The Word of God

Eternal Salvation
By God's Word
- God Did Create The Universe
- God Did Speak to Man With His Scripture, The Holy Bible
The written word
of God is the only reliable method man has to determine his eternal
destiny. Otherwise, who can determine one opinion over
another? Any man's word is as subjective as another's.
Scripture has stood the test of time. Opinions come and go with
the wind.
In God's word, we learn of a battle of the ages between the creator of
truth, God's word and the father of lies, Satan. If Satan could
pervert God's message to us, we would all be in bad shape. God is
not the author of confusion. That implies that Satan is.
Biblical scholarship should not be a monopoly held by people who use
large words. It is God's message to all of us with no exceptions,
other than to those who would pervert what He actually said.
Please educate yourself by learning what Les Garret has discovered
regarding the current translations of the Word of God we Christians
revere so dearly.
A columnist's report on Les Garret's findings
The Les Garret website
Secret Societies
Look who all share the same ideals.
Both belong to Skull & Bones

And this hand signal means what?
Maybe it means the same as this sign,
but do it twice...

These 4 are active members of
the Council on Foreign Relations
These 4 were all members of
the Masonic Lodge
Yes, even Josef Stalin
country of Ukraine FORBIDS any political official to belong to the Masonic Lodge, a
secret society. But strangely, in the US, it is almost a prerequisit to have some
secret inside contact to either get a high government job or big
government contract. Lockheed and Boeing have had Masonic leaders
for years. It's a pretty good assumption who controls the oil
industry too.
And another strange bedfellow issue. What do Mormons and Southern
Baptists have in common? Of a million and a half Masons in the
US, over half are Baptists. A sizeable portion of those are
PASTORS. Why is the Mormon religion so strange as far as secret
oaths and layererd membership? Joseph Smith was a Mason. He
structured the entire religion after the Masons. Most importantly
worshipping many gods instead of the One True God.
The Masonic Lodge issued a
decree in 1928 telling members to infiltrate all churches and
liberalize doctrine. The Masons have a different word for God. They
call him the architect of the universe. Excuse me, but an architect
is merely a hired hand. God CREATED the universe. No architect can
create anything but drawings on paper.
Continued: next column
Gold and the Love of Money
Scripture tells us the love of money is the root of all evil.
Experience teaches us the lack of money is the root of all compromise.
Gold is not an investment, and should never be treated as such, for scripture warns us not to put our faith in gold.
It is merely another form of money. One that is admittedly less subject
to arbitrary revaluation, but not totally immune to that either.
Roosevelt confiscated gold once, exchanging it for his fiat currency. It could happen again just as easily.
Luke 6:34, 35 discusses investment with your money exhorting one to
"...lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great..."
Investing in righteous humans to go out and accomplish good works in
Christ's name are the best "investments" to "store up your riches where
rust and moth do not corrupt." Stock in a small company run by
someone you know personally to be righteous is therefore more valuable
than gold, because it has the potential of doing good works. Gold just sits there and becomes an expensive burden to store safely.

What's in your sand hole?
DVD, Wide Screen, HDTV, 5.1 Surround Sound?
250 Channel Cable, 500 Channel Satellite?
Dial up, Broadband?
LA Times, USA Today, People Magazine?
And your mobile sand hole?
AM / FM / XM / CD / MP3 / DVD / Cassette / Cell / OnStar / GPS?
No problem.
Things are not evil by themselves.
But what are they TUNED to?
75% of All Media in the US
is Owned by only 5 Corporations.
One of these owns almost 2000 radio stations.
How Do You Know What They DON'T Tell You?
You Have to Look Elsewhere
And Discern for Yourself
THAT directly controls your mind.
The choice is yours.
This page reports on issues that are discussed nationally on either talk radio or streaming internet web sites, but never on TV.
We provide links to sites where you can research and confirm all these claims yourself.
Please don't stay in the dark.
Your entire future is at stake by merely not taking the time to listen.

Depleted Uranium
asked, the only nuclear war the United States is generally accused of
fighting would be against Japan by dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. But ever since the US started using depleted
uranium in its ordinary bullets and tank fighting shells, we have been
leaving radioactive uranium dust in many countries in amounts that
stagger the mind.
Nuclear scientist Leuren Moret reports we have left the equivalent of
83,000 Nagasaki sized bomb's worth of radiation in Iraq since Gulf War
One. We have also left dangerous amounts in Kosovo and Serbia
during the Clinton years. Neither political party is exempt from
the blame. Our own soldiers are returning with serious radiation
poisoning, which goes unreported in the major media and denied by
Veterans health officials.
Leuren's research is reported at
Here is a Flash montage that illustrates the urgency and danger of the issue.
And if you wonder what Chernobyl looks like now, 18 years after the
event, this report by a young lady named Elena will likely bring you to tears.
The late inventor Yull Brown offered a technolgy to the US Nuclear community in the mid-90's which was capable of neutralizing radioactivity from nuclear waste. They declined his offer. 2 reasons are speculated:
1. There is more bureaucratic and corporate profit to be made storing waste than making it harmless.
2. The US and ANY of all countries using nuclear power, do so
only to make weapon grade uranium. They need the generated waste
for only that purpose.
Secret Societies... continued from left column
The first commandment is to
have no other gods before Him. Any Masonic Baptist is an oxymoron, a
self-cursing total fraud and has no business in leadership. He is
there to devour the sheep, not feed them.
The protestant wing of Christianity is not the only church polluted by
Masonic intervention. The Catholic church has been infiltrated for
years as reported by
Historian Robert Goldsborough uncovered this dismal fact. The
state department in WWII was infiltrated with communist
sympathisers. Thank Masonic member and globalist-liberal Roosevelt for letting this
happen. The cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were selected by the
state department as the 2 nuclear targets. Much fact -twisting
historical fluff has claimed those 2 cities were producing military
weapons, hense were chosen for only that reason. But Robert
Goldsborough discovered from the American director of foreign
evangelism for the Catholic Church where the 2 greatest populations of
Japanese Christians were at during WWII... Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. Truman, though claiming to be a Baptist, was a 33rd
degree Mason. Another oxymoron. Ask any missionary today,
Japan is still one of the most difficult cultures to reach with the
Gospel. Consider the suicide bomber concept started with Kamakasi
pilots. Islam repeats the demented philosophy today. But in
the late 30's there was at least an attempted foothold to promote
truth in the country of Japan. A Mason's decission stopped it.
The US Supreme court lost majority vote control to Masons in the
50's. Wonder why such outrageous decissions for the next 50
years? Prayer? Abortion?
American and world politics won't make
any sense until you understand what's going on behind the rhetoric. Dr.
Stanley Monteith has invested years of research into this topic and
compiled his findings in the book "Brotherhood of Darkness." He also shares his wisdom on a daily radio show at
Additionally, Alex Jones at
provides more daily radio informaiton about secret society interaction
to advance the New World Order agenda. You will never understand
the insane actions of people in our government which go against any
logic or moral guideline that sensible people would follow, until you
understand the demonic control these organizations have over their
Major Solar Flares

The sky is not falling,
But things are sure falling from the sky.
in February 2003 our sun has been pummeled by a parade of incoming
comets from a generally southern direction. Each impact has
generated enormous solar flares. Some Flares were off the scale,
overloading all of NASA's satellite sensors. The only
astrophysicist reporting on this has been Jim McCanney. Sites
that should be saying something have been strangely silent.
owe it to yourself and the safety of others to place Jim's site on your
daily check list. Also listed here are the world's major
observatories which could break their silence at any time.

One of many incoming comets.
This one 4/17/2004
Water as Fuel
It has been possible to fuel an automobile with simple tap water for years.

Meyer from Ohio obtained 3 US patents to do this in 1990. He was
murdered on March 21, 1998. He had just finished a documentary
for a British journalist and offered his process to the Pentagon and
British Rayal Navy. His converted dune buggy
could get 100 mpg using tap water as fuel. He had just been
approved for a $50 million grant to put his technology into

Dingle from the Phillippines developed a different method to accomplish
the same feat. But he got strong armed by the International
Monetary Fund who forbid him from ever manufacturing his technology for
public consumption. At least Mr. Dingle is still alive. The IMF
has massive oil stock holdings and forbids ANY country that borrows
money from them to ever compete with any of their holdings.
Daniel was visited by representatives from Honda and BMW.
Apparently they also feared reprisals by IMF and although confirming
his technology, chose not to use it themselves.
The corrupt oil
industry has rallied behind any faulty alternative energy technology
that ultimately leads to more consumption of oil. But true
alternatives like these found by Dingle and Meyer are stifled. CommuteFaster maintains an ENERGY page that stays on top of genuine alternative energy technologies. Please bookmark it and check it at least once a week.
Peak Oil
Over 5 billion people's lives are at risk of being exterminated within the next 15 years. Occult based secret societies actually want this to happen. They will use the
world's addiction to a faulty source of energy, crude oil to accomplish
this diabolical goal unless good people intervene. Historian Dr. Henry Makow reveals who is behind this world domination through oil.
But don't get too depressed. There are solutions, as described in the
column above, provided investment money starts flowing toward genuine
clean technology, not the same old elitist's hype. Please
check out the latest in truly innovative energy technologies at CommuteFaster ENERGY and start putting your investments and savings where it will do humanity some good.
Rock the Vote?
Satanic philosophy has so permeated American society and culture as to
create the dumbest generation in world history. How can you "rock
the vote" and accomplish anything by electing the SAME CRIMINAL
POLITICIANS that made the 20th century the bloodiest in the history of
While claiming concern for the poor, the Democrats signed NAFTA and
GATT which sent hundreds of thousands of jobs overseas, destroying
American middle class.
While claiming to be pro-life, the Republicans authorized millions of
dollars to promote and pay for abortions. While claiming family
values, George Bush appointed more homosexuals in high offices than
Bill Clinton did.
Both parties cater to wealthy elite rather than follow our constitution.
The lesser of two evils is always still evil.
Exceptionally well researched historical facts about the growth of the New World Order agenda can be found at Dr. Henry Makow's site.
A political party that often runs true Christian candidates is the
Constitution Party, but you will find it heavily supported by cult leader Sun Yun Moon. The only answer is to MAKE EVERY POLITICIAN live up to their promises.
Never judge a candidate by their words. Always judge a candidate by their actions.