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 Updated 12/23/2024   Consider the REAL price you pay for Energy:  Pollution  &  Human Life CommuteFaster ENERGY News 
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Incompetent Subway authorities in NY  12/23/2024

Quality pages by brilliant minds are disappearing behind paywalls or getting hunted down for extermination by Bibi and his demons. Brendon O'Connel, Juxtaposition, Jim Stone.

CommuteFaster needs $1,800 immediately for too many emergencies to list.

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Sorry for the length of this video, but it is the ONLY one to mention the RIPPLE technology and its consequences. Rather chilling to learn about when you find out what it can do in the wrong hands, like shithead politicans. Hint: why did America's nuclear testing stop when it did? 8/27/2024

Is Tesla Motors' fraud the end of the electric car? YouTuber Scotty Kilmer has some serious comments (first 6:45 mins). 7/28/2024

This image was banned on Twitter/X.

Chemtrails 0 China Lake airspace March 29 2024


This video was removed from TikTok..

45,000 died within 3 days after Covid Vaccine

A hidden government database revealed this data. Fact announced at a medical conference in Anaheim CA May 2024.  5/17/2024

Henry Kissinger was directly responsible for using Israel to move US high technology to Asia. This 1 hour 28 min video explains how he did it and who took America's jewels. Bibi Netanyahu was Henry's accomplice. 5/1/2024

19 years of running this alternative energy website makes me wonder if ANYONE really wants to get real clean energy to market?

The credit system run by banks is rigged against the little guy. Governments only fund political donors, NEVER legitimate technology. The likes of popular names like Musk, Gates, Zuckerberg or Besos have always been spoiled brat rich kids with money ties since birth that normal people just don't have. Then they took their millions, signed a deal with CIA, and became billionaires.

This site has met and compiled a long list of inventors with promising test performance, but serious capital is needed to get anything fully tested and proven, manufactured and made readily available to the public. Until then, any patent that really works gets grabbed by the military industrial complex with infinite fiat money and then gets weaponized.

We have lost too many briliant mnds in the last few years who never found the capital to get their inventions into the hands of the public. Let's not let another great idea go to the grave with its creator.  1/5/2024

Satan's Toolbelt

The 3 biggest electronic media networks who made billion$ pointing cameras at liars, baffoons and thieves and framed all stories by government propaganda guidelines. 1/5/2024

Tesla 2024 Calendar 



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Important reports from the past
  • May 16, 2006 mafia style hit as reported by Sterling Allan at FreeEnergyNews.com
  • Ken Rasmussen comments on investing in new energy  technologies

Senile Criminal Joseph Biden  10/23/2024

War crimes commited by Israel. 10/21/2024

Israel Bombs and destroys a Christian Village in northern Lebanon.

Israel bombs and destroys a Christian Village inLebanon

TruNews Audio 10/15/2024

Kamala banner

Complete repentance and the Constitution Party are America's only hope.  8/27/2024

What should America do now?   Trump Ear after assibation attempt

Somethng supernatural happened July 13, 2024 in Butler PA. But WHICH supernatural force was involved?

There has been no shortage of opinions and podcast talking heads attempting to explain the chaos. Here is my 2 cents worth of summary:

Brilliant, but highly opinionated observer Brendon O'Connel has branded Donald Trump as a loose cannon for calling Lockheed Martin on the carpet for losing technology. Brendon further explained to viewers Project Talpiot and Unit 8200 in Israel are under Bibi's thumb to control ALL computers aroud the world, BECAUSE ALL US tech companies have branches in Israel. Brendon has since been deplatformed from Rumble.

Brother Nathaniel, raised Jewish, now Orthodox Christian has this to say.

StateOfTheNation.co has pointed to Rabbinical Jews wanting to name Trump as the "Moshiac" (messiah) because of a reference to blood on the right ear in the Old Testament.

We all know everything NSA spies on gets cc'd to Mossad in Israel via Project Talpiot and Unit 8200, but they failed to keep maggots off Bibi's table at the Watergate Hotel after his joint session of congress commedy speech.

Rick Wiles at TruNews.com exposed Bibi as a hen pecked wimp with a biig mouth. His WIFE really runs Mossad, not Bibi.

Then on July 26, 2024, Trump invited the antichrist to dinner at Mira Lago. Ignor the distracton of the possible Masonic handshake. Listen to what Trump says at the 7:26  minute point during after dinner Press Q&A. We now learn his "secret weapon."

Is Trump working with Mossad? Just who IS he working with or for? When is he joking and when is he teling the truth? Does he really grab pussy, but had no intention to build the wall?

A retired Air Force Lt. Col Dr. Sandy Miarecki working with a group planning to retun the US to its original Constitution has this to say in hopes DJT will help do it.

The entire political arena is a Mel Brooks scripted commedy. And I always thought the first Blazzing Saddles was the most vulgar moveie ever made.  We are now living the Tripple XXX version part two.

The long mentioned "New World Order" is proving to be a group of jackals fighting over a piece of meat. Don't get caught in the crossfire7/248/2024

Bolshevik history

IS = Isis Egyptian god

RA = Rah, Egyptiin sun god

EL = El, very contoversial among  Hebrew scholars, but possibly Angel (fallen)

Question: WHO was Jacob really talking to when he was renamed Israel? Jesus never taught to worship any race. He said to "follow Him" to know the loving Father.

Bibi Netanyahu is running a vendictive evil sex and death cult, Synagogue of Satan and has no place among humanity.


Up for debate but, MY nominations for False Prophet and the Antichrist of our day are: John Hagee and Bibi Netanyahu. Image links to comments by Pastor Chuck Baldwin.

False Prophet & the Antichrist of our day 

And, Anthropologist Dr Robert Sepehr exposes the similarity of Khazarian (mafia) DNA to that of Fallen Angels, Nephelem. Debate all you want, but the actions in Gaza are not those of life respecting human beings.


Trotsky quote on bankers

Trotsky creditted banking for the growth of Communism. Watch Europa to see who and what was behind Bolshevism. Blood thirsty greed and reasoning you wouldn't expect from a lizard. 4/14/2024

Zionist controlled media offers American voters the choice between shit-pants Biden or shit-head Trump.

Biden's politics

 Trumps' Zionist controllers

Trump talks MAGA, but sold his soul to Jewish bankers in NY, the state run by Jewish mobsters.

Classic sermon by Chuck Baldwin:

A Succession Of Antichrists  3/7/2024

FCC controls content 

Choice comment to WEF1/25/2024

ALL small business are at risk with Biden's militarized IRS.  1/5/2024

Zionists conttrol the Goyim via Freemasonry which controls City of London banks and the enitire fiat money system. Just look at Israel and Gaza to see where this world control is heaaded. 1/5/2024

Dual Israeli Citizens in US Government positions

Dual Israeli Citizens in US Government positions.

What part of Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky were Jewish don't you understand? 6/9/2023

Jewish names controling media in the US6/6/2023

All aspects of Covid are Jewish6/6/2023

Commie Propaganda - Revoke their Broascast Licences

Hunter Biden Fraud

Jets & Limos



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Since all wars are banker wars, paid for on both sides. The only innovation that gets capitalized must first be weoppnized.

Juxtaposition (a retied CPA who audited banks and knows where the money came from and goes to) comments about the Swiss Banking Authority controlling ALL technology down to your personal bank account.  10/27/2024

Professor James McCanney now has a YouTube channel. It is now able to add graphics to his lectures.  10/27/2024

Ratheon contractor reveals what's being done in Antartica.

Short interview

Long interview


Minnesota passes law to enable use of flying cars.  7/28/2024

Tesla Wardencraft experiment

Snow & solar don't mix 


All you have to do is just look at it. The James McCanney Wing Generator obviously grabs more wind energy than any 3 blade design.

James McCanney Wing Generator system


Purchase Bitcoin using cash at a Kiosk near you. No Bank Acccont personal information neceary.

Coinme Bitcoin vending kiosks


Villiers jet charter

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Electric Cars

Freeway Legal, Totally Electric
lines of cars available at new showrooms today:

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Electric Boats & Watercraft

Air & Water Purification

JimMcCanney Water Filters

Tri-Oxy Ozone treatment

Vollara O3 and UV light

Manufacturer of Iron Phosphate Batteries:

Power-Sonic, Reno NV

Radiation exposure: Recommended nutritional prevention measures compiled by Dr. Bill Deagle with hands on experience dealing with radiation sickness. 4/1/2011
- - -

21.8% Efficient Solar Cell
21.8% efficient Solar Cells
A wide array of DIY electric supplies can be found at EVTV.me

Aftermarket Hybrid conversion motors.
Net-Gain Motors go-ev.com

Best site for build your own electric vehicle projects.  EVTV - Store
Five Gas Analyzer
If you do mechanical experimentation on your vehicle with any fuel modification, you need to know what it is doing with the exhaust emissions. 

Organic Oil absorber 

Keshe Foundation* Group of links

*Disclaimer: Early research by Mehran Keshe showed some interesting promise. But after declaring himself messiah, his 4 hour long teaching videos are now mostly incoherent ramblings of some strange religious philosophy, nothing about why his theories work or how to make them work. We provide links here for anyone to research on their own 

We acquired one of his Pain Pens, and saw no productive results. So most of this medical claims are just empty claims. 

Manipulation of mass, is another aspect requiring scientific control rather than philosophical claims backed only by emotion. His implication that anyone can just make critical components at home in their kitchen, and obtain consistent results is simply absurd.

Tied to his religious philosophy, recent videos imply his "spaceships" will be controlled mentally, and only by those following his religious beliefs.  It should be brought to everyone's attention, Mehran Keshe is not the first to make this claim.  Otis T. Carr said something similar. And there are still people alive today who claim it actually flew. Ralph Ring is one of them.
- - - -
Refer to 2015 archive for KF Blue Print and training.



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For anyone following the Iraqi Dinar fiasco, here are 2 sites to watch.


And if it ever does exchange at a new better rate, it has to show up on a legitimate FOREX exchange rate conversion chart.


Just remember, the rumors have been 100% wrong for years. But they only have to be right just once to make somebody's day

Companies to watch.
Products not readily available yet, but their R&D looks very promising.

Keshe Foundation - Italy

Searl Magnetics - Alternate link 

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 TeslaTec.info Extraordinary Technology Conference

Albuquerque NM

False Flags, riots, loss of rights, phony plagues, MK ultra Manchurian shootings, more lies from fake government, and... 
According to Ben Franklin, Death and Taxes. I guess he met a banker.
We Strongly

Magnetic Energy (Motors)
Advanced Electrolysis
(water as fuel)
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Infiltration destroys any organization Parts 1, 2 

2013 Video commentary
by Ken Rasmussen, the editor of Commutefaster
California Eng Cm

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Proof Apollo DID go to the moon

Prof James McCanney


Keshe Foundation
ISS Webcam
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Dutchsinse  - dsRadio

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EVTV YouTube channel




Two Minute News

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Don't Dig Here:
Sweet People:

Manhattan Project: Gruesome Details  Pix

Nuke tech given to Russia Mjr. Jordan


Jim Stone pdf

Gary Vesperman


William Tomkins 

MIB  research
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