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Income tax itself is unconstitutional (see Bill Benson site), but to just stop paying it would be battling one criminal act with another. Expect nothing but trouble. Income tax was invented by the most deviant criminal minds in politics. Play by their rules until enough of the population is educated adequately to stop it through corrective government legislation. Alan Keyes refers to it as the "Slave Tax." He is correct. Don't vote for ANY candidate that wants to keep ANY form of income tax in existence. Any that do are just as corrupt as the charlatans we've had in office since 1913. The fruits of your labor belong to YOU!
A former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent reveals the ugly truth about income tax from his own insider research. See the Joe Bannister site.
Devvy Kidd, conservative politician from northern California, has also researched the national budget and discovered your income taxes don't even go to operate the government. Surprise! See what she uncovered at her site.
Once you understand the Federal Reserve System, you will see where changing who gets taxed is a viable alternative.
And until enough honest people get elected into office, consider using the SAME loopholes the politicians use to minimize their income taxes. Consider incorporating. Consider packaging your assets. Ever wonder how high profile figures can declare bankruptcy one month, and be managing a multi-million dollar project the next? Hollywood and politicians do it all the time by understanding corporate tax law. Learn what power corporations have that individual people do not have. And forget the big chain tax filing firms, get a knowledgeable tax specialist who knows what the IRS accepts and what triggers audits.
And a word to fellow Christians who only know one verse
about taxes: ..give unto Caesar what is Caesar's..
Please do yourself and those around you a favor and also
read what scripture says about tax collectors taking MORE than what is
legal in Luke chapter 19:8.
The following editorial is loaded with
If you can't handle the truth, don't
read it.
If you don't agree with something,
go get your own web site and spout off
Double talk, Double Speak, Political Spin, Smoke &
Mirrors, Clintonesque...
Right wing / Left wing extremists,
Religious Fanatics, Homophobes, Tree Huggers...
Who is really using the most "Hate Speech?"
Let's get some linguistics straight folks: it
IS a matter of what the meaning of is is!
Faith in God SAVES LIVES, ALL LIVES. The only people who should be afraid of this are murderers who take life and risk losing their own as the appropriate penalty.
FACT: ALL the Religious wars in history don't approach adding up to the total carnage caused by communists and atheists. How "religious" do you think Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pot or Mussolini were? I personally have met someone who's father was slaughtered by Stalin, when Russia was supposedly at "peace." Hitler was ELECTED by a population more concerned with their economy than his "character."
FACT: Abortion has ALWAYS BEEN murder.
Biology 101:
If you want to make a chicken, fertilize an egg.
If you want to make an alligator, fertilize an egg.
If you want to make a cow, fertilize an egg.
If you want to make a HUMAN BEING, fertilize an egg.
If you don't want to make a chicken, don't fertilize
the egg.
If you don't want to make an alligator, don't fertilize
the egg.
If you don't want to make a cow, don't fertilize the
If you don't want to make a HUMAN BEING, don't fertilize
the egg.
Any fertilized egg IS THAT CREATURE, stopping its growth
Who would dare smash a fertilized Condor egg?
Biology 102 :
Who is guilty of hating homosexuals?
Probably whoever kills more of them.
FACT: Grossly unsanitary behavior spreads disease.
FACT: If you don't want to get sick, don't do
anything that is grossly unsanitary.
FACT: ALL homosexual behavior is GROSSLY UNSANITARY.
The ACTIONS DEFINE the term "homosexual."
Responsible (religious) people have been trying to
warn the homosexual community for centuries that their own actions will
lead to early death BY DISEASE,
NOT VIOLENCE, just as you would warn a child doing
ANYTHING dangerous.
Bill Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Al Gore,
Ted Turner know this. Guess why they ENCOURAGE homosexuals to "keep
on keeping on?"
If you think the Democratic Party is a friend of this
minority group, you are sadly mistaken. Please take a few minutes
and read these 2 research reports.
Editorial/report by Dr. Stanley Montieth: The Population Control Agenda
Editorial/report by journalist Eric Margolis: Governments Kill More People Than Wars
And if you can spare the funds and time, go buy the book "Emerging Viruses, Aids and Ebola" (Horowitz) to see where these MAN MADE diseases came from. It is a thick and very detailed book that shows conclusively who is responsible for some of the most grotesque bigotry in the history of our planet.
AIDS could have been STOPPED in the early 80's, but militant "population control" groups twisted the truth and let those who were rushing toward a cliff "keep on keeping on". Why? Ask them. Christians and many other religious groups tried to shout "LOOK OUT", but the liars screamed louder. Look at the death rate in Africa now from AIDS. This "population control", "new world order" group doesn't care about human life, any human life, especially black or homosexual. They just want power, at any cost.
Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood. Adolph
Hitler studied her writings before writing Mien Komfpt (sp?). Why
do black inner cities have the highest density of abortion clinics?
Sanger was a bigot beyond description. Planned parenthood carries
on her pre-Nazi-esque beliefs.
My intent here is not to start a theological debate with anyone. I have read the Bible all the way through. Have you? When you have, you will have to make the decision to accept or reject the sacrifice Christ paid for us. If you choose to accept, the conscience God inscribed on all our hearts will become visible again. The old sinful nature will become offensive to you and repentance to turn around and do righteous behavior will become your new desire. If you still choose to continue sinning and blaming others or God for everything that goes wrong in the world, you have missed the point of scripture and are not repentant, and apparently, according to the book of James, not saved yet. Go back and read it again. You won't find God's truth anywhere else.
Great Bible teaching is available from these following web sites also. May the Lord lead us all to better understanding of his truth.