& Nutrition
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Beck Cancer Deadly Toxins Heart Attack Stroke Water Consumption 12/16/2008 Heart Attack. Please listen to this 1 hour interview of author Christian Wilde discussing new techniques to both predict and prevent heart attack. It is NOT cholesterol that causes heart attacks. It is "C reactive Protein." If your doctor is treating you improperly for cholesterol, it could be CAUSING a heart attack rather than preventing it. Get a copy of the book for yourself AND your doctor and both of you need to listen to the interview also. 12/16/2008 Stroke can strike anyone, rich or poor. It killed my own mother. But now there is effective treatment. Dr. David Steenblock in Mission Viejo, California uses a variety of measures which show startling recovery of what was thought impossible as recently as the 1990's. Adult Stem Cells are showing effective treatment of paralysis, heart tissue damage, even spinal tissue repair. Please review Dr. Steenblock's website to see services offered and results obtained. Even if you don't know anyone affected by stroke personally yet, remember his name and website if tragedy should strike near you. Prevention is complex. #1 Know your blood pressure and keep under control, preferably through diet control. #2 Eat a balanced nutrition diet to make your vessels and veins strong enough to handle spontaneous pressure from anything that over stresses the body. Magnesium is top on the list of minerals that do this. Vitamins K2 and D3 keep calcium under control. The body needs calcium, but in colloidal form, NOT ELEMENTAL as in crushed rocks or coral. Do not take calcium without magnesium, Vitamin D3 and K2. 8/7/2008 New Discovery regarding Cancer. Alternate link. Dr. Tullio Simoncini in Italy presents solid evidence that cancer is a fungus. His simple treatment is showing startling results. Further information about fungal treatment can be found at Know the Cause Dr. Tullio Simoncini's websites 8/5/2007 Recent shocking discoveries:
Direct links to products Youngevity line of supplements endorsed by Dr. Joel Wallach id# 7364201 Super Silver ![]() The most effective silver product I have ever used. It even worked on Typhoid for a friend in Africa. Longevinex: resveratrol derived from red wine. The same antioxidant power without the alcohol. Stevia natural sweetener derived from a naturally sweet plant that grows in Paraguay. None of the side effects of artificial sweeteners. Has shown some beneficial nutritional effects. Dr. Lorraine Day educational videos. Kardovite Nutritional supplement blend especially formulated to help both heart and liver |
Next, if you can afford supplementation, I highly recommend the research and products offered by these 2 doctors.
If you or a loved one has confronted cancer, PLEASE reference the work by Dr. Loraine Day. She contracted breast cancer herself and won the battle against it. She shares how she did it in her training videos. She is also a frequent guest on the Jeff Rense talk show.
Common ailments like type 2 diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, PMS and hundreds of others are signs of mineral deficiencies. Adequate supplementation and hydration enables one's natural organs to start regulating hormones, blood sugar and other bodily components properly, driving away the problem. Dr. Joel Wallach in his classic "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" lecture explains what causes these ailments to surface and be incorrectly diagnosed by conventional medicine as incurable diseases, treated only by prescription drugs.
But if some strange bug catches you with a weak immune system, I don't know of any better antiseptic than colloidal silver.
These 2 Medical Doctors have
startling results
treating ailments that have only
had the symptoms treated by conventional medicine.
First is Dr
Joel Wallach
Dr Wallach has done extensive research into the effects of mineral deficiencies in our diets.
His results have enabled diabetics to get off insulin, arthritic victims to walk normal again,
and numerous other serious ailments have been effectively treated using his colloidal mineral supplements.
With a deficiency of any one of 90 essential nutrients, up to 10 serious ailments can result from lacking each.
His popular "Pig Pack" thus prevents up to 900 serious problems with daily use.Only American Longevity products have his endorsement for strength, blend and purity.
When placing an online order, please say you heard about it from member number 7364201
Dr. Day contracted a horrible breast cancer tumor herself
while she was practicing conventional medicine as an orthopedic surgeon.
Through her own research, and adjusted diet, she successfully overcame the cancer she had contracted.
Her entire story is told graphically at her web site.
She also offers videos explaining what she did, and how most any cancer is treatable, curable, and preventable!
I should mention that neither of these Doctors endorses everything the other claims.
The main difference is Dr. Day is a total vegetarian, while Dr. Wallach notes several problems that only vegetarians encounter.
We as consumers have to listen to what each has to say and apply what is relevant to our own situations.
My own NON-Professional advice would be listen to Dr. Wallach for prevention,
but go extreme with Dr. Day if you already HAVE cancer.
BOTH use a nearly identical list of junk foods to avoid like poison.
I had a serious problem with calcium deposits and almost lost use of my right arm by conventional medicine using cortisone to hide the problem. But Doctor Wallach's American Longevity products CURED the problem.
I know his products and theories work because they did for me. Other nutritional supplements had lackluster performance. But his American Longevity line was potent enough to have extremely noticeable results in only 3 weeks, after conventional cortisone treatment hid the problem for 5 months and cost several times what the nutritional supplements cost.I also learned that a calcium deposit is a precursor to other serious problems. Continued use of his supplements prevent further health deterioration and restores bone and joint strength as well as rebuilding other areas of the body that were on their way down.
I have been fortunate enough to never have to deal with cancer. I list Dr. Day here because her web site and videos give extensive proof that her methods work in treating nearly all types of cancer.
Colloidal Silver
8/7/2008 update: from personal experience, I have to give full endorsement to Super Silver as the most effective Silver product I know of. It cured a friend traveling in Africa of Typhoid. It has been clinically proven to stop numerous other diseases, even Malaria.
8/4/2007 update: medicinal cure colloidal silver described below is still the top quality when you get hit by one of the new superbugs, but the Dr. Beck unit mentioned above makes a good colloidal silver suitable for daily mouthwash or other sanitation applicaions where you will consume a quantity of it.
2/12/2007 update comment: The information below is somewhat dated. It has now been clinically proven that Super Silver® has the optimum particle size for maximum effectiveness and safety to user. 200X normal dosage in humans has been proven to show no side effects whatsoever. It has been endorsed by Dr. Bill Deagle and many others.
If you ever met anyone who uses it, you KNOW what it can do. If not, you will think I'm promoting snake oil, so I will not try to explain it here. I have been asked repeatedly by friends and neighbors, who SAW what it can do, where to get the stuff. It is not available at your local K-Mart, WalMart or Target.Two online columnists have written some valuable information on the topic. Please take the time to read each.
First my own LateNiteLeroy columns 1 and 2 at
Colloidal Silver and Chicken Soup 8/9/2000
Colloidal Silver Update 1/4/2002And a more in depth study by Carol Mckinney
Note: select the column numbers to read in sequence
Index to Carol's columnsCarol explains how high voltage/alternating current makes better quality colloidal silver. I agree that is the best, but I know people using 30+ volts DC making colloidal silver that works quite well. I must warn that 12 volt DC does NOT work well at all and is only good for washing your hands. It does not kill invading germs and viruses much at all. I also disagree with Carol on the color determining absolute quality. I know of quite effective products that are totally clear. But I may concede that her "yellow, Hi-voltage, High frequency A/C" method most likely does generate the most effective available.
She closes by listing a laboratory that will test your own home made product for you. I repeat her reference here:
"Those individuals and companies who have a Colloidal Silver product they want to have tested to learn if it would meet the standards for Certification, may still send a sample of their product to another testing facility. Call this phone number for further details:International Colloidal Silver Council
Phone: (830) 620-5472 "If you cannot find any locally, or are unable to attempt making it yourself and wish to sample some first, a place called DPC, in North Hollywood California sells a 16 oz. bottle for about $65. Just call 1-818-763-1000 and say you were referred by member 4477 and would like to order a bottle.
And the newest application for colloidal silver: laundry. Samsung electrolyzes silver in the washing machine and adds it to the washing cycle. This allows for killing 99.9% of all bacteria in COLD water, lowering your water heating bill.
And finally, your pets need more care than just a can of food and bowl of tap water. The water cure mentioned above for humans does wonders for pets also. Use the same one teaspoon per gallon formula and let the animal drink however much they desire.
August 2007 update: The research on chlorine mentioned at the top of the page points out that animals in the wild never suffer from arthritus, until they are brought to live in a zoo and drink chlorinated water. So if you love your pet enough to see it live to a healthy old age, consider filtering their drinking water AND adding the seasalt too. If parasites become a problem, you might experiment with your own Dr. Beck magnetic pulser too, just use descretion as to weight differences. And remember the animal will need to drink lots of water also to flush out the toxins.
But if your pet still has problems please check into TransFactor products and medications to keep the "other" member of the family in the best of health.
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