Home Business Resources - CommuteFaster.com - information groupsHome Business Resources - Information Groups  -  Update 5/301/2024
Daily Databases        Economic Charts      Critical Books     True News and Research Sites

Daily Databases

Blue Letter Bible   KJV, Hebrew, Greek, Concordance

Strong's Concordance  with Hebrew-Greek Lexicon

Business Services and Video Sites


Acronym Finder     Define the latest buzzword at work
Airline Flight Tracking - Real time
Airport Codes   Code symbols for worldwide airports (major) (minor)
AllBookStores       Best Price any book at 40 bookstores .
Antennae Search - find cell towers near your home
Area Codes     Telephone - inside USA

Binance - large crypto trading exchange

Bing  search engine

Bitcoin: Purchase with USD cash       Current Price

Center for Immigration Studies - Mark Krikorian
Coin redemption:  Coinstar 

Conversions  Currencies, measurements, speeds EasyUnitConverter 

Corporate Name Search - Worldwide

Country Codes     telephone - international
Country Codes     Internet 2 digit extensions
Crowd Funding sources 


  Kickstarter  US
  Rockethub  International


Currency Conversion

  Search every Private Jet Worldwide

Villiers Jet Charter

Use zipcode of destination to find nearest airport with LandingFinder

Commercial Airlines make travel more and more difficult.

There are times a Private Jet makes more sense. 

Be able to fly to smaller and closer airports and on your schedule, not the schedule of the masses.

Villiers can charter a full jet with your specific needs or it can find you an empty seat on a corporate jet already booked in your direction. If you can find a jet on an empty leg, you might be the only passenger with the flight attendant. Now that's luxury better than First Class.

The banner above takes you to their database to see what's currently available and price. They only ask for an email to send the quote to. No commitment to look. But you may find you can get the same time saving convenience as the 1% enjoy daily for a cost close to business or First Class.

Dating Services    Find your helpmate or soulmate 
Days between Dates


Dictionary  Conventional 
Domains:  Who owns it    Domain Value     Hosting by: 1and1IONOS   em

Domains For Sale-Sedo.com

Earthquake Reports    USGS    Aggregator   3rd Opinion
Additional Geophysics data compiled by Stan Deyo
Energy Expose'  Best Energy Sources  

Federal Reserve Note History of Large Bills

File Transfers (large) by e-mail
Fires in US - active major forest fires

FlightGlobal.com - Airline employment

Freelance engineering   sologig  peopleperhour  Fiverr 

GabPay  USD transfer by email

Gibiru   DuckDuckGo   StartPage Anonymous Search

GoKitty - Cats for adoption or purchase

Google   Nasty, known to modify searches, you won't find what others do 

GreenMedInfo  Natural healing database

HackerWatch  recent hacker activity monitored worldwide
Health - Alternative treatments showing impressive results

Adult Stem Cell: Dr. Steenblock, stroke recovery  
Carnivora - derived from the Venus Fly Trap
C-60 - Super Lubricant that happens to be healthy when mixed with food oils:
   C-60 Sunflower Oil    C60PurplePower-Avacado-Coconut Oil   LiveLongerLabs-gelCaps 
   Carbon60Plus-Olive Oil    LivePetLLC-For Cats-Dogs-Horses      C-60 Blackseed Oil  
Dental - Your Own Stem Cell regrowth of teeth

Royal Velvet - Deer antler derivative
Telemure treatment - SierraSci  
Turpentine Sugar specialist: Dr. Jennifer Daniels bowel and liver cleanser Vitality.

Indiegogo - fund raise/any cause
Internet Movie Database  Movies, TV, Actors
Internet Speed Test  DSLReports, measure those bits you bought

IP Tracking  -  Your  IP
- fund raise US w/ limits
Leo Laporte Live - Computer info TV
MapsGoogleEarth-Web   Googlemaps  Mapquest  Street address, directions, aerial photos, atlas

Mines in the US - interactive map & database
Music - Free Streams 

Navigation: GreatCircle Allows for curvature of the Earth

Newspapers  Anywhere in the world 
Patent Assignments Who controls it now - US Patents
Patent & Trademarks  US Patent Office, active and pending status
Patent Information - FreePatentsOnline - Independent search engine/database

Patents  European  

Price Comparisons: 

Assorted financial services: Bankrate.com

Specific Products - New

  MySimon      PriceGrabber    EPinions      Froogle
  Shopzilla   YahooShopping   Bizrate   GoSale   
New item liquidators
   Overstock   DirectBuy    Alibaba-ChinaFactories wholesale Quantity
   Used Stuff
   Craigslist   e-bay   Half.com    Pennysaver     Recycler  

Used Vehicles - Electric Car Insurance
   Autolist   AutoTrader   Cars.com  CarsAndBids   Carvana   Vroom 
Big Truck Listings 
   Mh2  Mh3 
   Used Aircraft

   AeroTrader  Controller  GlobalAir    OrionFly    Wetzel  

Used Watercraft

Travel:   Farebuzz.com    Hotels.com  

Real Estate Satellite Tracking  3D interactive   Google Earth Version
Secretaries of States  For Corporation Name searches, Forms

  California    Delaware    Nevada    Wyoming
  Which structure is best for your business?  Type C corporation or LLC
  Advantages of incorporating in Wyoming.   

Securities & Financial regulation organizations
FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FINRA: Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, formerly NASD: National Association of Securities Dealers (since July 26, 2007)
OTS: Office of Thrift Supervision - Savings and Loans
SEC: Securities Exchange Commission
Bank Monitor: tracks banks at risk of own bankruptcy, or already failed
Mortgage Lender Financial Monitor: tracks ML bankruptcies
International Law & Finance - Corb7: Captive Insurance, Aged Swiss Trusts 

Space Weather  Astronomical events reported by NASA
Space Weather  Commercial version, variety of sources
  • Spam - forward ALL your received spam to SPAM@UCE.GOV . This automatically reports them to the FTC as an Unsolicited Commercial E-mailer (UCE)

Stock Certificates - Obsolete, Colletible, Scripophily.y.net

Suppressed Energy Inventors Gary Vesperman (9/5/2007 update)
Telephone Book   White and Yellow Pages nationwide 

Time Worldwide   Zones  Current Time Anywhere 
TinEye  Photo and Image tracking
Tracking   of most anything Aircraft tail number   
Translation  Online  Google Translate

Trends - Google key word analysis
US Embassies - Web sites and locations worldwide
Your Government Representative    By name or zip code

Verisign  Who-Is listing 

  BitDefender  Good antivirus protection without the "obnoxious" gouging attitudes of Norton or MacAfee 
  PCPitstop   Free on-line scan of your system for the top 200 most prevalent viruses 
  ZoneAlarm   Good firewall as far as stuff they know about, still not perfect
Weather  Anywhere; National Radar Mosaic Hi Rez;  Winds  Ventusky worldwide Multiple

Worldcat  Database of all available books in almost all public libraries in the US

YouTube  The other TV channel
Zip Codes  US Postal

More Databases Right column 
Video Sites

  Anthony Hilder - conspiracy research for 30+ years, Passed away April 26, 2019, this channel is censored in the US but here is a post to his last YT channel

  Banned.video  Run by Alex Jones/InfoWars


BlipTV - What happend to?

 BrandNewTube  uncensored videos

 Brighteon  - Natural News, Mike Adams

  Brother Nathanael (Kapner) - (Quasi) Orthodox Christian views
  DLive.TV  Blockchain based streaming with archives
  D.tube  -  Steemit video channel
  Dutchsince - advanced energy/weapon reports
  LiveStream  - independent broadcasts 
  Odysee - uncensored videos 


  Ted - Intriguing topics, usually about science.
  ThisWeekIn  - Jason
Calacanis is host
  UStream - Tricaster TV from anywhere - LIVE transmissions


  - Private posts
  Wimp - More funny, clever, brilliant posts
YouTube  - It may have been first and biggest, but no longer the best. It promotes Zionist, obnoxious gay pedophilia, anti responsible behavior

Current Economic Indicators

Gold  $/oz. Silver  $/oz. Euro / USD Crypto Coins US Stocks
[Most Recent Quotes from www.kitco.com] [Most Recent Quotes from www.kitco.com] [Most Recent Exchange Rate from www.kitco.com]

 Price in USDCoindesk = Bitcoin & news
CoinMarketCap = All
Other Cryptos (1060+)
Cryptocurrencychart = Chart any coin  FiatLeak
  Exchanges:    Bittrex  Binance 
Difficulty  Genesis/Iceland 
  Crypto misc.: BitcoinTalkRadio    UNO -> news  
Commentators: Bix Weir   Suppoman   

A coin never to be traded on an exchange, nor used for personal ID tracing:


Current Crude Oil Prices       Crude Oil Historicals  

Baltic Dry Index


A comment about Statistics 
Gold makes a good form of currency for temporary stability,
but it does NOT make a good investment. 
Read Luke 6: 34, 35 to see what Christ said.
Learn the difference between debt or equity investment.
God blesses one and curses the other.   
Editor comment, the Baltic Dry Index graph I used to post to the left stopped working in 2018. I'm unable to mirror anyone else's chart here, so have to send you to someone else's site for current numbers.
But the world economy is so bad from the Corona debacle, you already know things are bad, so who needs a chart?
5 Life Changing Books EVERYONE Should Read
Ignoring them will lead to destructive confusion in these areas of one's life.
To Know God
and understand others
To understand
& Who controls them
To understand
the Church
where you worship
To understand
money, debt, and banking
in daily commerce
 Holy Bible
Holy Bible
The only English Translation that can be trusted is
the King James Version.  Why?  Because ALL others used a defective set of Greek texts compiled by 2 heretics, Wescot & Hort.

Brotherhood of Darkness
Brotherhood of Darkness
By Dr. Stanley Monteith
The US is a ONE party system.  These are the real groups that control everything government does. Nothing is as it seems. Learn who is behind them.
Hitler's Cross
Hitler's Cross
By Erwin Lutzer
NEVER let Government
control the pulpit,
and never trust any Christian Leader who gets too friendly with corrupt governments.
The Creature
from Jekyll Island

Creature from Jekyll Island
by G. Edward Griffin 

Someone you don't even know has been plotting to take your wealth since the day you were born.  Learn who they are and plan your defense before waking up some day to find they took it all.
Special Assignment - Clayton Rasmussen
Special Assignment:
Clayton Rasmussen

How a Christian survives in full blown war by trusting in the Lord.

Find the best price.
Additional eye opening expositional works to correct misunderstandings of contemporary politics.


Get TRUE NEWS and Extensive Research Documentation from these independent sources
WARNING; Filter EVERYTHING you read with Christian discernment.
Many sites linked here contain misleading views, but are posted here for research and historical reference.

Streaming Audio

Recommended Listening
PST Program
Power Hour Founded by the late Joyce Riley, Daniel Brigman now host
9-noon Alex Jones - Infowars
Noon-1pm Dr. Ted Broer
1pm to 4pm What Really Happened -
Mike Rivero Republic Radio
6-7pm Massad - Higher Ground
6-9pm Jeff Rense  Archives
Hal Turner Radio Show
Erskine Overnight

Dr. Jennifer Daniels
Dr. Ted Broer
Calvary Chapel
Chuck Smith Passed away 10/3/2013
Calvary Chapel
Word for Today replays
Anytime Calvary Chapel
Costa Mesa, CA Direct

CommuteFaster Energy Hour
Latest    Archives 

P2P Private Network Streams

Additional sites with archived streaming audio
   BlackOpRadio - awesome archives!
   Chuck Missler - Bible study & commentary
    Genesis Communication Network      Info Wars - Alex Jones
   9 AM to Noon, 7 to 10 PM,  M-F, PST, archived
   Larry Nichols
   Loose Change video

Radioliberty  Dr. Stan Monteith passed away 9/29/2014

   Republic Broadcasting 

   Truth Radio Network
   24 hours 

   Assorted Classics
Communists took over Yugoslavia the SAME way they are atempting to take over the USA today. Young Yugoslavian woman explains all the similarities.
Les Garret:
(July 15, 1943 - December 26, 2017)
Errors in the NIV and why the KJV is the ONLY English translation that can be trusted.
   Dr. Frank Logsdon:
   Text and Audio
   co-founder NASB refuting all modern translations, including his own

   Eisenhower Farewell address
   text and audio

   ref: "military industrial complex"

   Kennedy speaks against secret societies, the ones that eventually would kill him. Speech given at the NY Waldorf Astoria  on April 27, 1961.
Full speech 19:11 mins
Secret society portion 5:23 mins

   Liberia:  a visit in 2009.  Words cannot describe.  Hour long video, linked in parts.

   Freedom to Fascism
   now available on DVD 

   Myron Fagan: The Illuminati & CFR
The Panama Deception
First military use of Reagan's Star Wars weapons
to hide Bush Family drug business

   Kay Griggs: military brass - Full Video

  •    Ken Rasmussen on Kelly McGinley show
        12/12/2005 This is the alternative energy
        expose' program that was kicked off 1
        network and banned in Texas

       Stan Meyer / Equinox UK interview
Text & Video
(Important, Honest News Coverage

 Christian - Conservative

Former Government insider and victim reports, people who know how corrupt the DeepState really is.

Political Action making a difference, not chasing rabbit trail distractions


Dr. Pam Popper YouTube

 RecallGavin YouTube



      Info Wars - Alex Jones
      Prison Planet

       CNS News
       Drudge Report possibly sold 2019
       News Max
       Washington Times
       World Net Daily

Robot News  (with nefereous algorhithms)
Bing News
Google News

Yahoo News

Single Topic Issues

How phony is George Bush's claim
to Christianity? 

Let me count the ways... 
3     6     9    11  

Iraq Body Count: Civilian & Military

Abortion Deaths
since 1973

  National Debt
US Government money spent thus far this year  - also see Leo Wanta right column

Why churches should not be structured as a 501C3

Neocon =
*Often supports government instead of  Christian standards, even when government is obviously wrong,  just as the naive church did in 1930's and 40's in Germany, but these sites are better funded and have 24 hour staff to keep breaking stories up to the minute. And if they fail to report blatantly obvious crimes of Mossad, they are NEOCONS.

seldom predictable,
sometimes so correct it's thrilling,
other times so off base it's
but always bizarre

RumorMillNews - Rayelen (Russbacher) Allan Her bio

ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net Alexandra Bruce

Live 6-9pm PST Stream and Archives

Streamed from KFI640AM - Los Angeles 10pm - 5am PST

Big Eye

Text & Video
(Insightful Research - Extensive Documentation)

  16th Amendment Proven Fraudulent - Bill Benson
   Abeldanger - David Hawkins - Field McConnel 


  AceOfCoins - John Singleton 
  Alfred Lambremont Webre - New Age, but real historical issues  

  America Frontline Doctors - Dr. Simone Gold

  American Intelligence Media - Douglas Gabriel, Betsy   YouTube 
 The American Report.org

  AMPnews.us   American Media Periscope

 ANCreport  - Ryan Dawson


  AskJeffWilliams  -  Gold mining and prospecting CA & NV

  Assist News Service - Dan Wooding Evangelical News
Barry Chamish passed away  August 23, 2016

  Ben Fulford - Asian & World Economic insight (English)
  The Berean Call - Dave Hunt Christian apologist
  Dave Hunt archived audio -   YouTubes


Beyond Mystic - Jean Claude  Rumble 

Blast.Video   Video news site aggregator, Zach Vorhies

  Biofield Tuning - Accoustic frequency health analysis
Blackstone Intel - Jake Morphonios 
  Blaylockreport -
Dr. Russell Blaylock  MD

Bo PolnyFinancials related to biblical time lines

  Brendon O' Connell    Brighteon   Project Talpiot/8200 program  YT  

Brian Monette - Corporate Pilot

Brooks Agnew  -  DLive  X2 radio  RumbleX2 archives 

  Brother Nathanael (Kapner) - (Quasi) Orthodox Christian perspective 

 CAFR: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
    Report by  Lt. Cnl. Gerald R. Klatt USAF -ret
     Report by  Walter Burien 
     California specifically  2012


Calvary Chapels:
    Costa Mesa, California  (Santa Ana
    Las Vegas, Nevada  (Spring Valley

Calvary Chapel  Thousand Oaks California LibertyStation

  Other Churches:

Church at Rocky Peak - Chatsworth California

Sheperd of the Hills - Porter Ranch California

Caryl Matrisciana - Apologetics, specilizing in Calvinism, Yoga, eastern mysticism, witchcraft - Carly passed away 12/2/2016


  Christianity Today 

Chuck Baldwin  Liberty Fellowship Montana  Livestream Brighteon

  Clif High - Bitchute  Substack Audio  Half Past Human - YouTube Channel  X channel  

Conservative Patriots of Orange County California

 Control Paradigm author Leslie Pastor - - Deceased 2015?

Corina Pataka  Facebook   Rumble    Life Story    The translation mistake of YAWEH  In Depth Christian Theology 

  Corbett Report - James Corbett    Bitchute   9/11 Sum
  CropCirleFilms  - Patty Greer
  Crossroad - Berit Kjos - analysis of current  trends within the Christian Church
  Crypto Viewing - (Third YTsite)   

 Culture Wars - E. Michael Jones  Videos

  CultureWars  - E. Michael Jones   Videos
Cutting Edge - Occult exposed 
  Dana AshlieYouTube     Home Page  The Bible and World Events
  D'Anne Burley - commentator Chicago
  Dark Journalist  -  YouTube
  Dave Janda

David Oates   Reverse Speech  YouTube

  DeliberateDumbingDown - Charlotte Iserbyt, sabotage the of US Education system

  Devvy Kid - Home - News w/Views - Your taxes go where?
  DProgram - 9/11 truth, urgnet topics, live videos

 Dr. Bill Deagle  -  Nutrimedical

Dr. of Common Sense - ET Williams - CommonSenseNation    BlogTalkRadio    
  sane PhD's exposing junk science infiltration within academia's ranks

Dr. Jane Ruby - Rumble

  Dr. Jennifer Daniels - Website  RBN  BlogTalkRadio  Facebook  Vimeo   All Dr. Daniels videos 

Dr. Judy Mikovits Molecular biologist

Dr. Lorraine Day - GoodNewsAboutGod 

  Dr. Steven Greer: 

  Dr. Vladimir Zelenko - Immunity Vitamin Pack

  Echoes of Enoch - Christian perspective on UFO's and pre-deluvian life
  ElenaFreeland  - Health and geoengineering
  End Times News Report - Jake Morphonios
  Energy Expose' - Best Energy 


  Eustace Mullins- Fed Reserve commentary

  ExcitedCats  Feline natural care

  ExtremeRealityCheck  DLive   GAB Bitchute  Blog  PodCast    Current events Christian commentary

  FakeScience.news  - Junk pretending to be science

  FlyWithOwen  commercial pilot

  Focus on the Family - Dr. James Dobson

ForwardObserver  military intelligence

  Freedom Force - G. Edward Griffin (Jekyl Island)

FreedomMed  - Health network recommended by Dr. Judy Mikovits

  Free World Film Works - Anthony J. Hilder - YouTube  Search 

  FulcrumNews - David Seaman   

 GAB.com - uncensored free speech social and news board

  Gary North - Ben Bernank cartoon

  G. Edward Griffin - NeedToKnow.News      FreedomForceInternational     RealityZone 

  Geo Engineering Watch - Dane Wigington
  GizaDeathStar - Dr. Joseph P. Ferrel
  Glad News for Muslims - Samy Tanagho

  Gospel News Network - global news and podcasts

  Grace Community Church, Sun Valley CA 
  Greg Palast - investigative journalist
  Hagman & Hagman 
  Hal Turner Radio Show  - Conservative commentator
  Hawks Cafe - Field McConnell and David Hawkins
  Healthmasters - Dr. Ted Broer:  radio  -  Daily News
  Henry Makow  New location as of 11/30/2017
  Hour of the Time - Doyel Shamley
  Illuminati News - Scandinavian branch

Infogop.us  News Hosted from Macedonia

  International Health - Colloidal Silver     

InvestmentWatchdog - non-banker propganda

  IRS Exposed - Joe Banister


Israeli News Live  (NON-Zionist) Steven Ben De Noon

James Mc Canney   Audio archive

  James Perloff - Blog 

Jason Dean   BraveTV.com    Rumble 

  JimStone -
Fukushima disaster was man-made (Jim Stone missing since July 7, 2011 to Sept 28, 2011. Now in hiding due to life threats)
  Jordan Maxwell Show  
  Judicial Watch - Larry Klayman
  Junk Science - pseudo science discredited
  Keeping it Unreal - Donald Jeffries
   Kent Hovind - Evolution Discredited
  Kevin Blanch - anti nuclear activist

Kiffness   Cat Music  YouTube 

Klavan - Andrew Klavan commedian

  Knowledge of Health - Bill Sardi
  LateNiteLeroy - Tips & Tirades
  Leuren Moret - Geologist, anti-nuke advocate
   LibertytotheCaptives - Lisa Ruby
  LightOnConspiricies  - Ole Dammegard
  MadCowProd  -  Daniel Hopsicker (deceased 8/23/2023) 

  Man in America  Seth Holehouse  Homepage    Rumble

  Max Igan   Bitchute 

  Michael Rupert - Ex NARC agent (deceased 4/13/2014)
  MikeTokes - conservative investigator
  Milleneum Ark - Stan Deyo 
  - Leuren Moret, nuclear physicist 

  Monkey Werx  Military air traffic - non-classified

  Naked Bible - Mauro Biglino  Paul Wallis/Biglino interview

NaturalNews.com  - Mike Adams 

  The New American - John Birch Society

  NoLongerEnslaved  Laura Sanger Ph. D

  NoMoreFakeNews  -  Jon Rappoport
  NutriMedical  Deagle Network  -  Dr. William Deagle MD
  NSearch - alt energy techs

OneTrueCirstenW - Chinese Christian Patriot  (Deceased January 2022) Bitchute   UgeTube


Pilot Debrief   Youtube 

  The Power Hour - Knowledge is Power  - Daniel Brigman
  ProjectCamelot - Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan

Project Veritas - Criminal expose's

Pulse Gains - Crypto and economic analysis

  Q-Factor -  Steve Quayle
  RadChick YouTube channel   12/4 2016 health update 
  Ralph Epperson 

  RealDrJudy  -  Dr. Judy Mikovits Molecular Biologist

  RealJewNews - brothernathanaelchannel.com/ Bro. Nathaniel Kaplan
  Realist News - Jsnip 
  RealityZone - G. Ed Griffin 


  ReallyGraceful - News commentary

  Red Ice TV - Henrik Palmgren, Lana Lokteff - Conservative views from Sweden Viewable on Odysee   Rumble  

  RestoreAmericaPlan - Tim Turner - Nesara entertainment
News  (Nesara)  Dr. William B Mount YouTube Channel
        Neil Keenan  - chasing Yamachita's gold
        Document delivered to 50 governors but ignored
        Sam Kennedy weekly talk show Sundays 8pm EST
  Retaking America - Kelly McGinley - domain for sale


RoadToRoota  -  Bix Weir  Bitchute  YouTube

  Robert David Steele - Deceased August 28, 2021  -  Ex-cia Gov commentator PedoEmpire.org
   Robert Morey - FaithDefenders -  Islamic Expert

  Sarah Westall  HomePage   Bitchute Channel  YouTube channel-Censored
  Save The Males - Henry Makow 
   Scott Binsack - Deceased July 21, 2018   YouTube  Vimeo uncut,   Scott's last post  June 4, 2018  
      SGT Report  -  Bitchute     


SkyGlass - Aviarlabs - aircraft monitoring & tracking

   Solari  - Catherine Austin Fitts

 SoundHealthOptions  -  SoundHealthPortal  Sherry Edwards

  SpaceBusters - Bitchute channel

   SpecialGuests - Jerry McGlothlin booking agent
   Stan Deyo - astro and geophysical data


  StateOfTheNation - Important News of timeless nature

   Stefan Molyneux - Conservative philosopher 

  Stevie Triesenberg - Beechcraft Bonanza pilot

  StewPeters.com   StewPeters.tv   NetworkOnRumble - Stew Peters journalist

   Stew Webb - Extremist yes, not sure for who
Still Report YT-censored Bitchute- William Still reporting  BillStill.com

StopTheCrime.net  -  Deborah Tavares 

  Ted Broer - Healthmasters  Daily news headlines
  Ted Gunderson - deceased 8/1/2011 -FBI agent, Franklin coverup expert - data moved to Tinystars.org/
  Texe Marrs Power of Prophecy - Jerry Barret 
YouTube videos  BibleHomeChurch


Through the Bible - J Vernon McGee

TorProject.org  Caution- this is access to the dark web

 TheTruthAboutCancer.com - Charlene Bollinger 

  TruNewsRick Wiles
  Truth or Fiction - rumor verification
  TruthTellers.org - Rev. Ted Pike

  UNZ - World history that has been censored

  UrbanSurvival  -  George Ure, WebBot news

  USAWatchdog  -  Greg Hunter

Vaccine-Police - Vaccine hazards

  Vatican Assassins - Eric Jon Phelps (Warning, hyper Calvinist, Flat-Earther, but otherwise intense Vatican research)
  VeteransToday - Gordon Duff's opinions for Veterans
  Victurus Libertas VLTVBitchute Channel



  Walk the Talk - Kurt Kallenbach -

  Watch Unto Prayer - Barbara Aho
WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero

White Horse Media (Ministries) Steve Wohlberg

   Womensgroup - Joan Veon - passed away Oct. 18, 2012

  WonderHussy  -  Travel Southwest US

   X2-Radio  -  Brooks Agnew
X22 Report

  Zerohedge    non-zionist news

Specialized Sciences
  Astrophysics - Jim McCanney

Archived radio shows
  Astronomy - Major Observatories

Webb Space Telescope   Orbitting, 260 inch, 21.7 ft segmented mirror,

Hubble Telescope - Orbiting
96" Reflector
SOHO - Solar Observation
Orbiting Satellite
Gran Telescopio - Las Palmas, Canary Islands
409" Reflector (10.4 meter)
Keck Telescopes - Hawaii
393.7" Reflector  (10 meters) (2)
Cerro Paranal, Chile
322.8" (8.2 meter) Reflector
Mt. Palomar - San Diego California
200" Reflector Telescope
Mt. Wilson - Los Angeles California
100" Reflector Telescope

Assorted optical and radio telescopes
South Pole Observatory  - Live webcam

Other Sciences

Keshe Foundation 

Science Daily 

Tech Connect  


Apocrypha and extra biblical works
 posted for historical & cultural reference only
Book of Enoch
Book of Jasher
Works of Flavius Josephus
Kolbrin - (Culdian Trust)



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