Junction California continues to pump out 150 megawats since 1985. 1,000 acres of mirrors have to be washed nightly with deionized water to retain peak output, which raises the question: with all the manual labor required, is the energy source really free? 2/18/2006
Solar Power Nears the Crucial 5 cent per KW Barrier
Green and Gold Energy in Australia announced coming availability in March. Still not cheap for a system but a major step in the right direction for both commercial and residential applicaitons. 2/1/2006
Hydrogen Production:
2006 current state of the art.
All we can say is stay tuned. 2/1/2006
- As noted in column one, Steam Methane Reformation is the technology of choice by large producers.
- AEC, Alternate Energy Corp adjusts business model when they see a $3 billion/year market for H2 production. Their technology uses a chemical/metal process
- NREL lists a variety of alternative methods
- Enginuity hasn't announced anything since Sept. 2005
- Nor has Genesis Scientific
- OM Energy Ltd appears to be a phony company invented by a British tabloid
- Emerging Tec appears to have submerged in 2005 as did Rhino Hydro and the Watercar Project
- Several universites mentioned below continue to play with slight improvements, but nothing earth shaking is ready to go to the consumer yet
- Which leaves conventional DC electrolysis, the default standard still being taught in high schools through universities. Grossly inneficient, but still the formula used by skeptics to claim H2 on Demand is impossible.
GE Increasing R&D Budget to $1.5 billion for Clean Energy Production. Fuel Cells among other technologies targeted for improvement to handle larger loads. 1/28/2006
Fuel Cell Manufacturers like Toshiba choose to aim at the small electronic market with their technology for now. They seem to be admitting they don't know how to efficiently handle high power loads yet, so let's just do radios and laptops. 1/24/2006
Giant Hydrogen Bubble forms at edge of our galaxy. 1/13/2006
New telescope designed specifically to find hydrogen in space. 1/28/2006
Another one bites the dust.
The British based Water Car Project announced Jan 6, 2006 it will discontinue its efforts. The view presented here at CommuteFaster is people gladly donate to charities, and invest in good businesses. We do not believe the 2 should ever be merged and confuse anyone as to what they are getting for their money. Did the technology fail? No. But a horrible business plan sinks another well intentioned effort. Additional info at PESN. 1/12/2006
Has the Auto Industry Lost Touch? LA Auto Show Design Award: a GMC hybrid motor home to allow the few with jobs to live like homeless.
Ford shows concept design of a Tri-Flex Fuel Truck. which would use gas, E-85 ethanol blend or hydrogen. Powered by a V10, it guzzles whatever you use.
But if your uncle owns an oil refinery, he probably wants this new V16 Bugatti Veyron. 1/9/2006
Permanent Magnet Motors return for updated review. The daughter of the late Bill Muller, Carmen Miller, announces new web site with extensive information on the motor and principles researched by her father. 1/7/2006
New Zealand Inventor Runs Motorcycle on Pre-Processed Water. Full process not explained but "60 Minutes" Auckland NZ sent a TV news crew for a report. Too hot for US TV. His web site is BiosFuel. 1/6/2006
The News That Should Have Been
Fantastic new site shows rare video clips of the late Stanley Meyer done in 1997. Waterpoweredcar.com reveals insight by a British journalist of what almost shook the energy world in the late 90's. But US Television gave us Michael Jackson, CFR - controled politics and adolescent mentality non-reality shows. 1/1/2006
Previous articles posted in
2005 Energy archives
Must-Watch Videos Free Online
More videos added 12/27/2006
TeslaMotors sold out all production of the 2007 model and is taking orders for the 2008. LA Times takes the Roadster for a test drive. (with video) Rumors say a 4 door sedan is in the works too. 11/28/2006
Gorilla Developers offer the highest output Hydrogen Boost unit yet, but you better have a heavy duty alternator. It draws 60 amps on startup. The company web site makes no specific H2 output claim but is rumored to be about 2.5L/minute with the 20 cell unit. More info at www.GetHydroPower.com/ 11/26/2006
Hy-Drive Announces Marketing agreement for UK. Maker of popular hydrogen boost sytems primarily for large trucks expands availability. 10/5/2006
BMW to Start Leasing Dual Fuel Series 7 Models in April 2007. Models will have both Hydrogen and gasoline fuel tanks and the ability to run on either. 125 mile range on H2, and 300 on gasoline. 9/12/2006
Update: Reporters drive first production models. 11/17/2006
Hy-Drive Announces Contract to Use Its Hydrogen Boost System on Mining Equipment. Customer tested 20 units first, confirming 27% reduction in average fuel consumption . 9/3/2006
Want a Hydrogen Hummer (toy) with your Happy Meal? 8/6/2006
Ford Announces Production of V10 Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines. 7/20/2006
Hydrogen Engine Center sells 50KW generator to Xcel Energy. Although wind initially generates more electricity, the excess is stored as hydrogen gas, then buned in the HEC engine to produce electricity when the wind is not blowing. I thought batteries did a better job at this, but maybe I'm wrong. 7/9/2006
Hydrogen Powered Toys demonstrating solar production and hydrogen use by Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies. 5/19/2006
Database of Vehicles already converted to run on Hydrogen. Most are one of a kind prototypes, but some are available for purchase. 5/1/2006
Hydrogen Engine Center adds 3 cylinder engine to product line. 3/30/2006
Mazda Delivers First Hydrogen RX to Corporate Customers 3/27/2006
Update 4/23/2006
SEC says you the public are free to invest in these companies. But they also allowed you to buy Krispie Kreme for $45/share, now $8.63, ZBest Carpets - now defunk, Enron and many other assorted disasters from the past. All new energy is also high risk. And as long as oil extorts record profits from us, they will make sure any new competitor has more than the usual complications reaching success. 3/18/2006
Until all this Hi-Tech stuff gets to the show room, StarBucks has a new flavor. (Now you know where I get my alternative energy, for now) 3/14/2006
Water Fuel Museum in Lexington Kentucky displays historical information on water fuel technology. 2/21/2006
HyDrive now delivering Hydrogen boost technology for commercial trucking. Just a small amount of hydrogen added to a conventional diesel engine makes a noticeable difference in both cleaner emissions, more power and better mileage. 2/7/2006
Update: Along with growing sales in the US, HyDrive establishes marketing in Iceland. 11/29/2006
Another company, Hydrogen Innovations LLC of Blackfoot, Idaho introduces a hydrogen boost unit to improve diesel engine performance. Note audio interview link at bottom of story. 2/18/2006
Similar Technology can be obtained by Hydrogen-Boost for your automobile. 2/21/2006
Wells Fargo Bank Unveils Program to Assist Environmentaly Friendly Homes. 1/28/2006
Previous articles posted in
2005 Energy archives
Nikola Tesla 150th Birthday July 10, 2006 Run something on AC instead of DC.
Take a color photo tour
Secrets of the 3rd Reich - Nazi ties to the occult and advanced UFO technology - the term "alternative energy" had a darker meaning to the Nazis 57:29 mins
A little MIB humor in this Energy Bar commercial
Solar Energy Commercial. This is the free energy the monopolies will let us talk about.
George Carlin, vulgar yet poignant and technically accurate: Who Really Controls America posted July 14, 2006 5:10 segment from 90 min pay TV special
Security camera captures world's worst Laptop repair technician.
Flashback 1978: Jack Nicholson promotes a Hydrogen Car
Hydrogen Hummers
The GM version 4:24 mins
Intergalactic Hydrogen vers. 14 mins
Tom Bearden discusses the accomplishments of Tesla
Posted Sept. 11, 2006 1hr 23mins
Tesla, The Genius Who Lit the World Posted September 10, 2006, produced 1994. 42 mins
Nikola Tesla, The Life and Times of a Forgotten Genius
Part 1 17 mins
Part 2 not posted
Perendev & Bedini Motor models demonstrated at the 2005 Tesla Extraordinary Energy Conference posted March 5 2006
Free Energy-The Race to Zero Point 1997
Anti Gravity - Stan Deyo: recorded at the Ancient of Days conference 2005 Roswell New Mexico - This video has been removed from Google, possibly copyright issues. The ORIGINAL DVD can be purchased at ancientofdays.net.
Brown's Gas - Additional Properties - Dan Haley early 90's
It Runs on Water
Stan Meyer's Last Interview
Stan's segment
Full 50 minutes 1995
Joe Cell videos - list
Current View
William Lyne on Free Energy and Nazi UFOs - Author of 3 books on alternative energy, bizarre theology, but pretty accurate historical and scientific references - even scientific and math books have been corrupted.
Free Energy -
Another Inconvenient Truth
Free Energy from
dissimilar metals
Prt 1 Prt 2
Solid State (no moving parts) Free Energy device Steven Mark
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
because they are all classified as "High Risk."
It can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to take a company public,
even to offer a penny stock on small exchanges.
Startups just can't afford that.
Don't expect to see anything really new until the financial monopolists who own Washington are changed.
Go see FreedomToFacism in theaters near your
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